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The BellaDonna, Get off Your Ass Journal


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Thanks. I had a better day today. I went to the gym and got a good workout in.


35 minutes HIIT on the precor crosstrainer


10 minutes- abs -various crunches 3 sets of 15


2 sets of 12 reps on:

hip adducter machine, leg curl machine

bicep curl and shoulder machine


Stretching : 10 minutes

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I must get to the gym tomorrow no matter what.


I've been so busy at work this past week. I never made it to the gym mid-week. I worked until 11:30pm on Monday. That is how I started off the week (only strippers and bartenders should have to work that damn late! ). But it is worth it because I will have my first official research project beginning in which I will have authorship on an article that will likely get published in a refereed academic journal. Good time in my career. I'm enjoying the ride.

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I must get to the gym tomorrow no matter what.


I've been so busy at work this past week. I never made it to the gym mid-week. I worked until 11:30pm on Monday. That is how I started off the week (only strippers and bartenders should have to work that damn late! ). But it is worth it because I will have my first official research project beginning in which I will have authorship on an article that will likely get published in a refereed academic journal. Good time in my career. I'm enjoying the ride.


This made me laugh..

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I worked until 11:30pm on Monday. That is how I started off the week (only strippers and bartenders should have to work that damn late! ). But it is worth it because I will have my first official research project beginning in which I will have authorship on an article that will likely get published in a refereed academic journal. Good time in my career. I'm enjoying the ride.


LOL. Dude I've felt like that too, when ever I work until midnight or close to midnight, or pulled an all-nighter at the office. Congratulations though, the hard work is paying off!

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Thanks!!!! One of the funny things about working late is that I have to constantly wave my arms, while sitting at my desk or the lights will go out on me. I work in a "green building" with motion-activated lighting. When I walk down the hall to finally exit the building, it lights up for me step by step, like the floor did for Michael Jackon in the Billy Jean video.

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Haha!being extra productive, working and exercising.

When I work late the the office, I always think hmmm what if I get killed by someone? What if I am walking to my car and someone comes at me with a knife? You always see movies with people getting killed in parking lots.

The good thing is, security is always around so they are always nice to walk me down to my car.

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When I work late the the office, I always think hmmm what if I get killed by someone? What if I am walking to my car and someone comes at me with a knife? You always see movies with people getting killed in parking lots.


I think the same thing. I work at a university so I just ring campus security 10 minutes before I leave to tell them that I will be exiting and going to my car. When I come out they are there in the lot and flash theiir high beams "goodbye" to me. lol


Scary though. I know just the feeling.

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I must get to the gym tomorrow no matter what.


I've been so busy at work this past week. I never made it to the gym mid-week. I worked until 11:30pm on Monday. That is how I started off the week (only strippers and bartenders should have to work that damn late! ). But it is worth it because I will have my first official research project beginning in which I will have authorship on an article that will likely get published in a refereed academic journal. Good time in my career. I'm enjoying the ride.


What do you do, if you don't mind my asking? Do you teach at a university?

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I don't teach (I have at community college but not here) I do a mixed bag of other things: counsel/advise college students who have disabilities, and/or who are otherwise at risk for college dropout, research, grant writing, overall administration. (Too much!)


I do love my job, which I know is a rare thing. So I am very grateful for that.

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I don't teach (I have at community college but not here) I do a mixed bag of other things: counsel/advise college students who have disabilities, and/or who are otherwise at risk for college dropout, research, grant writing, overall administration. (Too much!)


I do love my job, which I know is a rare thing. So I am very grateful for that.


Very cool. That does sound like an excellent job!

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Today's Gym Workout


35 minutes HIIT on the precor crossramp machine

3 sets of 15 reps on the hip adducter machine

abs: 3 sets 15 cruches for upper, lower


Stretching 10 minutes


I was so tired tonight I really had to push myself to go to the gym.

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Yesterday's gym workout:


35 minutes HIIT on the ellipitcal- burned 350 calories

2 sets if 12 on the shoulder press machine

2 sets of 12 on the hip adducter

abs upper & lower crunches 3 sets of 15

stretching- 10 minutes


I had a weak moment last night and ate a reese's peanut butter cup. Oh well.


I am so psyched that it was finally time to turn the clocks forward. Now it will be light outside after dinner and I can get some more daily exercise in walking to the park.

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Today's Gym Workout:


35 minutes HIIT on precor crossramp- I was a bit tired today, burned 300 calories

Upper Body: Shoulder press machine- 3 sets of 15

Lower Body: Calf raises 3 sets of 15 off step, hip adducter machine 3 sets of 15

Abs: upper abs, lower abs, obliques : 3 sets of 15

Stretching: 10 minutes


I did something weird to my neck while I was exercising. I may have strained it a little. Must go to chiropractor tomorrow for a tune up.

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I am SO HAPPY about Spring Forward!!! LOL


He he, everyone else I know was grumbling about losing the hour, so it's nice to see someone be so excited! I usually hate losing the hour but since I was out camping it didn't matter and you inspired me to be positive about it this year.

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I have not been to the gym this week but I've been pretty active. I've walked to on-campus meetings instead of driving. I've been outdoors taking walks to the park and chasing my son around at night after work. The weather has been warm and awesome. I'm loving it.


I'm pissed off at my boss in a major way. He keeps adding to my responsibilities and leadership roles, promising more money, but I don't ever see it. Yesterday in a meeting he ass-kissed other employees who don't do squat and never even thew me a bone for single-handedly writing and taking in a $650,000 multiyear grant for my organization. He never once mentioned if and when any of that budget would be contracted for my position.


I'm starting to feel antsy, and like I want a different job where I am more self-determined and less reliant on him. I'd like to be a "director" myself , instead of a director's pee-on. I find him patronizing at best. Money talks and he needs to pay up or I will leave and he will be in a pile of crap. I have to think about how to approach this.... Lots to think about.....

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Well, I've applied for a Director's job in another department.....and I let my boss know. This has backed him into a corner, and my guess is that he will finally follow-through with my raise after he mulls over the situation for a bit. If he wants to keep me he will need to give me a counter offer worth my while. If I land the Director's job...I will most likely leave. I'd be a fool not to, as it offers more job security, a lot more money, and I would have a lot more freedom to run programming the way I envision, without a bunch of tiers of micromanagement, red tape, and glass ceilings above my head. I'd essentially be my own "boss". I really hope I get it!!!!


P.S. My eating has not been the best this week and I have not been to the gym. grrrr

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