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Hey Monk,

I see news stories constantly that I wish I could discuss with you.

Ideas pop into my head that I used to text you about.

Now I don't and it makes me feel alone.

I know you miss me too--but you're also furious with me.

I lied to you for years so yes, I deserve it.

But you kept on with your deception yourself so doesn't that make us even?


I'm kinda panicky.

I don't like you hating me. I'm worry it will stick.

I don't hate you. I did for a bit. It comes and goes but I forgive you.

I wish you'd forgive me.

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Keep trying to move on, but nothing feels right with someone else we kiss the same. I've had a really bad day, and I wish I could curl in a ball next to you and just forget about it. I wish we were going for one of our nights out together, where we get all dressed up and wander from bar to bar, and kiss and cuddle, and just chat for hours. I miss you.


My mum said today that she thinks I'll probably never hear from you again after this time. She's right as well... you care less now than ever before. You just got up and walked away Did I do something terrible? I'm racking my brains trying to figure out why you seem to hate me...

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this morning was the first time i cried since the breakup. Did not want to get emotional prior due to being afraid of losing complete control. have been reading other post in other areas and have gotten some good advice. still it does not negate the pain i feel. you said you loved me but you love your alcohol more. you did nothing well we lived together. could not hold a job, drank from early and i mean early morning till late evening. the last few months you have gotten irritated with me for reasons i don't understand. yet you move back with momma, you work in the yard, you drink less. why couldn't you do it here at our home? why couldn't you go and get a job to keep you occuppied? so much why's and no answers in sight. just pain, loneliness, self doubt.... time.

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Waking up is the hardest part. I get strong urges to text you and tell you how much I'm

Hurting from missing you every morning and how much I hate you for not being able to do the simple things to keep me because you don't love me enough or you don't care enough. I wish things were different and everytime I say that you say me 2, as if I ever put u through nearly as much as u have to me. I'm mourning our death and you are finding someone new to fill your endless supply of woman for meaningless sex and affirmation. I wish I didn't love you anymore.

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You bailed on your promises. You feel no sense of loss, you are so shallow. How could you betray someone you said you loved 10 times a day?? Your I love you does not have any true value or depth. I am left without a closure discussion. And that is my choice since I know you would simply use that as an opportunity to assuage your guilt, justify yourself, make yourself feel better, and pump up your ego by the sound of the hurt and loss in my voice. I am not going to give that to you. You get to see just how great it is without me now. And you know what? It's not going to be better. You are going to live in the same chaos and turmoil you have all along. Only now, the only positive person in your life - is gone.

Wow. guess you are not so smart as you think you are.

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I am feeling nothing now.


I did not lost faith in you. I lost faith in love. There is no such thing as love. It is an illusion.


It is a drug for the brain. A drug that makes us feel good. A drug that makes me feel happy.


I am trying my best to quit it now. That also means that I will never feel the same happiness I felt when I was taking that drug.


It really felt so good.


But I can never feel that again.

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I hate missing you. I wish u loved me enough to do simple things and show me that u do. U only fought when it was for you, never for me. You make me feel so unmoved and unimportant and I'm mentally * * * * ed up bc of us. Despite the fact that you've moved on to casinos at 6 am leaving some skanks house I still believe in you even though you hardly deserved it. Days like today I want to disappear

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Ex, you said that I was your best friend and you loved me and could not live without me in your life. Ha! If I meant so much to you then why were you not willing to lose two hours sleep the night my dad died to come hang out with me? You have no problem losing sleep to go party...did I mean less to you than partying? I guess so..Then you would not cancel a pof date to hang out with me the next night knowing I really wanted my "so called" best friend there. Wow, that really showed me how much I really meant to you!


Then you had the nerve to call me before and after pof dates! You knew how I felt about you and that I was trying to be friends even though it was hard for me. How selfish. Then I send you a nice letter requesting some time to heal and you just delete me off fb and never respond. What a joke.


Well I hope you have a great life and I feel sorry for those who you consider your "close friends" they are in for a world of pain. You are one of the most selfish people I have ever met good riddance!


PS. I hope I run into you someday just so I can look into your eyes with disgust!

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If you didn't find me attractive, why string me along for 3 years? Why did you bother even beyond the first date? I don't understand. It hurt so bad when you said you didn't fancy me. I've woken up feeling ugly every day since and feel like I'll never get my confidence back.


I know I'm not the prettiest girl ever, but that's 3 years wasted for me! Don't date someone you don't find attractive.

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I do miss you always.

But I don't think I can do this anymore.

I won't be talking to you anymore if I can help it.


I love you, I really do. I always always will. I hope you still see that. But no more.

I might not be as strong as I SHOULD be, but I am way stronger than I thought I could be.

And that's just fine by me.

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Hey loser,


Congratulations on the girlfriend.


You know what? You're terrified of being alone. You can say whatever you want to say, but your words mean nothing when you're jumping from relationship to relationship without giving yourself a moment to breathe. Your actions say more about you than anything that will ever come out of your mouth.


Guess what? I'm not like you. I'm okay with standing on my own two feet and being by myself. I'm okay with not having someone to bang when the need arises. I don't need a man to make me feel validated and better about myself. I don't need a relationship to make me feel complete. I'm fine with just being me.


I don't need a partner for anything. Unlike you.


Good luck on your relationship. Doubt it will last very long.

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I started disecting our relationship and living it over in our pictures so that i can remember us for what we were and feel through everything. I miss you and the way that we were. I miss how close we used to be. I was your jen and you were my ben, and now there are remains of the people that we were. we were truly unforgettable at one time we were a force to be reckened with and i thank you for the memories. i only wish things didn't go so sour. it used to be about us, just us because thats all that we needed. things are so different now but i will always have a place for you in my heart. one thing we had was persistance, we always stuck by each other and i will never forget you. i will miss you benjamin moris the tears won't stop but its weakness leaving my body. i need to accept you didnt love me neough

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So I went on a date tonight with another girl and she thought I was awesome, handsome and a real catch. I had a hard time on the way there because I started thinking about you, but after awhile I forgot about you and was able to pay atteniton to her and not even compare her to you! That was a big step for me. It means I am healing and getting over your lame ass! We went to dinner, had a few drinks and back to her house to watch the last half of the football game. it was really nice, we layed on the couch, held hands and cuddled. I did smell her hair and it did not smell like yours. I have to admit i miss your hair alot. All in all it was a great night. I do miss the girl you were when we were a couple but that is over so I am moving on. I love and hate you at the same time.

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Waking up at 552 am and thinking about something stupid for some reason must have had a dream about it but you used to build break build when giving advice and it made me cry bc I couldn't text u and say, "woke up thinking about you" went to post here and saw someone posting about meeting a girl at work, and then k thought wow that will be you soon, or that already is you. The second I think I am okay, I am reminded I am

Not and I start all over again w my emotional turmoil. I still love you and us.. This is going to take longer than I thought it would.

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I'm not sure if you realised how much the status change on facebook would affect me, hell I wasn't even ready for it to affect me the way it did. I've blocked all your posts, I can't deal with them no matter how small and innocent, I noticed someone come out of the woodwork and post on the status change...it took all I had to stop myself from posting "It's not really any of your * * * * ing business is it?!", this is why they're blocked, I can't deal with it...I just want to wake up and to feel positive and peaceful, thats all I want...I'm praying for that day....

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