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Post here instead of contacting your ex!

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I used to be amazed at how loving and caring you were. I felt like the luckiest girl in the world. Funny, now I am amazed at how cold and unfeeling you have become towards me. You broke me into a million pieces. I did nothing wrong, the break up was not my fault, you readily admit it, you broke up with me remember? "I don't see a future with you" is what you told me. I got the message loud and clear, you don't love me anymore! Do you think its helping anyone for you to speak to me the way you do? I try to keep it light, be unemotional and then you have the nerve to get all defensive, point out that its obvious I don't want to talk? I can't win here! Its also becoming clear that I am better off not speaking with you. Trust me, after this medical issue is taken care of there won't be any need. I appreciate you making the tiny effort to care, but its not enough for me. You just get all pissy and then say things like you said last night that make me feel worse about it all. Put yourself in my shoes for a moment, how would you feel? You're going in for surgery the next morning. I call you up to say "call me when its all over". Nice! You're miserable!

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Why didnt you text me today?!? You knew I was going in for surgery and nothing... Do you not care alittle to even ask how it went?? How I was feeling?? Im putting myself out their for you, Im here for you, Ill always be here for you!! I want you back soo much but I know your not ready.. You want to move on and so do I =(

I love you.

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form of self deception I have tried to convince myself this is for the best.

did you ever truly mean the things you said to me ?

did you have to be so convincing?

did you have to ask me to marry you?

is this all my fault did I blow it?

where you able to walk away so easily because you got attracted elsewhere?

was i someone to escape?

I bought it all hook line and sinker, went all in, dropped every wall every line of defense.

You moved 3000 miles away a complete stranger just like that.

Things were rough I thought we would stick it out though.

You were not happy enough truth be known nor was I.

How could I have felt so close so affectionate so loved so loving so unified so caring so cared for and at the same time it was so doomed from the start?

I never felt like that before in all honesty and I don't know that I ever will again.

but your gone.

I want to be happy again. I don't want to be haunted by your ghost. goodbye

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words like a cold dull meaningless knife words like stay with me forever, your my best friend, make me your wife. Remember late at night when he stares deep in your eyes I love you means I'll leave you and its only a matter of time.

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Can't sleep tonight. I've been doing so well, lately, but these past couple days the ache for you has just got stronger and stronger. Tonight -- I just want to go bang on your door and demand that you look me in the eye and say "I no longer love you. It's over." Then I could really move on. I hate how thing were left. I was shattered into a million pieces and left hanging. If I can't have you, I want closure.

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You are not worthy of my love!! AFter 5 yrs and everything that i done for you and that i've done with you, you can throw us away for a 21 year old ex addict!


F U, and i hope you will never find happiness!! As you have completely broken my heart and my soul!


i will bounce back and one day I will find someone who won't lie to me, cheat on me, and truthful to me!

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I still love you S and I hate myself for it.

You were the trigger cause of so many things in my life and yet I always, always want you to stay in it. I can't imagine life without you. I keep thinking back to when I first saw you, you're still as beautiful and you still have this growing power over me that can't be removed. All I can hope is that these feelings fade when I go to uni, till then I'll always look for you.

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I miss you terribly - your voice, your touch, your face, your smell, your smile, your emails, your texts, your calls, our life together, your love. I do understand what led to this situation and am full of regrets. I wish you could look into my soul and see the depth of my feelings for you/us. People can change for the better and I wish you could see the changes I'm making. I am capable of the changes that need to happen even if you can't believe that. I hope one day soon, you will begin to miss something about me and that you will act on those feelings and talk to me. I hope the universe finds a way to bring us together again. You were a smile in my heart and I need my smile back.

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You are a piece of work.


You have scarred me like you would not believe. Because of your selfishness, I deal day in and day out with the thought that my girlfriend is going to up and go like you did. I still to this day, question whether or not Im good enough to be in a relationship because you made me feel like everything I did was wrong or not good enough or wasnt worthy of just being loved for being me.


I have met someone so amazingly and wonderful but the damage you have done still haunts me to this day. You will never know or comprehend the magnitude of how much you effed me up.


Thanks TH. Thanks a lot.

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I miss you, I hate you! You were never honest with me. I will get over you. you weren't that great. Somebody else will do much better by me. Give me all the things that you couldn't, honesty, trust, love.... You don't deserve my tears anymore. I have cried the last one for you. Don't call me, don't txt me, don't think of me. Hope you the worst for you in your life. May every relationship you have, be a bad one. May everybody cheat on you, and make you feel as worthless as you made me feel.

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You confuse me. Are you bisexual? Why did you hold off A LOT and didn't always have the courage to say things that you STRONGLY felt about me? Oftentimes, we would find ME verbalizing what YOU had in mind! That's quite insane.


You make me feel used by not verbalizing great things about me. I wish that in your next relationship, you'd be more verbal.

One of the things that I wish you did more often.

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Well it's been a good long while since I have posted on this thread ! A good long while. But it's late, it's been a long week and I've had a few beers ! So sorry in advance.


My question to my ex ..... do you know what you gave up ???? Do you ? You dropped me like a stone ! I never deserved that ! I know I never deserved that ! I am a good person, I have would never disrespected anybody ... never ! When I amwith someone, they get my all ... everything is theirs.


You broke my heart woman ! And you have no idea how much I loved you and how much I would have done anything for you. But you gave me up ... you dumped me !


Well sod you ! You are the past and that's where you will stay.

Now I am with somebody who appreciates me for who I am .... a mixed up person who only ever wanted to be happy and grow old with somebody. Yeah the person I am with has some issues , but no more than me.


She is beautiful and so so sexy !


But you .... on paper you and I were so right for each other, but we were too alike. I love the woman that I am with, but you break through my defenses sometimes, like tonight.


But thanks to this forum I will not contact you no matter how much I want to know what you were thinking. You are out my life and you will never return. I do wish you all the best in your life but I will never say that to you !


bye Al xxx

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It has been sometime since I wrote here.

I was having an off week and it had nothing to do with you, but then I saw you today walking into your job.


I didn't mean to look that way I never do and normally I don't have to drive that way, but today I did because the road I normally take was closed.

You were wearing the green shirt I helped you pick out.

I know you didn't see me and I am so grateful for that.


I miss you much less than I did before and I think that I am not in love with anymore.


I am still hurt and angry and I wish those feelings would go away. I wish I could come to a place were I don't care at all or maybe even wish you true happiness. Unfortunately I can't yet.


I hate that you fell in love so quickly. Why should you be so lucky in love? Is it because you don't know how to be alone?

I still hate that I feel like you did not value me or my feelings and discarded me like I was a piece of gum off your shoe. Sometimes silly thoughts go through my mind like "did you even wait for my side of the bed to get cold before you invited her into it?" I realize that all my concerns about her were correct.


I think you are fake and a liar and I want one day for you to truly understand how cold and cruel you were to me. I did not deserve that. And I want one day fro you to just say you are sorry and let me know that I meant something and you did truly value me.


I know this will most likely not happen and you are way to much of a coward to ever initiate that conversation.

For now I will comfort myself with the knowledge of knowing that you discarded someone who is by far the best thing you will ever have. I am worth so much more and I deserve someone so much better than you.


You can live in your fake plastic world were you pretend things are perfect but they are so superficial and transparent that even your close friends can't stand you, and I will stay me and be true to who I am and one day I will find someone real who is truly capable of seeing me for me and will love me for all my flaws as well as my strengths.

It is sad that you had know idea how to have a real relationship and be with a woman how is smart and independent, funny and sweet, and says what is on her mind and truly loves. Instead you will settle for a facade just like what you had before me.


You didn't grow you just ran and hid and reverted right back to a type a woman who will probably end up leaving you to be free just like the one before me did.


You are such a fool.

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I just wanted to say sorry, you know the truth now. I don't blame you for being angry. Its my fault and I accept that. Perhaps now I can truly let you go. For some strange reason it will be easier for me, I know that you hate me now and there is no chance in hell for us. I'm sorry I played with your emotions, I guess we're even now. I don't want to be here anymore, I am going to sell my house and start fresh somewhere else in the city. May take some time but I can avoid you for the time being.


I hope you will forgive me in time, the decisions I made and things I did were only coming out of love for you. I know it doesn't seem that way to you right now, but maybe with some time you will at least understand. I truly thought we wanted the same things, I was clearly wrong and the breakup is starting to make sense for me. Please don't hate me for too long. I still love you.

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Sooo, i check your facebook today.

Why? I don't know. I guess I want to see how you are doing and stuff.

You're doing good. Happy as usually.

I kinda wanna cry but at the same time not really cause you are not mine anymore. i need to accept that already.

You don't love me anymore, you don't anything anymore. You simply have moved on. So why am I stuck? I feel each day i do get better, but then i take a step backward to make sure you are there but oh course you are never. Lol. When will i learn you won't be there anymore? i wish you knew how i felt, and this pain but you will never.

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