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One day shy of 8 weeks. And I have to say, although a small part of me misses him, I'm doing really really well. I have no intentions of contacting him or trying again. If he contacted me, I would talk to him/text him, but I'm in no spot right now to be in a relationship. I'm finally putting me first and doing the hard work to become the best me possible.


Learning and growing feels soooooo good.

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My first post!


I'm on DAY 14 of NC. (July 9)


In my eyes we had a wonderful relationship that was sadly cut short at 9 months. We connected on so many levels it was ridiculous(ly awesome). Similar interests, points in our lives/careers, humor, lifestyle, outlook on our futures... We built our relationship with a foundation of Openness and Honesty. Unfortunately, small things that I believed could be easily fixed, became justification for the BU.


He explained in the beginning that he had a short fuse and could be completely unbearable at times (a problem he has been trying to overcome since childhood). I heard him loud and clear, accepted the fact right from the start, and prepared myself for the worst to come.


He certainly delivered.


As our relationship progressed, so did his fuse get shorter and expectations grow higher. I consider myself to be quite patient, but everyone has their limits. It became much easier for me to upset him. Simply put, the arguing became too much for him.


Although I want to (and it would be easy to) blame his short fuse, I cannot. I believe there were many variables that led to the arguing. In retrospect, Timing could be to blame. There are things that each of us should have accomplished before really getting deep into the relationship.


For me, the BU seemed out-of-the-blue, but I know he must have thought long and hard about it. It was as hard for me to accept as it was for him. I was lucky enough to be able to have one last conversation and one last heartfelt embrace before we parted ways.


I miss him like crazy and it kills me that I haven't spoken, text, or heard his voice in so long, but I know if we were to ever have a chance again, we need to take care of ourselves first. I need to take care of MYself. Which is why I'm joining the NO CONTACT CHALLENGE!


Best to you all!

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Day 10, yesterday she came to drop of some things that her mom was supposed to bring me but i wasnt around. i heard from friends that she had fallen off her moped and got some scrapes. She text me telling me she had taken my things to me and that she was sorry for talking to (i had told her i didnt want to be friends and it was better if we not talk) I replied with a simple Okay.

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Day 1


Back at it again with NC and this time it'll be the last time. I'll be not breaking it anymore!!! I need to listen to my brain instead of my heart. It was the same thing but different day...In the end you always wanted to be single, wild, and free while I wanted to be in a relationship. It's just terrible timing and I wish I met you later on in life. This time though, the BU was not as bad because it's not the first time.


I told you all I could and we said our goodbyes. Yet you still managed to text me shortly after with a small talk. I really wish you can leave me alone because you can not have both. You need to go work on yourself and vice versa. Only way I can take you back is when you grow up to be the woman you always wanted to be, instead of a high school kid craving for attentions from every dude and guy friends.


I'm actually doing a lot better and can't wait for the next chapter of my life. I'm sorry I can't be your friend and now you feel like a ghost to me. I do wish you the best in life! In the mean time I'll continue to do NC for as long as I can so I can be over you and be a better person.


After work today, I went to Barnes and Noble to relax, got some work done, and not at home missing or dreading over you anymore. Reality is going to hit you sooner than you'll think!

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Day 2 (although my first post)


LOL at "MySpace". We should really update that to Facebook soon.


Let's see, future me reading this, he sucks! Forget being a good boyfriend, he's an awful human being, because of the way he treats his other "friends" as well. Be glad you dropped that 160 pound dead weight. You're FREE!


I don't miss him... RIGHT NOW, I just don't care enough to miss him... I miss my precious time I wasted with him. I like me so much better right now than when I do when I'm around him.


I feel good. And NC only helps! Cheers to the next 30 glorious days because those days are JUST for me. And a little selfish? Perhaps, but after 4.5 years of pure agony, I deserve this vacation.


Muah! Lot's of love and luck to every single person going NC!

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Hi Guys, new to the forum but been observing NC for 22 days. It hurts like hell and is incredibly difficult. It will be 4 weeks next wednesday and it's her birthday I plan to send a card as I still love her to bits.


Only thing is she hasnt iniated any conversation apart from the day after we last spoke face to face (start of NC) and inclusing me on a group party invite (which i didnt respond to).


Cant stop thinking of her still and worrying that through NC she will think I dont care or forgoet all about me.


Anyone else have similar feelings?

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Hi Guys, new to the forum but been observing NC for 22 days. It hurts like hell and is incredibly difficult. It will be 4 weeks next wednesday and it's her birthday I plan to send a card as I still love her to bits.


Only thing is she hasnt iniated any conversation apart from the day after we last spoke face to face (start of NC) and inclusing me on a group party invite (which i didnt respond to).


Cant stop thinking of her still and worrying that through NC she will think I dont care or forgoet all about me.


Anyone else have similar feelings?


I've got the same feelings. What-if she wants to call but feels that I'm doing fine and can't call because of that? Fact of the matter is; she broke up with me so if she really wanted to, she could call me. But she hasn't. Probably more to do with the fact that she doesn't want to call as opposed to her wanting to call but can't.

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I've got the same feelings. What-if she wants to call but feels that I'm doing fine and can't call because of that? Fact of the matter is; she broke up with me so if she really wanted to, she could call me. But she hasn't. Probably more to do with the fact that she doesn't want to call as opposed to her wanting to call but can't.


My ex is quite stubborn, she admitted for the first month she massively regretted splitting with me but didnt want to try again. I am worried I'll lose her through her stubborness not to contact.


What are you planning to do?


I am hoping sending a birthday card will show her that I love her still and always think of her.

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NC Day 12 feeling good, i keep screwing up and looking at her fb from time to time, im trying to quit, any advice tips of how to make this nc more easy. i work a lot and am always around friends.


Block her!!!! You'll learn soon enough when you see something that you'll regret and it'll hurt so much that you won't ever do it again lol... trust me, it happened to me.

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Block her!!!! You'll learn soon enough when you see something that you'll regret and it'll hurt so much that you won't ever do it again lol... trust me, it happened to me.


I agree! Even though I blocked her & she blocked me, I still cant fight my urge to look at her updates on FB using other peoples account (my parents FB..lol). Then when I saw her pictures with the new guy, I cant explain what I felt after seeing that. My body felt numb & I cant sleep again, just what I felt after the BU. So I suggest not to look at any social media sites especially FB. Stop now if you really want to heal from that failed relationship. I learned it the hard way. Stop now & move on with life.

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Day 19


Man I got a lot of stuff done today, plus it being payday was pretty great. Everything had been going great until the down time. A little before I finally got to sit down I was cleaning out one my cars, my work car, and found a hand written note from her. It was from when she brought me lunch to work once and on the note it said "To my amazing husband." After reading that I broke down and cried pretty hard for the first time in months, it really sucked. Still not quite sure how someone could go from loving you that much to being with another man and doing a 180 in your lifestyle in a month? Well I guess this that step back today, time to make two steps forward tomorrow.


Day 3


Just numbering my days as of now...


I know I'll be better, I know I can do this, its for myself, enough of torturing myself!


You can do it man, you're strong enough!

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Why do you think that? Just want her to know I'm thinking of her on her birthday.


Because you'll be literally giving her power over you, she will feel feeling amazing because she knows you're still pinning for her, she'll feel great but it'll make you look super weak.


This is your test. What are you going to do?

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Day 4 - I had a minor slip. No I did not contact him. However, I did look up his gamer profile... we used to play League of Legends (online game) together. It kinda just told me what he's been upto lately. He played all night Thursday but was gone on Friday... my guess is with his new gf. It sucks to think like this because the feeling of rejection is real. However, I keep reminding myself I'm better than that - that his looking around didn't have to do with me not being good enough but him not being able to commit. This is when self-doubt comes in..


Other than that, I'm feeling strong... sticking to my eating clean diet, going to the gym regularly. I'm so sore but it's nothing compared to the hurt he gave me. I've accepted that there'll be both good and bad moments... moments you just feel like crying and other moments where you feel inspired to move on.


Anyways, planning on sticking with this.... hopefully the image of that other girl in his bed will fade soon enough. To everyone, hang in there! Let's get through this together!

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Block her!!!! You'll learn soon enough when you see something that you'll regret and it'll hurt so much that you won't ever do it again lol... trust me, it happened to me.


I dont have her added on FB, we have a lot of mutual friends together so im sure if anything one of them will let me know when she has a new boyfriend. Shes been trying to get my attention with some status that she puts up on Whats App. I have been in NC for 13 tho. she went to look for me this past tuesday but i was not there and she left some things that (her mom was supposedly going to drop off of mine) i guess part of me wants to know if shes already with someone else that way I can move on faster (just how my mind works) itll hurt at first but in the end will help me forget her sooner. it happened like that with my ex ex girlfriend (females in mexico are crazy)

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