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Post here instead of contacting your ex!

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Thank goodness for this thread. Otherwise, I would be extremely tempted to contact you, which I won't.


You are really a fool.


You had it 'all' with me. Everything you could have possibly wanted, I gave. Everything you asked for, I gave. Give, give, give. You took, took, took.


Yet, you were so immature - a man-child really - to realize what you had. Now it is gone. All gone. And, this time it is for real.


You said you would regret your LIE for the rest of your life because you had everything you wanted in a woman with me. I believe you will regret it for a long time. And, you should.


There is no turning back.

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Your mundane text asking if I know W sponsored WSL is a test to see if I would respond. Feed your ego. It also tells me you are not doing the work on yourself and likely not going to your LASA meetings. I can't imagine they would encourage you to non-chalantly reach out to one of the many women you were screwing around with who actually fell for you. It's a bread crumb. Once again your selfishness prevails. Still no empathy or ability to have restraint.



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It's been 7 months. Sometimes it hits me from nowhere. I still have to pick myself back up sometimes. I find myself saying 'I was going to spend the rest of my life with you'. You didn't care. You wanted him more.


Get out of my head. I'm trying to move on. I have friends now. I have people that care about me. I've found new people to date and yet I still think about you.

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Day 1 of Real NC (except childcare)


How could you do this, just turn your back after so many years together, and split up our loving family. I just cannot comprehend how you could do this to me, and the children??


Yes we had issues, but in a marriage you work at them, not do a runner when things turn sour. It's disappointing that you were unhappy for the last 2 years, and you did not think to tell me! That you rather confide in friends than your own husband. I thought we were soul mates, and would be together until one of us passed away. The pain was immense but now I am taking steps to move on with my life.


I am tired of being the only one prepared to save this marriage, and now I initiate NC. I do this for myself, so I can heal from this process & learn from what went wrong.


I know my circle of friends will take a bashing, and there will be many lonely days and nights, but I've been on this journey before, and know one day I will be happy again. I have great people around me, and anticipate that I now have time for many more great people.


RebornAgain x

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Day 9 of no contact.

I miss you a lot M.

I wish we would be together and I hope you're really thinking positive about your life and getting your head straight. I want to contact you so bad but I know you haven't had time to heal and let emotions calm. I hope what you are doing is positive. I am anxious about when we will ever speak again. Thanks for high school and all the memories.

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I wish you would just get out of my head already. I hope the dude you left me for breaks your heart. The way you broke mine. You had it good. You had a man that loved you. Treated you good. Treated your kids good. You threw away 4 years for a guy that takes you to bars and Applebee's.


I'll always hate you.

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Hi, L.

I was feeling suicidal today. I never told you that, but I've felt this way a couple of times in my life. Mostly when I was a kid and felt I couldnt be the especial, smart girl that everyone thought me to be. I've felt this way again when you left me, and today I almost did it.

But I called a friend, and we started a list of 10 things I should do before killing myself. It was very nice and I felt better. I guess o will wait a bit more before taking my life.

I hope u miss me.

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Hello My - Used To Be - Only One,


Letting you go, ending our 15 year on/off relationship, and finally ending our engagement was the right decision for me, and it was the right decision for you (although you don't see that yet).


Sometimes the right decisions are the toughest ones to make. Do you know how extremely difficult it was for me? No, you don't.


But, you left me with no choice really. Well, I had a choice: continue being miserable in a relationship with you, continue believing your lies, continuing losing myself, sacrificing my happiness for yours.


All of my kindness was taken for weakness.


I want you to lead a happy, healthy & honest life. Hope you will find yourself there in time.

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After a month of NC, and being totally fine and happy, I started feeling a bit bad these days and today I'm feeling really horrible. If only I didn't meet you almost a year ago and shared moments which were one of the happiest in my life. If only you didn't make me feel like the happiest girl in the world and then crushed me, and made me feel the saddest moments in my life. I just hope I'll stop crying about you, bcs you don't deserve it. We could've have it all, and be the happiest couple in the world, but you didn't know how to do it.

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I have to see you today to pick up my stuff, finally. You're so lazy, why I had to organize all this is beyond me, the lest you could've done after lying to me for 3 months would be a decent person and give me my stuff back. "Sorry this took so long", god shut up. You're not sorry, you're just lazy and inept.


Another post a page back mentions anger and how someone doesnt deserve to be perceived as a good person and that applies to you so much. You dont deserve the great friends you have and to be seen as a "good man". You crowed on sooo much how being a good man was so important to you, you're a coward and a liar and that's all you are. The thought of having to see you today literally makes me want to puke, you disgust me so much.

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L, if i ever kill myself over this heartbreak, I know how I ll do it.

I will go early to College, to the students room. I will bring my perfume and spray it over the place, so it will smell like me. I ll write on the blackboard I love you. Adieux, mon amour". Then I ll put "ne me quitte pas" to play on the computer. I ll sit on the open window and smoke a last cigarrete. When you come in, I ll jump from the 8th floor.

See u

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baby, i miss you so much

I thought I would be okay really quickly, but I'm not okay.

I wish we were in a better situation... I wish we had the power to fight for our relationship.

You know I'd fight for this as I want YOU. I want to be with you. I want to have you, protect you and be that one who is the reason of your smile.

I'm just very disappointed that we ended up like this. I'm just missing you very much

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i wish you would have saw me and not the image you build up in your head about me based on your past relationships or preconceptions about my gender in general. i wish you realized what kind of girl you have dumped. I know I wasn't all perfect, but why can't you see and own your mistakes, instead of blaming everything on me, being defensive and stating things that are just painfully untrue about me? it makes me sad to realize you never got to know me at all. It makes me sad how different is the girl you think I am than who I really am. Of course, you never loved me, if you don't even know who I am. I wish you weren't so childish. I wish you weren't so selfish. I wish you cared. All you said before, during and after the break-up sounds like you think you did everything. And maybe you really did your best and you gave everything that you could, which was far from enough. and still, I am the one sitting here, crying my stupid eyes out over you, and you are the one who is feeling so fine. I only lost someone who doesn't care about me, but you lost someone who loved you.

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Better start emotionally preparing myself. In the next few months you'll be gone. Hahaha

Yesterday you asked me again for the 5th time whether I wanted to come on that overseas family trip.

We're over though, I don't know why you're asking me.

And now you send me a forwarded itinerary of your trip?

...I really don't know what I'm meant to say.

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Really instructive essay I wrote today.


Exciting to be growing my integrity traits.


On the other hand, rhe shorthand for what I said is Leaving you in my dust because you and every person I met through you is living a double life.


I admit I sent it. It happens.

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"I thought I’d met my match in you. And you thought the split had made me crumble. How wrong we both were... You were right all along though, I am too good for you and I am better off without you... Things have soared for me the last few weeks. Doesn’t mean I don’t miss you though... All this time, we were both so wrong and so right. "

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I finally figured you out. It's took me long enough to see it, but today it all clicked.


You're a sociopath.


You use people up for your own gain. Then kick them to the curb after you're done with them.


I talked to B today. She told me you never even texted her after she quit on Friday. What, now that she's not in your unit anymore you're not her friend? You're scum. Now that you have no purpose for her, you won't even ride home with her anymore? Of course you wouldn't, you don't need her anymore. You're broken. Just like your mother and just like your sisters, you use people. You used me for four years, trying to get me to throw away my responsibility to my kid, to raise your kids and pay your rent for you. You used me until you realized you couldn't use me the way you wanted, so you turned your back on me the way you turn your back on everyone.


Aunt L helps you get a house, you turn your back on her when your done.


Your mom lets you move in with 3 kids and a dog you turn your back on her when your done.


Donna can't give you money. You turn your back on her.


Me? I bought you flowers two days before you dumped me, you turned your back on me when you found a new sucker to bleed dry.


B gets transferred? You turn your back on her.


You have no loyalty to anyone but yourself, you selfish sack of crap.


I feel sorry for your kids when they get older. I feel sorry for the day when you can't suck them dry, and you turn your back on them.


And you will. Because that's what you do. You're a sociopath. You have no empathy. It's all about you J. It always was. You're scum. You're a terrible person. I can't believe I wasted 4 years of my life with trash like you.


You don't deserve the love I have to give. So go ahead, keep on using people. Because you'll never use me again.



PS: I know you'll come crawling back at some point. It won't be today, and it won't be tomorrow. But when it all falls apart with this new dude, you'll come crawling back. And I can't wait to tell you to "go away".


Enjoy your new life, psycho. I hope it's as miserable as you are.

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Why can't I stop thinking about you? I can't believe I fell for your games again, but you really made me believe it was real this time. I feel so stupid. I wish I could just forget about you and move on completely. I can't wait for the day that I hear my phone go off and don't wish that your name pops up on the screen. You really hurt me this time and it hurts even more knowing that we are never going to work out.

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