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The BellaDonna, Get off Your Ass Journal


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Today was a good day for exercise that didn't feel like exercise: Swimming in the ocean, walking on the beach. Loved every second of it.


3 different people asked where I got my swim suit (the one back in post #1016) and I lied to all 3. I don't want them getting the same one and then having to see them there in it and look like a pair of twins. It's ok for petite to have it though- she's on the other side of the world. lol

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So my grandmother (the one who last told be she thought I looked pregnant on April 10th when I was NOT-- which put me in a panic and on a diet again) saw me yesterday and said I looked "thin".


She is always the true test, as she has no filter on anything she says.


YAY! I would rather look thin as opposed to knocked up, when I wasn't.



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I've been eating healthy like a champ, but working out like a slug.


I've had zero motivation to exercise outside of swimming or walking. I think my gym membership swipe key might have cobwebs on it.....



You'll get back in your rythm. You are a total powerhouse.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm slowly recovering from the worst bout of food poisoning I've ever had in my life. Losing 5lbs in 3 days can't be good. I've barely been able to tolerate water and popsicles.


Just ate my first "meal" in days: toast, tea, applesauce. I pray I can retain it. If I can't then I will probably have to go to the hospital and get some IV fluids.

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Oh no! Do you know how you got it? Did anyone else get it?


Me and one of the other girls I went out with both got sick. We were the only 2 who ate appetizers at the bar/restaurant we went to. The other girls who were with us, but who only had drinks and did not eat the appetizers didn't get sick. I'm pretty sure it was the chicken nachos. Yuck! I will never eat those again. The other girl who is sick is going to call the restaurant today.



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I did lots of walking and swimming yesterday. My husband and son and I went exploring on a little island. We saw some cool old military forts, a couple of animal skeletons, some bird nests, a ton of different kinds of shells.


I love spending the day with them boating with no agenda and seeing where we end up.

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I did lots of walking and swimming yesterday. My husband and son and I went exploring on a little island. We saw some cool old military forts, a couple of animal skeletons, some bird nests, a ton of different kinds of shells.


I love spending the day with them boating with no agenda and seeing where we end up.

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I'm thinking of letting my gym membership go. I am no longer bound by a contract. I have not used it much this summer except to use the pool. I feel like I am wasting money.


What I would miss most is the precor crosstrainer machine and the hot tub in the locker room. But I think I can maintain a decent level of activity at home using DVD's, walking, my stability ball, and my free weights.


With the new job I have it is nearly impossible for me to get to the gym without taking more time away from my son. The gym no longer serves a purpose for him, as I don't have the same schedule I had with weekdays off and a need to take him to the child center anymore when I work out. I can only work out at night, after work or on weekends now. I don't want him in child care all day, only to pick him up after work and dump him in another childcare setting in the gym while I work out.


Tough choices.

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