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What book are you currently reading?


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"Stuck" by Anneli Rufus &

"The Art of Seduction" Robert Greene


The book stuck is slow to start, mostly talking about history (i guess the writer is a history prof) but we'll see as time goes.


"art of seduction" is mostly based on literary seduction and historical seduction. Useful to a certain extent but not too much.


after this, i'll be reading "the lost art of listening"


trying to be proactive with identifying my current lifestyle and behaviors of how i lead to my current heartbreak and how i can change that for future relationships.

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Anna, I just finished Water for Elephants, and loved it! A Discovery of Witches is also on my to-read list, I'm glad to hear that you liked it. I'm currently reading the Hunger Games and it's interesting so far.


I keep hearing about Hunger Games. Is it really good?

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The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn has to be one of the most boring books out there. Not because of the plot, but because of the language.


Are you kidding? I thought Twain was beyond successful with his use of dialect in that book. I found it to be an excellent book!



I'm currently reading The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson. Love it.

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Are you kidding? I thought Twain was beyond successful with his use of dialect in that book. I found it to be an excellent book!


Yeah I have to read it for my english study at school.


I just find it really boring, despite all the concepts conveyed in it.


I'd rather just go on the net and read a summary. Page 90 is as far as I'd go in that book thank you very much.

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Yeah I have to read it for my english study at school.


I just find it really boring, despite all the concepts conveyed in it.


I'd rather just go on the net and read a summary. Page 90 is as far as I'd go in that book thank you very much.


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Maybe if you listened to it, you'd find it easier to digest. That's how I did it, and usually dialect is easier to understand verbally than when reading it from a page.

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An absolutely fantastic and widely-acclaimed book. I'm re-reading it a year after it came out and it's just as good.


It's so descriptive, it makes you feel like you're actually in the Vietnam War. It's a work of fiction but was written by a vet. I cannot recommend it enough.


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I just finished reading Lonely Werewolf Girl by Martin Millar. I really liked his writing style, although it was a little hard to keep up with the ever-changing perspectives and characters since my lifestyle requires a really start-and-stop method of reading at the moment. I'm currently reading Grave Surprise by Charlaine Harris while I'm waiting for The Autobiography of Mark Twain vol. 1 to ship here.

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