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Day: 38 weeks 3 days


Yesterday was the first night in a little stretch where I have not experienced any major contractions! I finally had a break. Only the simple Braxton Hicks contractions and a lot of kicks =). I was sure the baby was going to come at some time during the 38th week mostly because of them, but now they have all disappeared.


They started out from the back and went around my mid-section. They were so intense! It was almost hard to breathe through them. I could not manage to time them properly as there was a constant sense of minimal pain which I got from them. There were obviously peaks but I could not tell the start from the end. I'm not so sure what to expect for real labor now!!! I'm hoping there will be another obvious sign such as my water breaking or the bloody show. Most people I have talked to said they did not feel anything before the on-set of labor, they simply went to the hospital because their water broke! How unfair.


I haven't got my bloody show yet nor an increase in mucus =( It seems a bit bizarre as I am getting very late in pregnancy but apparently it does not come for some people until labor itself. I am afraid of going the full 42 weeks waiting only to be induced. (I don't even want to imagine the stretch marks by then!) You do not get the gratification of going through labor naturally nor of getting your baby early but you still need to go through added pain during delivery!


I'm trying to keep myself busy and not think about the fact that the baby is most likely very still far away. I should not expect it before it's due date is probably the trick. 11 more days to go minimum that means. The doctor said he would only induce me 10 days after my delivery date. This means that I could be writing in this journal about the fact that pregnancy is so uncomfortable for another 21-22 days!


I went to the Palace Bridal show yesterday and today I just came back from grocery shopping. The boyfriend and I are making a great speggathi sauce which we can freeze the left overs for when baby arrives. The rest of my groceries aren't oh-so healthy though: pizzas, calzones, eggrolls, chicken nuggets, meat balls. I do want to start eating better but right now I know that my frozen food addiction will save me from preparing a bunch of little plates. I will most likely be exhausted after delivery to prepare supper anyways. I'm just trying not to feel too guilty about it.


I might try to go on the 5-factor diet or WW after the baby is born to lose the baby weight. I'm hoping it will encourage me to cook my meals with fresh foods rather than eating processed pre-packaged foods! I have rented the 5-factor book from the library already though I need to return it on the 29th of January, thereforeeee it's not too too useful! I wish I could copy the workouts and exercises from it. Now if only I can have another nesting instinct rush kick in and make me copy all of that, it would be great!


I still have a lot of things to do before the baby gets here. We need to change all of our official provincial cards to Quebec, buy the car, insure the car, pack hospital bags, clean the baby clothes, set up the baby room to perfection , have my boyfriend pick up all the books and weird stuff that is lying on the floor. At least my trusty iRobot Roomba 530 is very helpful. Makes me feel not as dirty haha!


Next doctor's appointment is on Tuesday. I will be getting my strep-b group results. I bet I will be positive (30% of women are!) with my luck (I got screened positive at the prenatal screening for spina bidifa earlier in the pregnancy)!! Other than that no internal exams; not that I have gotten any yet! Last appointment the doctor was an hour and a half late!! He had to perform an emergency C-section. Hopefully it will be a bit faster this time, I've already read all the magazines in the office.

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I'm in Hull at the moment (old part of Gatineau) =) Taking their lousy bus system, I actually just missed it right this moment. I am supposed to go to my doctor's appointment but I always end up late >=(


Gotta get to updating this journal for today and yesterday too hehe!

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Day: 38 weeks 5 days


Only 2 more days until 39 weeks! I had my doctor's 38 week appointment today for which I still managed to arrive late. I had missed my first bus from the apartment. The connexion bus at the Rideau Center for the 85 is never ever on time! The worst part is I give myself over an hour to get to the hospital and somehow I never make it on time!


The baby is doing just fine, measuring at 36cm. I think he's rather small! They used to give me the big baby scare tactic a few weeks ago! I was under the impression that you were supposed to be your week in cm measurement. thereforeeee I would have to be 38 or 39 cm instead of 36 cm

Hopefully I won't have to go back next week because I'll have given birth but who knows.


I don't have any more of those intense contractions anymore. I'm not sure if I want them to come back or not. I am starting to get other symptoms of close delivery: dierreha yesterday (TMI I know), and I am getting a lot of pressure in my lower region! thereforeeee maybe I'm not all that out of luck. I think I'm just getting desperate at every sign there is!


The apartment is a mess today! There is just so much cleaning to do. I still need to send out my thank you cards from my baby shower from 2 months ago... eeek I am so late! I better get to work if I want to be done by tonight!

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Day: 38 weeks 6 days


The 39 week cut-off is tomorrow!! Yay!! Not that it really matters for anything in this world but it's psychologically re-comforting. It seems there is a fairly high average of women that do give birth during week 39 and 40. I've seen somewhere around a ratio of 50%. 10% at 38 weeks, 5% before 38 weeks. The rest afterwards.


I am betting on the 25th as my delivery date, but you never know. Just for fun and games.


All the baby clothes, toys, blankets etc... have been washed now. I still need to get my nursing bra and pj though!!

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Day: 38 weeks 6 days (Part 2)


Eugh I wish there was an you are going into labor light along with a timer. I've been having contractions since around 1:10pm this afternoon. It is now 5:08pm. That means I've been having these for four hours They're not painful at all but I'm starting to get annoyed if I will be having these for several more hours and not be in labor. Apparently early labor is not particularly painful for all women, so maybe I'm just lucky? (The cramps I had last weekend were excruciating though, so I don't believe I am in labor lol)

I haven't packed my own bags yet as I don't want to get my hopes up but the baby's stuff is cleaned and in its bags to go!


It has a burp bib, a bib, a blanket, winter suit w/ acessories, nursing wrap (i guess that's more for me), diapers, toiletterie stuff (shampoo, wipes etc...), nail clippers, changing pad (it came with the diaper bag anyways lol), going home outfit, sleeper, a onesie (however you spell this) and an extra outfit, car seat, nursing pads, twirly whirly, wrattle, bundle me for car seat, nursing pillow. I don't think I'm missing anything, or hope not anyways!

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Day: 38 weeks 6 days (Part 3)


I'm really starting to get annoyed here. It's 10:15pm... this means 9 hours of Braxton-Hicks contractions! They haven't gotten more painful or anything... I'm not sure what this means or what is going on but they are really starting to irritate me. I called the nurse at triage but basically told me what I thought she'd tell me anyways, wait until you are in pain, water breaks or have blood showing until calling again.

I wouldn't mind enduring the irritation if I knew labor was coming up but unfortunately I don't... they are just making me anxious to get my baby. They are like false-hope contractions pretty much. It's not like I can totally ignore their presense, but they aren't very productive nor significant!!

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Day: 39 weeks


It seems the contractions finally stopped, a bit short of 24 hours later. I'm not sure whether I am relieved or not (would have rather went into labor). My stomach was so sore by the end that I could not even distinguish whether I had contractions or not anymore!


On the bright side, it gives me time to get my nursing bras and nursing pajamas. I will probably head out to thyme maternity once he comes back from his dentist appointment. Thank god for stores closing at 9pm!


I feel bad for distracting boyfriend with all this contraction drama! I know I'm keeping him on the edge even though he doesn't always fully show it. He's already insomniac and hasn't slept all week... the last thing he needs is a fat pregnant woman to keep him awake with false labor contractions


On top of that, I hate how I can't concentrate on anything else besides having this baby. I want it out and now I had bought myself a paint by numbers to pass the time but I can't get myself to actually do any of it! The only thing I can do right now is recopy an entire book I don't know why I'm this crazy but it passes the time!

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Day: 39 weeks (Part II)


Well another day of cramping, soreness and pressure has passed. I can't concentrate on anything else but giving birth, it's pretty bad! I've managed to re-copy the entire book's recipe for the 5-factor fitness!!! I'm pretty determined to eat healthy and get back in shape once baby gets here. I've been slacking off so bad during my pregnancy it's not even funny. On the bright side, I've learnt not to take my body for granted anymore. If only I could reverse the stretch marks now but that's another matter =)


On the bright side, I did get the opportunity to go pick up two nursing bras and a nursing pj at Thyme's Maternity tonight. God I love that store so much more than Motherhood! Very expensive on the other hand though =( I might just get regular bras at La Senza too compensate. They are 45$ each at Thyme's Maternity


I've been having severe heartburns today (took Tums) but I haven't been eating the healthiest: Pizza with hot sauce, Chinese food etc... I've been trying to spice up my foods to induce labor, it seems less painful than drinking castor oil but it is infact giving me heartburns blah! Also did 3 steps of curb walking going to the Mc Donalds tonight... Does that count?! (the car was badly parked)

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Day: 39 weeks day 1


I don't have much to write about my pregnancy at the moment. The contractions died off today but I've been eating like a pig it's not even funny! I've finally packed my room's hospital bag and am in the finalization phase for my labor bag. I still want to get some labor music and a few other things in there before saying done deal.

I'm organizing the classes I will need to take this year; trying to figure out which ones I should take. The schedule isn't out yet thereforeeee it makes it a bit harder.


Today's pet peeve: People comparing calories on egg packages. Do you really believe that one chicken will lay leaner eggs?!

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Day: 39 weeks 3 days


Last night and today was just one of those horrible nights of arguments with the SO. I wasn't in the calmest state last night when I told him I felt like a woman from the 1600's! I am not registered for this apartment, thereforeeee I don't have any proof of residence in Québec as of yet. I'd like to take some steps towards putting my baby in day care, procuring him/her a health card etc... He doesn't understand that you can't wait until the last minute for these things!!! I trusted him with the task of getting us a car (we knew we had to get one since July), yet he still hasn't gotten one. (We would both be paying half of the car...) Now we need to wait until February until we can change our license to Québec since we need to go through the appointment. On top of that, he still hasn't ask for the documents for the paternity leave, which I showed him step by step how to do it. Argh no, he has to spend 10 hour days playing games on his computer and then drinking with his cousins at night...


After which he proceeded to state that my problem was that I was not going out enough. Yes of course!! Almost 40 weeks pregnant ladies love to ride one hour each way on the bus to go see their friends when they could be in labor anytime! Especially with all the pain... every time I take it people look at me weirdly because of it.


This house is a mess this weekend... I didn't want to clean up after all of this and obviously he hasn't touched a thing in a month now. He yells at me that I left an empty roll of toilet paper next to a full one... yet has 10 empty beer bottles from last night laying all over the kitchen table and his desk!!! A bunch of empty glasses layed everywhere, empty bottle of Gatorade, empty can of peaches, dirty bowl of Spaghetti, an empty container of instant noodles on the floor next to the garbage...


Eugh, felt good to get that off my chest... on the other hand I'm trying to eat better. I didn't buy any pre-packaged frozen meals when I went shopping for groceries today. I'm making a nice home-cooked lasagna tonight =D. I hope it turns out decent... well if not at least I tried right? I don't want my baby to grow up around pre-packaged unhealthy food


I want my sushi and wine right now >=(

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Day: 39 weeks 4 days


Still no baby in sight =(

I did cook excellent Strawberry-Oatmeal Pancakes this morning. I didn't even cheat by using instant oatmeal. How amazing is that? Tonight I will be making Chicken Quesadillas.

I'm trying to get used to eating 2-3 meals a day sitting down instead of grazing in popcorn, chips, eggrolls etc... all day along with a supper. It reflects my vision of a family life-style a bit better.


The big event is here! I have finally chosen some top names for girls and boys. I've been bugged severely about this during my whole pregnancy. It's almost as bad as the "when are you getting married?" question!! I'm planning on bringing this list to the hospital. Boyfriend will also bring his top names and we shall decide together



1. Mina

2. Alyssa / Alicia

3. Emma

4. Audrey

5. Layla / Leeah / Laila

6. Ashley

7. Mikayla / Kayla / Kaylee



1. Alexis / Alexander

2. Johnathan

3. Lukas

4. Joshua

5. Kevin

6. Damian / Damien

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Hey girl,


So close to your due date! I love the names you mention here. A colleague of mine had her first in October, and her name is Kaylee Ellis (Alice gone Dutch


Do you know the names your bf is thinking about?


Take care and hope the last days will be as easy as possible on you.



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Not sure about Quebec, but I believe you can likely fill out some of the paperwork at the hospital for the health card etc. Afterall, you can't be sure about the gender until he or she is actually here! Don't fret too much about that.


With his pat. leave, the thing he has to be careful about is not to annoy his employer. Other than that, if he's late filing the papers, it just takes the gov't a while to catch up. Means he'll go without the pat. income for several weeks, but he'll get it in the end. So again, no huge concern for you.


You have bigger things on your mind than paperwork, right!


He can darned well clean up the house in the time your in the hospital and he's not visiting. Suggest to him that if he's a real sweetheart, he can bring you a small bottle of champagne in the hospital after the baby is born. They allow that around here, and although my partner was too ill at the time to want to do that I did notice the odd empty champagne bottle in the trash.


Just wanted to add ... I like Ashley, but it's my name and I'm a guy. Old British name, that's how I got it! Pretty decent short list of names though, I'm sure your baby will let you know what he or she should be called. We had a name picked out, but when we saw her we realized it wasn't her so we ended up coming up with something else!

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Day: 39 weeks 5 days


Thanks everyone for the wishes!

My boyfriend likes Alicia for a girl and Luka for a boy. He somehow thinks he has veto-rights over the names tsk tsk! I figure it's not too bad since they were both in my list.

The boyfriend did end up cleaning his stuff that night! I think he could sense the frustration in me! I'm sure everything will turn out fine in the end but some times you have one of these bad days were everything is going wrong.


I went to the doctor today. The poor nurse was questioning me about how I put on 6lbs since the visit last week... I was such a pig There's probably some water retention from eating so much last night too.


I suggested we scheduled the post-due ultrasound (in case I don't deliver) for the 29th of January. They are supposed to be done at 41 weeks, but my next appointment falls 2 days short. Doctor agreed to get it done then... then he will hopefully schedule my induction for not too long later if everything is according to plan. Otherwise, I would have had to wait an additional week most likely before getting my ultrasound done. He mentioned to me earlier that they usually schedule for induction 3 days later, but might be 5 days later in my case since I fall 2 days early.


The doctor offered me an internal exam to check for dilatation but I figure it's pretty pointless by now. Would have been nice earlier around 37 weeks to figure out what to expect in terms of due date but I really do believe the baby is going to come out any day now. The doctor said he would be surprised if he saw me next week at my appointment =D Gotta watch out for the false hopes once again though.

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Week: 39 weeks 6 days


I really thought last night was the night! I had painful contractions coming a bit under 5 minutes apart for a few hours. They were very clear from start to ending. None of that on-going lingering pain I had 2 weeks ago. I had even told the boyfriend that if they lasted for another hour we would head to the hospital. They soon started to die down afterwards =( They picked back up once again waking me up in the middle of the night. They chose to die once more!!


My stomach feels very sore/crampy today but I suppose that's quite normal since I was contracting all night. I am really hoping to deliver this baby without being induced. I am ready to accept the induction if the baby doesn't come out by 41 weeks 3 days though.


I am going out downtown with a friend today at 1pm. I don't know if it's the most clever move, but I don't have a car anyways. I could always take only one bus from downtown to the hospital if anything ever happens. The boyfriend could come pick up the luggage at the apartment building immediately after I phone him

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