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hey..........just hey. You know everything you said is bang on eh. I know it makes no sense. How can you push away the only thing you want and love...I know. I know it makes no sense. Maybe some day I will fix it............ All I want to do. I don't know how. And I figured you would help me. You would make it go away.

Im so sorry. Talking to you made me understand. You do have the same feelings as I do. You just love yourself and wont tolerate it. And that just makes me love and respect you more. Youre a pain but youre worth it...My logical mind knows what I have to do. My broken heart just wants to wallow. I cant love you until I love myself................

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I was doing very well alone. Then I met you, not a boyfriend or anything serious, just a crush... But, man, a crush that crushed my heart big time. That's why I left you right way, Mr. Trouble. The thing I hate most was you saying something and doing another, was driving me crazy, making me insane and turning me into a person I'm not. So, my advice to you, grow up and learn from your mistakes for you next relationship. I've unburdened myself of you. I've already said those things to him tough 😌

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You talk about getting clarity like a blanket was pulled up from over your eyes and you see the world now. Like I was that blanket. Like I blinded you from reality. You talk about getting pieces of yourself back after spending 3 weeks seeing old friends and going back to church. As if I was ever a ball and chain or a leash that held you back from anything.


My love never held you back from being yourself. I never held you back from anything. I was your friend and your partner. Always. I ALWAYS had your back. And I would've died for you and been loyal and committed to you until the day I die.


Your talk of clarity is just you being a coward. The same coward you always were anytime you had to deal with any kind of problem or emotion. Whether your own or someone else's.


I spend so much time wishing I still had you, wishing you'd come back. But he truth is... I ask myself daily if I would even want you back?


Why would I want to be with someone who runs from their emotions and their problems? Whose ENORMOUS pride prevents them from taking any responsibility for their actions and words. Who can never admit to being wrong. Who can never admit to having insecurities or fears or emotions. How could I EVER be with someone that could never admit to needing someone.


You think you're so much better than me. That you have your life and emotions more in check than I do. That you're more stable than I am.


But you're not any better than me.


You spent a lot of time kicking me down and making me feel weak and pathetic and small. And then left me like I was the one who was treating you badly.


If the worst I ever did to you in three years was ask you to love me, and showed you emotions... Then I'll sleep just fine at night when I finally get to the other end of this road.


But you... You'll carry it around forever. Because you're a coward. You haven't even given yourself any time to grieve or feel any emotions towards this loss. You just repressed it and moved on as quickly as possible and did what you did best, blame it all on someone else... Me.


And when the day comes that you realize just how good you actually had it... Then you'll feel the gravity of what you've done and what you've thrown away. And you'll have to carry around the knowledge that you broke the heart and spirit of a man who would've remained faithful, loyal, and in love with you until the day you died. And by then, I'll have gone through the actual emotions and feelings that represent healing and moving on from loss, and I'll have gained ACTUAL clarity.


So enjoy your so called new found "clarity" ... Go out and replace me as quickly as possible, repress me with brand new emotions and memories and love and sex with a new man. And when he sees through your bull and realizes just how unreachable and incapable of actual long term love you are, AND that you're still hung up on all of your exes... And he leaves you or more than likely, you leave him like the coward you are. I won't allow you to come to me for the closure you'll so deperately need.

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lonliness is starting to kick in. i have NOBODY to come home to. i secretly wish you'd surprise me by just showing up at the airport or something. the times i want to call you are times my head is screaming that i "NEED" you. i don't. and that's selfish and weird anyway. i don't understand why my brain keeps thinking that. sometimes i wish i would just act on my feelings. other times i'm glad we can just move on. we had closure and everything. i'm not sure why i have this nagging feeling of something's not right, if we just reached out, we'd figure it out. i think it's the broken promise of friendship that's holding me back. my brain just isn't grasping that someone that loved me promised me something and decided not to follow through. totally... rude. insane. frustrating. whatever. time will heal everything. *patiently waits*

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You told me you hated the job, you hated taking care of the kids, you not sure if you can cope with the job.

I told you to quit, its not worth the time and money for such little pay and damaging our relationship.


You told me, you'll quit within the week.

2 months pass by and then you told me you couldn't handle the job.

I told you the same thing, just quit as now YOU got no time to spend time with me but dying to see me. Furthermore no time to spend with friends and family.


Then 5 weeks ago you said you couldn't handle it, being in a relationship at this young age. Saying how guilty you felt and couldn't take it any longer. And the only choice is to break up now.


How could you just quit on me and not quitting your ty job that you hated so much since early this year??!!


Good riddance.

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well. I wouldn't be talking to you except...I had a crappy night. Yep you're still my happy place. You have that way of compartmentalizing that I can only dream of.


I had a blah day. Finally unloaded on my boss about it all. He already knew. But it was a relief to get it off my chest. To admit my performance has pretty much sucked the last month, that was hard. Admitting I need time off, but I cant do it. I need crazy leave. Work is messed up, but it forces me to do something. I go in and don't talk to anyone, which is sooooo not me, but its so much better than staying home not talking to anyone. Then I completed a project, end of day today. And felt great. Until I came home. I hate coming home. Its empty and I have no motivation. But I was ok today,


And then...well and then.. I was there again for a friend...been there the last month for them...sucked it all up..then something happened yet again with me and poof....they were gone. shocking eh.


Im turning off my phones. Im done talking to anyone. Cause that's proof. I give my all. Push my crap aside and I still get the shaft. I'm just better off not caring.


We talked for couple hours yesterday.... it was nice. But it was fake. It was nice to pretend it was all normal. It wasn't. But that's ok.. Part of the breakup process right? By the time you comeback.....I'll have so much resentment it wont matter. Im pretty sure you will come back, but I don't think I will be initiating anything again. I know I probably wont be able to resist your contact but I can avoid contacting you again......... Have a good life k


I know. I know. I will be fine. But that wall. So many pieces chipped off. Wont be much left for anyone else.............

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aw well....that was short lived. went to bed two hours ago. cant sleep, got up. I've hit the anger stage finally, and suddenly. Went through all our pictures. Wow. Do we ever have a story............

I'm so Pi$$ed off. cause you broke my heart. But that's the first stage for me.


So when you contact me..........I prob wont be as open hearted........ sucks......You think its all or nothing for you.... well...you aint seen nothing.......I'm open or I'm closed. And hurt me enough........ there isn't anyway.......no chance for anything.. not even friendship. Even though you'd probably be a good friend... Why is my timing off all the time?

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You texted yesterday. I haven't answered. Well I guess you didn't really text. You answered me... so it doesn't really count I guess. Cant talk to you...just cant. lets see how long it lasts I suppose. I cant believe how much I miss you. its crazy. Ah well. We will both be fine right. Some day.

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Today I am sad. Today I looked at some of your social media... I knew I shouldn't but I did. I'm glad you're happy with her. But it upsets me that I was so easy to get over after all you said to me. It upsets me that you hurt me so much and get to move on and forget I existed. For once, it would be nice to feel like I was worth something. It would be nice if I could meet someone new who treats me the way I deserve. You hurt me soooo much and it still feels like I'm the one being punished because all the people I seem to meet are morons. The worst part is, even if you knew exactly how hurt I was, you wouldn't care. You never did.

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I'm so confused about you. Last month you were going on about starting lives together. Engagements and such.


Then you told me you went to a strip club, got lapdances, something we both agreed was out of bounds for US. But I guess not for YOU. Obviously.


Your finances are horrible. And you show zero motivation on doing what's necessary to pay them off as soon as possible. You feel that you HAVE to have your netflix, your extra wifi, your app subscriptions, your dine-ins and fast food? Shoot you're military! They give you food for free! But you still spend money.


I love you so much, but at 23, you're not where I want you to be in maturity or impulse control. Are you worth me waiting on? I dont know. Is it fair for me to wait on you though? You asked what can you do to regain my trust? I dont know you tell me. We're long distance right now: what CAN you do! All you can give me is words now. But I no longer trust you. You're as close to a soul mate as I can imagine. But you're not ready to be an adult. And I can't force you.

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This healing process is tougher than I expected it to be, it feels like I'm bleeding out slowly and it isn't going to stop anytime soon. In the past, my breakups have all been similar in the healing process, violently painful gushing of my insides and my life changing and then calm. This one is not at All like that, it's slow and drawn out, but level all the way through, I cannot tell you that it hurts any less than it did the moment we broke up and the only change im seeing is how often I think of the pain. It's like I've learned to ignore it, but whenever I think of it, which is still often, it feels just as fresh as it did a mo and a half ago. It's giving me less hope of a full recovery and fear I've been jaded this time. I still think of you every single day, I still feel confused about how you feel and I still feel broken that I can't see your face or have what we did. Now I think the difference eis that I understand and comprehend you will never contact me again. I no longer look for you on this site as I stuoidly did even though you were never here, you don't think of me anymore it's the only thing that makes sense... If you thought of me or missed me, you would have reached out , because I reached out and you gave me the ultimate form of rejection , radio silences as if I had been gisel or some girl you just met. You know I never felt good enough to you, from the moment on our Halloween cruise when I found all those other girls in your phone to the moment when you kept condemning me for "not loving you". No matter how many ways I tried to show you I was head over heels for you, you never accepted it... And I don't understand why.. Then when you look at actions when they really matter , like now when both of us have nothing to lose and the titles have been lost, who is the one mourning us? Me. Who forgot me in a day? You. That is so black and white that you were the one who actually didn't love me... Maybe that's why u couldn't accept my love , because you never had it, so you couldn't believe I did??

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March 20th 2015 changed it all for me, then that stuff middle of April I wanted to be friends but when I know that one rule for me all this time and everyone else is permitted acceptance, the unfairness of that truth snapped my heart in two You still have no idea I know you just think I am being rude, I'm not I am protecting myself from you further hurting me again. I will still cry but you won't be the cause for once.

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You showed up to watch our baby with a big fat hickey on your neck. You're disgusting and tacky , you're 37 years old! I don't know why you can break my heart so easily. You quit on me, our marriage and our new family when I lived for you. You took me for granted and went out of your way to actively ignore the things I did for you. You filled yourself with resentment and complained to your friends while you ate the lunches I packed for you in the clothes I washed and folded for you. Then came home to the house I cleaned for you and the dinners I prepared for you then sat and played video games on the console I bought you while you ignored our new baby. You left 8 months ago and your thoughtlessness still devastates me. I hate you right now. I'm looking forward to when I feel nothing. You're a sociopath, so emotionally dead I don't think you're really capable of loving selflessly. I should have seen the signs and run the other way from you when I had the chance. Instead I loved you even more and thought I could fill that black hole inside of you.

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Only now am I really seeing you with eyes wide open. I see why everyone else thought you weren't good enough for me. Even your close friend who said "You guys aren't right for each other!" was totally right. Your OKC profile is...hilarious. And very accurately nailed your personality type. The more I see you, the more I realize...your heart may be in the right place, and you're a good person...but you're not a real person.

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