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Post here instead of contacting your ex!

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I'm disappearing again, any contact from you just puts me right back in the emotional whirlwind again. I can't handle it yet. And when you do contact me again, remember the words you said to me the last time we met. "Let's keep being honest with each other". I am. You're not. You're skirting around things I say and not saying anything meaningful, be it good or bad. I was starting to heal and yeah, right now I'm OK again. You know I can't be in your life as a friend. How many times have I told you that? So stop contacting me now please. Thanks.

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I am realizing how important you are to me. I took you for granted, and even though we might not be together again I still want you in my life in some way... but it would really hurt me to see you with someone else, and myself being alone still. I want to know if you still have feelings for me. I might never be able to connect to anyone like this... you were special to me.

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I wonder if I'm in your mind this minute. I know it's sick and twisted but I hope you miss me and regret how things happened. I know you are so stubborn and need to be right all the time, but I hope you actually realise what you had. I hope you are kicking yourself

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I wish you would miss me in the way I still miss you...but I doubt you do. I doubt you think of me and get sad...think of the times we had together and just long for them. Look at old pictures of us together just to see your face, just to see my own face standing there with you. With a smile on because I was happy. I doubt you will come accross an item, or a show, a place, a food or something so completely random and think of me. How I liked that thing, or how we used to go to that place together. I know it's just me that these things happen to....I can't deny that deep down inside I hope you go through this too. That you go through this forever. That you remember how amazing I was to you- which IS something you admitted to me....and I hope you think of that, or me and I hope it eats at you. I hope you regret letting me go from your life every day of yours....

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In a way, I wish our daughter wasn't staying with you temporarily. It's given me an unwanted window into your rather pitiful life again, and it surprisingly hurts a bit.


You can't stay out of a relationship and heal, and you wonder why every time things go to pieces around you, it's always "worse" than the last time. You drink and drive and worry our child to death, and then it's my shoulder she cries on. Damn you, I don't contact you for a reason - because I don't WANT to know what's going on with you, I don't WANT to know who the newgirlwhowontlast is, and I don't want to hear about your latest crash and burn emotionally.


I don't want anything to do with you, and you keep intruding pieces of yourself into my life.


I can't believe I spent so much of my life, over 1/3 of it, tied up in you. You're still getting the patting and pampering from all of your friends, it's just a different name and face every year for who it's over now. It's sad. It's pathetic. I'm so glad we're no longer together, I just wish I could say I didn't give a damn at all anymore, instead of a niggling piece of me being caught up in this pathos.

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I miss you. I wish in some ways you didn't contact me, bc now I feel like I'm starting again and I think about you more. Even when I emailed you, after you contacted me, you cant even email me back? I guess you really didn't ever feel anything for me.. Yet you still love to destroy me time after time after time. Thanks for that, guess this was proof I still need more strength. So next time no matter what I don't contact you. Bc you really don't deserve it. You are a jerk. I want u to want me, I need you to need me, but you forgot me and I died to you.

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I want you to talk to me, send me a message. Why did I hate you before but now I want you more than ever? Why why why. I only fell hardest when we broke up. I kept telling myself I am not really in love, but it turns out I was heartbroken in the end. That's how I feel. I want you again and I keep thinking of our first moments together. I might never experience something this real ever.

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I just remembered that I have to see you again on Sunday. I wish I didn't. The only thing that will get me through the long rehearsal is knowing that afterwards I'll be going to lunch with one of your best friends and showing him my new pet snake. It's not a date, although I'm almost positive he has feelings for me. I hope you think it's a date. I hope you're jealous. I hope you think about me sometimes.

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Pretty sure I Hate you. You have no right to continuously wile me up for no effing reason and ignore me. I want to find someone else, I want to move on and I never want to think about you again. Let alone feel a thing for such a useless cause . I don't understand why you insist on constantly reminding me how you don't want me? Seriously? You have no idea how much you still affect me. You really don't care either. I bet your week has been perfect and maybe you even banged a few chicks. Well guess what??? I've been emotional all week bc of you. And I'm tired of it!!!!!!!!!!!!! Waste of useful energy on YOu??! Really! A cheater!! I'm so mad at myself I could scream. Disappear already.

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I wish you wanted to work on us. Not now, but then. I wish you cared enough to give a damn other than your emotions at every split moment in time. You are incredibly self centered. You never for a moment stopped to think that I had emotions too.


You know how you always used to say that Marilyn Monroe quote to me? Sometimes you'd tell me "You can handle me at my worst so you definitely deserve me at my best" and other times you'd say "If you don't want to comfort me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best". Well guess what, Marilyn Monroe dated some of the most amazing men of her time and she was still depressed and got DIVORCED THREE TIMES. How in the hell is she a role model for your love life?

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I wish you wanted to work on us. Not now, but then. I wish you cared enough to give a damn other than your emotions at every split moment in time. You are incredibly self centered. You never for a moment stopped to think that I had emotions too.


You know how you always used to say that Marilyn Monroe quote to me? Sometimes you'd tell me "You can handle me at my worst so you definitely deserve me at my best" and other times you'd say "If you don't want to comfort me at my worst, you don't deserve me at my best". Well guess what, Marilyn Monroe dated some of the most amazing men of her time and she was still depressed and got DIVORCED THREE TIMES. How in the hell is she a role model for your love life?


LOL my ex said that ridiculous quote to me once and I quickly shut it down.

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Dear Ex,


I know you probably think I've forgotten all about you, and am out living it out with my new boyfriend (Ha! Boyfriend who?). It's getting better, but I'll need more time.


I wonder how much you think about me. I would think you'd forgotten about me, except you still call me, asking me to call back. Beforehand, in the beginning of NC, your calls would annoy me. Now, strangely enough, even though Im in more acceptance of everything, I find your calls comforting somehow. You call so often--even though I told you not to--that if you stopped calling, I think I'd be kinda sad. Like you actually decided to move on too.

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i'm crying every day still (virtually all day) about you still after 2 months! you'll never understand just how much you hurt me! me a person that no matter what you did (like treat me like cr*p) i always put you on a pedestal, i hope your issues that killed us, and your motto of "if i stick my head in the sand, it doesnt exist" kills every future relationship in your future, just as it has in your past!



I call this "ostriching" like you see in the old cartoons, with the ostrich that sticks it's head in a hole? It helps to think of that every time I think of my ex... because it makes me laugh, instead of crying. (I tried to find a clip, but couldn't... so hopefully the explanation is enough. )


**** This is what I wanted to say yesterday.


I’m alone with the silence, and that’s when it’s hardest. I’m worried about being alone tomorrow night, worried that I’ll meltdown because I don’t have enough to keep my mind occupied. I also know, though, that I can’t hide myself away with someone else…I have to be able to stand against the pain alone, lest I wreck a good thing by using it as a crutch. I’m ready for the days where my mind shifts to something else besides you, where all that time you’ve occupied in my mind is filled by something more worthwhile, more real, more present.


I realized today that you very likely have a narcissistic disorder…I wanted to tell you, to tell you to go talk to someone, but I didn’t. In your mind the problem is never you, and even the kindest voice of reason could not get you to look at your flaws head on and work on them. I wonder if someone will come along that can handle the way you are…and you’ll finally be happy. I can’t imagine what it must be like…to treat someone so callously, to just cast aside someone you love. I needed you, but because it wasn’t convienient for you to be there for me, to help me through the mess you made…you shoved me away and intentionally caused me more pain. It’s always about what Josh wants. I hope you have someone who is ok with that. I needed someone more like me…someone less selfish than you. It is like grinding up the pieces now…nothing but dust and a dull ache where the searing pain used to be.

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I feel like crap today. Absolute crap. I'm in bed and I can't get out. I don't understand why you can't just answer me with something??????? What is wrong w u? I hate that I am so effing powerless to this situation. I am ready to give you up so I can finally change. You cause me to feel so much when you feel nothing in return and I'm so incredibly frustrated with you I can't even describe it.

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I don't know what I feel about you right now. I've felt terrible today, really down in the dumps and unmotivated. I know I'm going to have days like this but I can't say I enjoy them. You just don't give anything away, you rarely did. Those early emails when you were trying to woo me without really saying much, I thought it was oh so very sweet! Like a bumbling Hugh Grant in Four Weddings and a Funeral, that's who you reminded me of, I remember now! Haha!


But now we're not together it's just frustrating.


Well tomorrow, I have already decided, is going to be a GOOD day. Somehow!

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