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Why would he do this

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Text msg "Are you going out tonight?"

"no plans yet, why?"

"i have a friend who's having a party at this club, i'm not going but i was wondering if you wanted to go."

"Thank you but i dont think i'm up for partying tonight".


Why the ------- would he invite me to a stranger's party which he is not even going to be at. I really had my hopes up when he sent me the original text.

What a screwed up thing to do.


Of course its not really a screwed up thing to do, i'm just reacting in a screwed up way. :splat:

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Hunny -- I said this on one of your other threads: I don't think you should try to be *friends* with him right now. He seems to be playing games. I read the text he sent you, and it seems to me that he was telling you about a party that he KNEW he wasn't going to, which makes NO sense whatsoever. It just seems like silly, immature game-playing on his part. Yuck.

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Yeah games like this are a drag. Last month after not hearing from my ex for a couple of weeks, she texted me out of the blue. And to be honest, I was pretty excited but tried not to get my hopes up. Which was good. This was her text.


"What were the ingredients of that portobello mushroom sandwhich I made?"


I mean, talk about a bummer! THEN on top of that, she posted an online journal entry later that day about how she went on a picnic with someone (most likely a guy, but the entry was vague about that) and made them a portobello mushroom sandwhich with white wine and fruit!


Since she's been behaving a little more interested since then, I'm chalking it up to her just wanting to get my attention without admitting she was missing me. But I feel your confusion.


I guess I just wanted to let you know you're not the only one who gets disappointing, confusing, and just plain frustrating texts from their ex!



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He is really not the type to play games, that's why this is all the more puzzling to me. He is usually very honest and to the point. I just think he wanted to see if I fancied a good night out. I should really be thinking, oh how nice of him, but just feel a bit sad because i thought he actually wanted to see me and its just one big disappointment.

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You're absolutely right. It's not as if she's forgotten the ingredients, she texted just to see if you're "there". Which is why most of us should go NC as to not be stuck in this rut.


I had frustrating texts from my ex too. But that was in the past. You have to make your stand, Hunny.

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The thing is i really want him to have the impression ive moved on. Its nearly 6 months down the line- i can't show that i am affected by anything he'd say to me.


That's why I'm cool calm and collected very limited contact.


Of course on the inside i'm not calm but as far as he's concerned i am.

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He is really not the type to play games, that's why this is all the more puzzling to me. He is usually very honest and to the point. I just think he wanted to see if I fancied a good night out. I should really be thinking, oh how nice of him, but just feel a bit sad because i thought he actually wanted to see me and its just one big disappointment.


Don't make anymore excuses for him. He is playing games, unintentionally and unconsciously.


As for being disappointed, you will continue to feel this way as long as you keep in contact with him because all he is doing is feeding you crumbs, not the whole cake.

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Hunny -- I said this on one of your other threads: I don't think you should try to be *friends* with him right now. He seems to be playing games. I read the text he sent you, and it seems to me that he was telling you about a party that he KNEW he wasn't going to, which makes NO sense whatsoever. It just seems like silly, immature game-playing on his part. Yuck.


i agree, given your history with this man and the breakup, i'm not sure contact is a great idea. especially if you're going to be getting texts like this.

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i agree, given your history with this man and the breakup, i'm not sure contact is a great idea. especially if you're going to be getting texts like this.


Yep...hunny, you say he's not the type to play games, but...it seems to me that it's exactly what he's doing, just as he seemed to be doing that in the online conversation you posted a few days ago -- all that back and forth about him dating someone, then saying he was lying, then saying he wasn't - ridiculous, immature stuff.


Ignore. Ignore. Ignore. Don't respond to him, at least at this point. If you see him out somewhere, be polite, but don't be overly enthusiastic.

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why do you think he is playing games?


because it's amusing him. one day he tells her he never wants to speak to her again, then next day he wants to be friends. then the lies about whether or not her has a gf.... and then he wants to know what she is doing on a certain night, not to ask her out, but to tell her about some event. all games.

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because it's amusing him. one day he tells her he never wants to speak to her again, then next day he wants to be friends. then the lies about whether or not her has a gf.... and then he wants to know what she is doing on a certain night, not to ask her out, but to tell her about some event. all games.


Exactly, Annie. Mature people don't do this stuff. I forgot about him telling her he never wanted her to contact him again. And then he changes his mind the next day? It just all seems really childish to me. It would drive me nuts, and I'd have to cut him loose, if it were me.

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I am confused because you were so very insistent on your other thread about having no, not limited, contact with him for at least a few months. This is the downside of staying in contact. But, maybe it's positive in the sense that seeing the downside will make you less motivated to continue being in contact - limited or otherwise.

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