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I miss you super badly today


I hate this. I don't know why today all of a sudden I miss you out of the blue. I always miss you a bit, but today its worse. Maybe it was your mom emailing me the other day, or your sister commenting my facebook. I don't know....but I don't like this. It's taking every ounce of strength I have in me not to text you. I wonder- would it really be THAT bad- just a simple 'Hey just wondering how things are going with you' text. But then I realize OF COURSE IT WOULD BE THAT BAD! No good has EVER come from texting you! It's been a little over a month since we texted. If you wanted to hear from me you probably would have texted me. But yet after the last time you texted me, I did ignore it for a day- then replied and was kind of mean. But why shouldn't I have been mean? You had been playing with my head for WEEKS! First you tell me you 'love me no matter what' something that you just SHOULDN'T say in this position! WHY DID YOU SAY THAT UGH!!! Only made things worse and harder for me! Then you said for weeks you would try to call but never did. I realized you didn't want to, so I let you be. Then you randomly texted me a few days later saying 'I'll try to call you later?' Of course I was annoyed- you were playing games with me!


SCREW THIS! I HATE THIS WHOLE THING! IT'S BEEN MONTHS SINCE WE EVEN SO MUCH AS SPOKE BUT YET YOUR STILL SCREWING WITH MY LIFE! I wish I could erase you, erase everything we ever had- anything we ever were! I wish I never met you!!!



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I feel Really bad today, I just dont know what it is about you that has my power. I love you so. I wanted to talk to you so bad, Its been almost 6 weeks now since you left, I know we speak more than we should, I just miss you being here. us eating together, talking together, planning things together, We talked on Sunday when I came up and fixed your car. That made me happy, Even though you were stand offish, You almost kissed me in the car good bye when I asked for one last hug. Why do you push yourself away from us so hard? You know I am trying to fix me, I am trying to do the right thing, I would love for you to be by my side for this, And I would love to be by your side as you get better as well. Why all of this nonsense? This is us we are talking about. Are we not worth it anymore? Has there been so much pain that you cant feel and give the love anymore? Please help me understand....

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SCREW THIS! I HATE THIS WHOLE THING! IT'S BEEN MONTHS SINCE WE EVEN SO MUCH AS SPOKE BUT YET YOUR STILL SCREWING WITH MY LIFE! I wish I could erase you, erase everything we ever had- anything we ever were! I wish I never met you!!!


Yup. I wish I could do that with my ex too. Would be so much easier than all of this mental anguish.

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cant you see or feel how much pain I am in. I know all about me right? But is it? You are the one who left me. left everthing, You left so fast you only took one bag of clothes, everthing is still here.. I am all alone here with all of yours and our things, the house you picked out for us to buy together. Why? why couldnt you just say , heh we need to go and get help otherwise I am leaving.. You didnt even tell me in person, You left a 3 sentence note after 8 years and tried to cut off all contact from one another. Really and I am the bad one? You have your family, you have your 'special clients' what the heck. dont you even feel anything? You got mad at me on sunday from those nasty textes I sent ya Saturday, and yelled at me on Sunday, then Yelled at me on Sunday because I was hesitent on coming up with your tires for your car that you got a flat in. I came up there, I had my boys, Had to drop them off. Then came up 2 hour drive to fix your flat tire, Then gave you my car to use to fix your car, On top of all of that I gave you 1k cash for you to survive and hopefully go get therapy, I could use the money, i have to move from this house in like 2 weeks, I am buying another house. need to rent a place for a month or so. Do you care? dosent seem like it. you dont even car about your cat that is still here or all of your personal belongings, You want me to put them in storage for you. I am just really hurting and Love you so much, Please come back home...

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I just want you to be more clear with your feelings. Do you regret this at all now? You're not normally ever a person to make a huge decision and go back on it, since you were 14.. so that's always worried me. I'm trying to keep thinking this is permanent. But your words make it hard to not have hope. Ah crap. Today I really miss you and I haven't missed you this hard in a long time. You were my best friend since we were 16.. Everyday I miss you but with all the NC I can only miss you from a distance, which in turn makes the feeling change somewhat. I know you aren't one to be straight up, you write all these paragraphs. I don't know what you expected me to think of the email. I could tell the message from the day before was more calculated, thought out. This email SOUNDED like you, like an emotionally driven you. Because I still know you... Hopefully if/when I receive more contact you can be more clear about what's going on because I can't respond to something that isn't clear and you better know that.

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So L is pregnant... Wow, did that bring up afew issues for me. I was goind pretty well until that hit.

Of course she asked for my advice on abortion. That took me back to when we were 18 and in the same situation.

You always resented me for insisting on it, didnt you? I had my reasons, and lets be honest, you wouldnt be at Uni and you wouldnt be travelling around the world with your new boyfriends if i'd of made you think differently. But you need me to blame for it and I accept that.


Anyway... My day has been pretty up and down. Went to the pub in a bad mood and S texted just at the right time. She really is helping me through this... I feel so wanted tonight. Found out a girl is obsessed with me, but alas she is only 17, so a no go. But it's great to feel important and wanted again.


Infact, that pushed me to look you up on facebook. I see you've changed your profile pic again. Showing off your legs. They are damn good and I dont blame you for using them to make yourself feel better. Im proud I can feel that way. Hasnt really affected me all that much to be honest.


I'm getting on with life and im attracting attention while i'm doing it.

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I miss you. I want to call you right now, but I need to respect your boundaries. I just wanted to tell you how my day went today and how I'm excited about the next couple days. I have a few great things going on in life right now and I wish you were with me to enjoy them too. Wow, I miss you so much. More than you'll ever know.

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Why did you text me yesterday? You've been on my mind ever since! I feel more i control after I waited hours to respond and kept everything short but part of me didnt want to end the conversation even though i knew I had to. You werent saying what I needed to hear, so I didnt want to hear any more. Why did you text me after exactly a month? Do you miss me? You're still with her so i doubt it. Do you just want to mess with my head? Well congrats....youve gotten back inside of my head. I never got you out of it in the first place i guess.

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I miss you so,

Seems like it's been forever,

That you've been gone.



Still think about you alot. I guess I just want to keep you vivid in my memories.

Even though I broke up with you. It feels like the other way around.

I didn't want us to end.

But stuff happens and we can only learn to deal with it aye?

And be hopeful that another day brings new dreams and light.

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Where'd you go?

I miss you so

Seems like its been forever that you've been gone

Where'd you go?

I miss you so

Seems like its been forever that you've been gone


It's weird cos I don't ever listen to this song. But it popped up in my head yesterday and today. It's so simple but it still captures the essence of things.

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so here iam back again wanting u back in my arms... i no longer want u but have the sudden urge to need you. the tomes i catch my self being alone i think about you... i think about you being here by my side and holding me till the very end...or so i thought... in my mnd you were a bette person than i thought u were in reality but in that respect i could say that i m delusional... a false sense of reality. it just seems so easy to come back to you with open arms but i know if i do its onyl going to get worst... i miss u and yet i still ...love you... even after all this pain i almost feel like running back to you, to beg you to come back to me... but i know i will lose my sense of self respect...and its only a temporary relieve.. i honestly dont know how to get over you... u were different compared to my last... because i know this time u want to stay friends and i guess im trying to put aside my feelings and kind of separate the feeling between friendship and ex lovers.... i want it so bad that i dont want to lose you as a friend... cause ur still special to me....i shared to many memories with you... i guess im scared if i let go that u ll forget about me... u ll forget about us....i swear to you that i made no mistake of loving you and i hope u didn't too... please dont forget about me...

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For some reason unknown to me I feel like I've had a set back and I don't know why! Yesterday was such a hard day- I haven't been that upset in over a month, probably longer. I literally cried myself to sleep at 7:30 last night. I just layed there listening to sad songs. WTH is wrong with me? Why am I all of a sudden feeling this way again? I thought I was over this stage? It kind of feels like its January all over again for me! I had finally stopped obsessing over my phone, but now I look at it again almost expecting you to call. I don't know why- it's been a month since you even texted me, haven't spoken sine January- you haven't randomly called me out of the blue since before my birthday right after New Years....nothing is going to make you randomly text me now out of the blue. But still I look at the phone like maybe you will. What's wrong with me????


And today with the icky weather, all I can think about is how much I miss cuddling with you. Watching a movie in your room, sitting by the fireplace in the livingroom. I just miss that.

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Once upon a time.....

there was a boy who gave his heart to a girl,

he jumped into love without a parachute and then he started to fall

no matter what she did, no matter what was done

he always knew she was there and that she would be the one

until one day a child and nearly nine years on

she threw is heart into the bin, turned and she was gone

he saw the gates of hell in his eyes and she fell for another man

the boy looked down at his shattered face and then it all began

he took the first piece of his broken heart and placed it in his chest

he swore he would fix every single piece and simply would not rest

now she's gone and all thats left is the face of his son

to ensure he turns this little man into a perfect gentleman

the boy did fix his heart, and he did fix his soul

he will live happily ever after because you're worth nothing at all.


The end.



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What a strange, strange feeling. I don't want to break NC. I know i have said this before in the past. But i went on fb and everything and i have zero desire to break NC to look at you and your new girlfriend. Am I finally realizing i don't want to feel like crap anymore?


Puzzling. So VERY puzzling.

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I almost broke up with my new boyfriend today...I don't think its fair to him that he can be sleeping

right next to me and all the mean time while Im dreaming about you...I had a dream you were unhappy and you

wanted me back...It felt so real but i know it will never happen...You told me your the happiest you ever been...

So its unlikely to happen and I shouldn't be thinking this way anyways....I have a man who loves me and wants

long term with me...we even discussed kids and being happy yrs down the road together...

I feel like Im going to end up doing to him the same thing I did to you Self Sabatoge...Punishing him for things

I don't need to be thinking about, no point thinking about....Like I did with you.... Id get mad if I even thought you

were staring at another girl...Instead of saying to myself " this is normal for a man to look" I said to myself, "whats she have

that I don't have, why is he even with me?...." I need to find me more...Somehow...I just don't knwo how...I can't even

stick to the same routine day by day...I know why you go tired of trying with me...All the time with me not even knowing

thats what you were doiing was trying to make it work=(

It saddens me...I loved you...care about you still and you don't...and if you do, you just will not tell me and it kills me to know you

can't talk to me...Im starting to cry thinking about how wrong you have been to me since we broke up... It's like we were so much to

eachother and then DONE...FINISHED..IM DEAD TO YOU....!!I wish youd contact me and at least check in and see if im still alive...

but you won't even do that...Its my fault, I wronged you by talking to ur bestfriend and family and bringing you up....I know!! and I

apologized to you about it ...

He still contacts me to chill, he wants to hang out soon and he invited me and my new bf...I told him okay, but will prob never end up

going, he reminds me too much of you, he is your friend..and from the beginning has been....But what kind of friend keeps in touch

with his best friends ex girlfriend when he knows you want no communication with your ex ever again???

Not a good one...I hope he doesn't think him and I have a chance in He** of working out...Because there is no Effin way him and I

will ever have anything more than a friendship and thats only if we meet up in a group and not do things that you and I use to do with

him....I LOVE YOU STILL...Please get out of my mind and let me focus on my new life and my new man....

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Im so upset with you right now. I ofund out that you took your new girl to walk around the lake the other night....my lake. Yeah I dont own it and its a free country but seriuosly? You know I walk around that lake almost every night that its warm enough. You knew I could of seen you with her easily and been hurt. You're lucky I was with friends instead....I would of had words to say to you. You dont even consider my feelings at all whatsoever. How dare you come into my work today to visit your friend...you know I work alot of hours and you dont even consider how it might upset me to see you. You just dont care do you?

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Lovesick134~~~We will get through this, one breath at a time, one day at a time...!...Its hard, I know!! believe me...less than a month

into my ex and I's breakup I walked into his house to grab the last of my mail just to see 2 rows of boxes stacked clear up the ceiling..

He could of just brought them out to me, why let me walk in and see it? I don't get what his sick mind was doing...But he definetly made

me cry adnd upset over that!!! then he got married 2 wks ago....and has a kid on the way....Its been 6.5 months almost...


Try to not think of him...spend the time you have alone thinking about yourself...It kinda helps a little doing things for you like

working out, making meals you never made and trying new things out like certain recipes...Hanging with friends is nice also and

ofcourse chillen with the family is always nice...Try to appriciate who you are and who you have become because of the ending

of this relationship instead of who you were and wanted to become during the relationship....

Take care,


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I went to the cinema last night with my friends. I can't stand being in crowded places, lining up with all that noise just made me feel really alone. There was so many couples there too and it kept making me think that i'm all alone again. I can't read gossip magazines either, there's just too many people getting married or having babies and i feel my future for that is so very far away. The worse part is that i don't think i miss you but the comfort and safety of a relationship.. but then surely that means i done the right thing? Guilt is a horrible feeling, maybe one day i will forgive myself for hurting you... maybe

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Thanks so much for the advise. I try my best not to let him get to me, but I found out about them by the lake right before I went to work and then he was there. I just got so angry and upset! It just feels like a slap in the face. Especially since I was dumb enough to reply to his text mon hoping to create peace between us again. It worked....but he took her walking that night. So much for that!

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