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Boyfriend has a small penis >.<


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To be honest I've dated guys with huge penises, some with average and some with smaller penises. My sexual satisfaction correlated directly with the total package (and I don't mean 'that package', but how into the guy I was, how attracted I was to him, how I felt about him emotionally, if I felt we connected. It had nothing to do with the size of his wang. There's a lot more to sexual stimulation than a penis, at least in my experience! We are far more complex than that.

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what i think is funny is how everytime a penis size thread comes up the "size doesnt matter crowd" goes on the attack when anyone says otherwise lol. get over it, not everyone wants a 2inch penis, if some women could pick a bigger size they would and that is just fact, notice how i said SOME women? so dont jump on me with a response that not 'all' women feel this way, im quite aware of that..


i dont know what christopher reeve has to do with this unless he couldnt get an erection, i even stated there are other ways to please a woman here, but penetration would be a bonus as well..to actually feel it, with no slip outs, without limiting positions, is godsend lol. if that makes me shallow, hateful, immature and every other attack thats been listed in this thread so be iT!


Sorry if you felt I was attacking you personally or any of your views. I actually wasn't responding to anything you had said in this post.


The point about Christopher Reeve was simply to bring an example of a couple that can have a satisfying sexual relationship with greater challenges than a size issue. I don't mind if you are shallow. You have that right. Be choosy, be picky, pick anything you want. The point was the OP asked if she was being shallow. The answer is yes. You can't say she wasn't, nor can you say you aren't with regards to this topic.


My point is that sexuality is based on SOOO much more than size of a members tool. And people can still have satisfactory sex with other areas... as you agreed above. If all you are looking for is satisfying sex. Then make your criteria as specific as you like. Why limit it? If you are looking for more, then there is much more to offer than simple size. That was my point... maybe not understood or not clear.


And I think we agreed on the "Some" word. Not every woman feels a certain way. You are an individual and entitled to think however you wish.


On a note: we are all shallow to a degree, I wont disagree with that.

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I am not a lesbian and don't want to be pleased just in the way they please each other. Sexual pleasure is not just about orgasm for me, that I could get easily with different things.


I hope I'm misunderstanding you here. Are you saying that lesbian sex is only about the orgasm?


Ah, don't say that. I am so worried about our first time.


This is why I'm worried about having sex with a man. I'm so small down there!

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Sorry if you felt I was attacking you personally or any of your views. I actually wasn't responding to anything you had said in this post.


my post wasnt directed entirely towards your response here, it was mainly an observation/reply to what ive noticed in these recurring size threads where anyone who doesnt give a pc answer gets attacked, called names- as this thread has shown.

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  • 1 month later...
You know whats funny? I was reading another thread on here on how in shape guys like their girl to be. And when they said they don't like bigger girls, it was just "preference".


Yet when a girl says she doesn't like small penises, she gets called shallow.


I don't get that either.


Preference is preference. I'm sure some women find out 3 weeks into a relationship that their man is stupid as hell, but you don't see girls that only like smart men looked down upon and called "brain queens."


Is it shallow to dump a guy because he's stupid? No, because intellect, like the ability to physically please, is a VERY important part of a relationship.

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If I may interject.....


Especially as a 29 year old virgin (a virgin who in part is still a virgin due to lack of self esteem about his 'size')


I don't take offense when women prefer a bigger penis, more power to them.


I do take offense when women won't even give a guy the time of day, simply because of said penis.


I may be wrong here... although judging from what I've seen on the topic I doubt it.... but in most cases if these same females were rejected because of the size of their breasts.. or for being too 'loose' they not only would be upset by it, but in most cases downright offended.


It's a double standard of sorts, basically if your willing to reject a guy based on nothing more than his penis, don't go calling him a jerk when he states that your simply too loose... and please don't lie.. yes there are exceptions, but that's exactly what the majority of women would do... and calling the guy a jerk is but the tip of the iceberg.


There's much much more to a person than the size of their penis... or how tight or loose they are.. or how big their breasts are and so on and so forth.


I simply wish people would be willing to give others more of a chance, especially in the case of something they can't control. IE: penis size. (and for the record.. I don't agree with guys not giving women chances because of the type of shape they are in either, but that at least 'is' something they can control)


but hey what do I know... I'm a 29 year old virgin and likely a life long virgin at that.

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I actually agree with you about prejudging people on things they cannot change without surgery, but please consider the following:


1. Women are judged all the time on the size of their breasts because they are easily measured, they show.


2. Men and women both have control over their PC muscle which they can practice and master, much to their partner's delight.


3. There is no easy way to tell the size of a man's erect penis from the size of the bulge in his pants so prejudging that isn't generally possible.


I detected quite a bit of attitude in your post about what women think. Even if most women think the way that you think they do, it only takes one that doesn't to give you a chance. So if you lump them all together and that one comes along you will be too busy maintaining your resentment to notice her. In that case your prediction of forever virginity will have been self-fulfilling prophesy.

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