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Shelby...as we know it.


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This is all so confusing. I heard the police released a statement in regards to the animals dying in hot cars, and that it was a rumor circulated along with others(not specified). But that both the father and mother admitted to googling toddler heatstroke car deaths.


"Am I angry with Ross? Absolutely not. It has never crossed my mind. Ross is and was and will be, if we have more children, a wonderful father. Ross is a wonderful daddy and leader for our children."


"I miss him with all of my heart. Would I bring him back? No. To bring him back into this broken world would be selfish," she said. "Am I angry with God? No. This is part of His plan for Ross and I.


"I should be crumpled into a heap of snot and tears into the dirt, but the Lord is holding me up right now. He is holding Ross up. And he is holding both of us up when we can't hold ourselves up."

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It's thrown me for a loop as well. A nervous, obsessive, emotional loop constantly looking for updates. There's speculation that he usually parks under covered parking but on that specific day, he parked on the other side of the building in full view of the hot sun. The dad was barred from the funeral but was phoned in...part of his speech was talking about how he had just had a dream about 'cooper sitting in jesus' lap' a few days before his death.


I wonder if this was some religious thing...like they felt they were saving him from a broken world and 'sending him to jesus' in a sense. That's just kinda what i'm seeing but law enforcement has stated they have more damning evidence against him that will be released at tomorrows hearing. You would think if they just researched kids dying in hot cars to educate themselves to avoid it happening to them so recently..they would have been a little more observant. Idk. I would never judge because I feel like it definitely can happen and I wouldn't want to be judged if something like that happened...but this is such a weird situation.

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A patient just told me that she 'had to have caught her stomach virus from a hispanic person at her local gas station because she's not 'prejudice' but you know, as far as hygiene goes...hispanic people don't have the same standards as us'....................I just sat on the phone. I had no response.

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My coworker told her patient today that she doesn't have to worry about repair costs until 2016 bc the hearing aid warranty expires then. She said the only thing she's worried about in 2016 is making sure Obama leaves office.



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A lot of people are like this, dang. I go on another mom forum and there's women legitimately unable to sleep at night, having panic attacks. I'm not sure why this one is having such a deep affect - I mean, there are awful stories of child abuse in the news every day. What I think, where these emotional responses are coming from(aside from the obvious, which is it is a HORRIBLE way to die), is that most people initially felt compassion towards this family...Outrage...That in the midst of an unfortunate incident, there would be criminal charges to boot. We all thought about ourselves, what if this was us? Because yes, it truly can happen to anyone. Just takes one little deviation in your routine. I mean, if I accidentally left my son in the car and he died a long, painful death that I was essentially responsible...Well, I would want to kill myself. I might try to do it, but would figure that I would deserve to live with that guilt for the rest of my natural born life. And then if I had to go to trial on top of that? I think I would just go psychotic. I think they'd have to put me in a restraints and lockdown 24/7, I would just totally dissassociate and go mad. It makes me sick to think about it. I can't think about that.


Anyhow, so we think...jesus, that could be us...and here we had this compassion...and now there is evidence that it was not a case of simple negligence. How could someone do it? Dang, I read an article, it was about a man that accidentally left his child in the car and passed. They were interviewing this woman who investigates these cases, and they asked her what is the worst thing she saw. She said that one girl had ripped out every last strand of hair out of her head. My stomach just...ugh. The pain that sweet baby girl must have been in, to do that, to be completely helpless and have no way to escape, to be crying for one of their parents, hurting so much. I can't.

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Pregnancy...pregnancy everywhere. 75% of them are idiots. "who cares if we break up several times a month, we have a 4 year old we can barely take care of....we tried to get pregnant and we are! it's us against the world!! until we break up next week." gag.


loved my holiday weekend. Wish I had every Friday off.

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Ah I feel ya. Yup, idiots who can barely take care of themselves are having children and EIGHT years later (LOL) we are still getting our duckies in a row. One gem who frequents a free stuff board is constantly asking for handouts for her five year old daughter... swimming stuff, food, computer ink, whatever. She announced to the group: "we're pregnant woohoo!!! Now, does anyone have any baby stuff we can have? strollers, clothing, diapers, a maternity yoga dvd..." etc... I wanted to VOMIT.

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hers, things are better. We had our first 'bump in the road' last week...I tried talking to him about how I was feeling and he told me he 'doesn't talk about stuff like that'...which was a red flag to me. I told him basically that if he wouldn't attempt to communicate with me then I wasn't interested in going any further in the relationship. He opened his eyes, apologized and we're good now.


and red, yes...I see that crap all the time. Infuriating. A maternity yoga dvd? oh my gosh, haha. Gahhh.


So this guy from the same town as me...beat and STOMPED his girlfriend's 2 year old daughter to death. His girlfriend helped bury her under a bridge. She tried to cover up for him. He's in jail for capital murder and she has not been arrested. You can't sit here and tell me this was the first instance of abuse. He has been abusing this little girl and the mom sat there and watched it happen. She claims he threatened her. He was in jail on unrelated charges when this all came to a head. Why didn't she call the cops when he was in jail? They said the little girl was so disfigured that they could barely tell if it was a child or not. I'm sorry but you would have to literally kill me before you harmed my child. Sick. Sick. My heart hurts for all these innocent babies.

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No idea, sophie. They're apparently 'looking into her arrest'...she supposedly has bruises on her from trying to protect the daughter...which might be true but she had several chances to call the police and she didn't.


Heres the full story, its graphic so be careful if you're sensitive:


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Oh, I totally agree. The little boy being intentionally left in the car. I feel like both of his parents should be strapped into carseats that are too small/tight...and left to bake in the car. I feel like this guy who beat the little girl to death should be released to the public. You should see all the grown men on my facebook newsfeed who are just chomping at the bit to get their hands on this guy.

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I'm so incredibly sore from all the squats that were done yesterday... 3 rounds of 10 goblet squats, 10 box jumps and 10 front squat practice with the bar [45lbs]....and then 5 heavy sets of 5 reps...my max weight was 80 pounds on the front squat...then finished out with 5 slow reps with the bar. I was sore last night but I still planned on doing their 'Annie bootcamp' WOD this morning...when I woke up though this morning...there was no way. I'm walking like a newborn giraffe.


I don't know how some of my 6am crossfit class companions workout every day. I'm so sore, I just couldn't imagine trying to do the workout this morning. I'm gonna walk when I get off work..maybe a slight jog to get some of this lactic acid out of my muscles...but there's no way I could do a full blown WOD. The scale isn't really moving but my body is becoming so much more compact. My love handles are disappearing and literally for the first time ever i'm seeing some muscle tone in that area. My back, arms and shoulders...my legs...my butt...i'm seeing progress literally everywhere. I'm more confident than i've ever been....it's just this damn soreness. >.


I've decided to take off on my Hayman's birthday, July 22nd...it's so hard to take off at my job but that day we dont have clinic...and I told my sister yesterday that I want to take off that day and spend the day with my son. He's already spoiled as it is but the whole day will be dedicated to him. I'm going to wake up before him and make ninja turtle pancakes [if my artistic skills will allow me]...fill our bedroom with balloons after he goes to sleep and a present for him to wake up to...take him to the waterpark that day, whatever place he wants to eat and frozen yogurt...then surprise him with a small birthday cake when we get home. His birthday party is on the 26th so i'm not getting him a huge birthday cake. We're going ALL OUT for his birthday party so I'm not buying him a ton of presents...I know how much he'll get at his party that he doesn't even need. I've spent quite a bit of $$$ so far throwing him his dream ninja turtle party...and I know I still have quite a bit of $$$ to spend too, lol. Bounce house, water slide, pool party [at his pawpaws], lots of treats, pinterest inspired TMNT decor, I even got an ice cream truck complete with ninja turtle ice creams to come out to the house and surprise the kids.

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Tomorrow I shall go wedding dress shopping with Hayden's Aunt M..................I tease her all the time about how she's gonna be a bridezilla..she already is. I'm like "uhh I don't know if I really want to be a bridesmaid..." I'm just kidding but I know it's gonna be hectic even though the wedding isn't till next year. I don't know why she's immediately going wedding dress shopping. They haven't found a venue...not sure on a date...and she's planning on losing quite a bit of weight that she's gained, like 30+ pounds...I would wait personally until I lost that weight if that was my plan but we're all set to go to two different places tomorrow.


I never want to have a wedding. o.o

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That's actually the normal time frame for getting a dress, especially if she is going to get one from a brand name store. It's crazy how far out you have to do the dress. I went to order mine in March for our October wedding and the lady said it may or may not come in in that little of time. I was just like, what??

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She is excited, that's all You can plan your wedding around the dress depending on the style, weight, price, etc... that's pretty much how I did it.


Think of how much fun you're having with H's birthday party, and add tulle and lace and gorgeous flowers and ROMANCE. There's a wedding!

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