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At which point does being a virgin become "too weird"?


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They have to also let me hang around them.


Which generally, my company isn't welcome.


That and I personally don't know any ladies men.


You don't have to know any 'ladies men'. I am talking regular men with regular success with women.


Also, you really need to work on your self esteem. You said earlier that you have zero friends.


How can you ever think that it is your looks getting in the way when you have no social skills, no self esteem, and most people do not care for your personality?

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Try not to be a buzzkill. If you are then the chances are people will not like you very much.


There was this guy we would hangout with but he was such a buzzkill where ever we went and on top of that he wasn't making ANY effort to grow, all he wanted to do in the end was let someone else do all of the work for him while he had there and got to reap the benefits.


You know what it doesn't work that way.


What really bothers me is that I have all these social skills, a large group of friends and even a small market of women around me, Why I'am I still a virgin?. Someone should have broken me in many years ago.

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Women have more selection than men do.


I wish I could find a sexy curvy girl who is like 27+ and still a virgin. That is my ideal situation I would want to be in and yes I wouldn't worry as much being a virgin myself.


Everyone has ideals, but they rarely end up with them. How flexible are you on this? If a skinny girl or a non-virgin came along, would you be willing?


I think that if people are going to complain about being virgins, then they should stop being so darn picky. They complain that women only want men with certain characteristics, but then they turn their noses up at women who don't fit their specifications. A 27+ year old female virgin? Good luck!

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Everyone has ideals, but they rarely end up with them. How flexible are you on this? If a skinny girl or a non-virgin came along, would you be willing?


I think that if people are going to complain about being virgins, then they should stop being so darn picky. They complain that women only want men with certain characteristics, but then they turn their noses up at women who don't fit their specifications. A 27+ year old female virgin? Good luck!


I'm not asking for Megan fox or Angliena Jolie. That I think is being to damn picky!. An older female virgin is highly HIGHLY unlikely but not impossible.


In simple terms, I want a nice curvy girl with no kids, no current relationship with a boyfriend or husband or no serious emotional problems. I don't care if she's more experienced than me, all I care is for her to be understanding and opened, patient. That doesn't sound to picky to me, is that to hard to ask for?


Thats why I prefer older women, they normally have these qaulities that i'm looking for. They are going to be more patient and understanding while a younger girl is going to be more expecting of me.


If a girl is a 9 who cares if she's lost her virginity? All I can pray for is she doesn't become disapointed when I tell her that she's my first. Just having that simple conversation is going to be very embarrasing for me!.


It would be nice if she had all of those and was a complete virgin on top of that then that would take away all of my worries cause it would be something that would be a first time for the both of us.

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I'm seriously laughing right now. You guys seriously need to RELAX. Why you guys think that putting a penis in a vagina is such a huge deal is beyond me. If you ever are in a situation that you can have sex and you're really ashamed of not having done the deed yet, just don't tell the girl that you are a virgin. There is no way for her to find out! At worst, she will think that you need some more practice to get better.

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I'm seriously laughing right now. You guys seriously need to RELAX. Why you guys think that putting a penis in a vagina is such a huge deal is beyond me. If you ever are in a situation that you can have sex and you're really ashamed of not having done the deed yet, just don't tell the girl that you are a virgin. There is no way for her to find out! At worst, she will think that you need some more practice to get better.


The fact that our culture makes putting a penis in a vagina seem so commonplace and normal makes adult virgin males feel weird, abnormal, or sub-human. Or just generally lower in quality as human beings.


I've mentioned going for broke on Craigslist before and I get flak for that, but no matter. I think, unless the virgins present are so bent on the first time being "special", they need an easy solution. You know those Games magazines where if you get stuck on a puzzle and you give up, you can just turn to the back to read the answers? The virgins present on this forum need something along those lines.


The problem with prostitution, though, is if you want a girl who isn't filthy and crusty, you gotta pay big money. I actually considered losing mine this way before but I couldn't afford an escort that charged $600 an hour.


I think, if there was a type of woman that would respect a virgin and relieve him of his burden, and this type of woman was somewhat common, then not only would there be fewer virgins in their adulthood but also fewer virgins who are overly self conscious about their lack of experience.


And it's kinda hard to not be self conscious, for reasons stated in my first paragraph. Sex is such an omnipresent facet of our culture--hell, there's an entire sub-category about it on this forum! And I'm willing to bet this sub-category gets more views and responses than the "Health", "Families", and "Personal Growth" categories combined.

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I'm seriously laughing right now. You guys seriously need to RELAX. Why you guys think that putting a penis in a vagina is such a huge deal is beyond me. If you ever are in a situation that you can have sex and you're really ashamed of not having done the deed yet, just don't tell the girl that you are a virgin. There is no way for her to find out! At worst, she will think that you need some more practice to get better.



Yeah sure! She won't find out! if a woman has enough experience which most of them do with guys they will know either he's been with 0-2 girls in his life.


She will think its either his first time or he has very little experience.


You think its easy just stick it in and thrust well its not, perhaps for women they get to just sit there and let the guy do all of the work but it is up to the man to please his woman. He has to take the lead and do it all for her. You can't expect a guy to be confident his first time out, that is like expecting a first timer at their job to exceed the expectations the first day working its just not going to happen. Over a period of time they will get better. But women usually go off first impressions anyways.


Its hard to find a girl who respects a guys virginity and I'm serious on that. Male virgins have all the worry in the world to be concerned about their experience with the way they are viewed by society and that if your still a virgin at a certain age your automatically viewed as a loser, a guy who can't get laid thus there is something wrong with him.


If that wasn't true many male virgins wouldn't have much to worry about.


Its easier for women to be virgins in adult hood than it is for men. Their virginity is look at as something so special. "She waited for the right one" but for a guy he's the 40 year or virgin or will be someday.

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hey man something to think about, is that on here we see all the time how girls complain the guy they did sucked. SO who cares if you sucked the first time? evey girl ive talked to gives a 2 or 3 time grace period. and when i lost my v card i didnt tell her for 4 months. Also, not everyone cums super quick. Because of the fact i had death gripped myself for so long, i didnt cum AT ALL


you have a good chance of doing that too. So dont make it such a big thing in your head. I couldnt gt a boner my 1st time cuz of that and had to wait till the next week. It isnt such a big deal as made out to be


good luck

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You think its easy just stick it in and thrust well its not, perhaps for women they get to just sit there and let the guy do all of the work but it is up to the man to please his woman. He has to take the lead and do it all for her.


I'm sorry but you really cannot make judgements like that when you are a virgin. If you're sleeping with a girl who "just sits there" and lets him do all the work you're having sex with the wrong girl. It's as much something a girl particpates in as a man does.


You are hyping it up into this huge ridiculous thing, when let me tell you; it really IS as easy as sticking it in and doing it.

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I'm sorry but you really cannot make judgements like that when you are a virgin. If you're sleeping with a girl who "just sits there" and lets him do all the work you're having sex with the wrong girl. It's as much something a girl particpates in as a man does.


Yeah, seriously.


We don't have to worry about anything? Ha. That's a laugh. We're trying to impress the men too and keep them turned on.

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Thats why I prefer older women, they normally have these qaulities that i'm looking for. They are going to be more patient and understanding while a younger girl is going to be more expecting of me.


I don't know where you're getting this idea. It must have something to do with the sudden emergence of "cougars" in the media. Sure, they're out there, but I wouldn't generalize that to most or even many older women. ENA women may be a different story...


I think you would have better luck with a relatively inexperienced girl your own age. The older she gets, the more likely she's going to have been in a LTR/marriage, have kids, be more experienced, etc. (all the things you find unacceptable).

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Sounds like someone needs to lower their standards.


I'm generally with the people who say you shouldn't settle for something less than what you want. However, when you're constantly complaining about being a virgin and how girls are too picky because of ____, ____ & ___, and then you go on to have your own impossible laundry list, I can't really give any sympathy.


It almost seems like MD has created these standards in his head in order to PREVENT him from losing his virginity.

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Or possibly expectations MD has had since first wanting someone.


As the years go by the wish isn't fulfilled and also becomes less and less or a reality.


Eventually this list of an ideal partner has to be realized as nothing to do about who the person is.


What counts with whether you are attracted to them and they are attracted to you, and liking you for who you are and vice versa.

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Or possibly expectations MD has had since first wanting someone.


As the years go by the wish isn't fulfilled and also becomes less and less or a reality.


Eventually this list of an ideal partner has to be realized as nothing to do about who the person is.


What counts with whether you are attracted to them and they are attracted to you, and liking you for who you are and vice versa.




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I'm generally with the people who say you shouldn't settle for something less than what you want. However, when you're constantly complaining about being a virgin and how girls are too picky because of ____, ____ & ___, and then you go on to have your own impossible laundry list, I can't really give any sympathy.


It almost seems like MD has created these standards in his head in order to PREVENT him from losing his virginity.


Pretty much.



I'd date a girl with kids.


I'd date one that's overweight.


Now if she had a peg leg and a bad case of tourette's, I might not go after that one.

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Sounds like someone needs to lower their standards.


To what?


Dating a woman with kids?




I think you would have better luck with a relatively inexperienced girl your own age. The older she gets, the more likely she's going to have been in a LTR/marriage, have kids, be more experienced, etc. (all the things you find unacceptable).


That is what I've been trying to find is an inexperienced girl at my age. But women seem to have MUCH more experince by the time they are around my age group.


But where I live that seems to be all standard with women. Kids, boyfriend, emotional problems.



It almost seems like MD has created these standards in his head in order to PREVENT him from losing his virginity.



All I want is to date a girl with no kids or no current relationship!


how hard is that!?!?.


Do I have to comprimise being a step father or being a second guy in a relationship just to get my oppotuntity?


Like I'm not asking for a woman to be 10 out of 10!.


It would be nice to meet an older female virgin who is 27+curvy and such. But I'm willing to date a girl who's a little younger who's perhaps athletic, smart and out going with no kids also.

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I think not wanting to date a woman with kids is fair enough. If that's your only major preference, then that's not huge. The main obstacle there is where you live. You've said yourself that many of the single women there are mothers. How are you going to find a non-mother in a town full of mothers? I think you either need to drop the preference or MOVE. Your dream girl is not going to fall into your lap if you're not in the right environment. We can't help you until you do something about that.


It's when you start saying "I want a 27+ year old virgin, who's curvy, doesn't have kids...etc" that I start to worry. If you're willing to be flexible on most of this, then that's not too bad.

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