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The BellaDonna, Get off Your Ass Journal


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Walked the dog this morning, then did cleaning and chores for 10 hours straight. I'm dead.


I am happy I got it all over with today though because now I have the rest of the weekend to do fun stuff. Hopefully I'll squeeze in a gym visit too.


My yard is filled with leaves, but I've told myself I can let that wait until next week.

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I really WANTED to go to the gym today, but time slipped away from me. By the time I was finished with grocery shopping and laundry, and I was ready to leave, it was close to the gym's closing time. (I HATE early closing times on Sundays!!! grr)


I decided to do the next best thing. I went jogging with the dog. That was fun , except that every time the dog saw a squirrel he tried to make us take off in that direction. He cramps my style!

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Today's workout: Walking to the post office. Jogging with the dog. Ab floor work at home (3 sets of 15 reps upper able, lower abs, obliques -each side) Stretching 5 mins.


-Resisted eating cheese pizza that was delivered to my house. It smelled so good,but ultimately I am glad that I did not give in. All cravings pass eventually.

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I went on a 4 mile walk along a park path today with my dog. Aside from being a good workout, it was very relaxing. We walked on a wooded path, by salt water ponds, and my dog got to check out a "beach" today for the first time ever. He was a bit confused and the sand made him sneeze. About halfway into the path I noticed someone had decorated a random tiny pine tree for Christmas. What a cute idea. I didn't really expect to see a little Christmas tree with ornaments and a star in the middle of the woods. It put me in a good mood. Right about the same time I also heard a the sound of a distant bell tower from a church, playing accross the water, chiming a familiar song. It put me more into the holiday spirit.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So far December hasn't been a good month for me.


I really did it today though.....managed to fall down the stairs and sprain my ankle and get a bone contusion. I am just so relieved I did not break it- but I am splinted and need to stay off it for a week and apply ice. It is just about impossible to "stay off it" when you have a 4 year-old. I almost wanted to laugh out loud when the doctor said that. Oh well I am trying to "stay off it" as much as I can.


I'll be out of commission this week.

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OMG! When did you sprain your ankle? Just remember RICE! I found this to be the best "medicine", although I was also on painkillers when I injured my knee because I was in a ton of pain for the first few days.

I also used link removed Heat Wave Reusable Heat Packs, they were great and really helped me in the long run.


I know how you must be feeling! I've been there and it sucks!

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I should have guessed it was connected to your little boy; look at it this way you can't curse at him or blame him for the sprain because he is your baby! lol

I heard Arnica was really good for sprains and bruises, so keep doing that!


Send him to daycare and spend your time doing nothing except RICE and eat chocolates...read a book. That's the only positive side to being injured lol, you have an excuse for depression which means eating chocolate and being lazy haha


Ah it's the weekend tomorrow, that sucks. You've got to wait until Monday!

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Ah it's the weekend tomorrow, that sucks. You've got to wait until Monday!


Yep. exactly


And to add insult to injury, my feeble and confused (neutered) dog, who apparently has never seen "a splint" before in his 9 months on earth...decided that splints are fun to HUMP. He got me once when I first came home, and has attempted several times since. It's extremely annoying. I have to spray him with a water bottle. I guess splints look like this to him:




So if I stay home I'll be contending with that moron. I think I will take your advice about the rice and chocolates (and put the dog outside while I eat them).

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I stayed off it most of the day today since some friends came over. Hubby worked today but helped once he came home. So I followed the doctor's order pretty well today. I think I made it worse on Saturday by not listening though.


tomorrow should be ok. I have to work but I can elevate my foot at work.


My poor dog is confused abut why we have not been going for our daily walks. I've been using a laser pointer with him to exercise him, since he has fun chasing it but I don't have to move.

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Feeling a little better today. It's the first day I feel like I don't need to wear the ankle brace. I couldn't wait to get that thing off. Wearing it has thrown off my entire posture and alignment. I went to the chiropractor this morning he adjusted me back into a more normal state. I already feel so much better because my hip isn't hurting from the added weight compensating on one side from limping.


It's unseasonably warm so I might attempt to take the dog for a short walk. I feel so bad for him this week because I have not walked him.


As for eating, I have been HORRIBLE this week. Between a holiday work party and having candy and potato chip binges while being sedentary and in a bad mood, I feel a bulge in the waistline of my pants that used to be loose. I wouldn't be surprised if I slapped on 5lbs. I plan to get back on track in a major way in January. The end of December is always a lost cause for me with all the delcious tempting foods around in mass quantities.

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Must get back on track. I have been walking more daily now that my ankle is better, but I need to get strict with my diet again before I gain weight. I already feel like my stomach is less flat than it was last month. I have a goal to work toward since I need to be bikini- ready by April- for a vacation. Starting January 1st my diet will once again be overhauled and every calorie will be tracked.

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