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If you could pick an age to live in, what would it be?


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65 years old so i can see why some old people are so damn senile and hate younger people


45 so i could see why the hell my parents keep complaining about arthritis its very annoying everywhere they go, ohhhh i got the ritis, ohhh it hurt ohh this oohhh that


oh yeah i wanna be 50 too so i can tell some kids to get off my lawn be4 i hit them with my sawed off double barrel pump action shotgun


and im dead serious 2



side note

at age 2 while other feeble minded kids were playing with legos i sat in the back of the classroom plotting to take complete control of the universe....

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I'd say I like the age I'm at now. 24, going on 25. This is a good age. Lots of men to date who are not carrying loads of baggage yet, living on my own, loving my job. In fact, I think once I turn 25 I'll start counting my age in versions. For example, 26 will be "25 v1.1" and 27 will be "25 v1.2" and so on.

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Now is good.


Wouldn't wanna go back to my 20's...no clue about life and no money so I couldn't even buy a clue.


Latter half of my 30's were ok...but still kinda messed up.


It's been all good since I hit 40...so now is good.


shes2smart, your post is really cheering me up. Had bad BAD breakup and have been wallowing in despair and feeling my life is over at 34 and being very dramatic. It's really nice to hear you are enjoying your 40s better than your 30s!! I want to believe life gets better!


Me, I would be 17 again, but only with the accumulated bitter wisdom I have now

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shes2smart, your post is really cheering me up. Had bad BAD breakup and have been wallowing in despair and feeling my life is over at 34 and being very dramatic. It's really nice to hear you are enjoying your 40s better than your 30s!! I want to believe life gets better!


Me, I would be 17 again, but only with the accumulated bitter wisdom I have now


I didn't even meet the guy I married until I was 37. We got married about 6 weeks after my 38th birthday. You're hardly done at 34 .

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I like being 27. Not too old and not too young.


I have made enough money to do whatever I want and have the independence to do what I want when I want.


I just got back from a last minute trip to Taiwan and Japan! I love being able to just pick up and leave without having too much responsibility!

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...mines would be 21 years old.


You are young enough to still enjoy life in everyway and still get help from people since your young, but your old enough to be independent and do whatever you want, yet you still have your youth.


Twenty-one is best.


A fully-fleded adult in rights, freedom and position, but still youthful and attractive. That's the stuff.

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30, If i knew then what I know now, perhaps I would have done things differently.


I went back to college after 30 which was the best thing I ever did.


Also like to be 50 for one day and see what the next 10 yrs have in store for me..

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Gosh, I would love to go back and be 19 and do my whole life over. LOL, LOL. But fat chance of that every happening. LOL, LOL. Would have changed so many things, including going to college and taking child education and development courses to help raise my children better. Anyway, you cannot pick up spilt milk so now I do better since I know better.


Best to all.

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TBH whatever age I am at the time. I think too may people get bogged down in thinking about the number and how they think the world may view them because of that number. I'm lucky that way I suppose. Time goes very slow for me, from what others tell me so I feel like I've been around since before Dracula was in kindergarten and I'm still in my 30's. I'm lucky too that my DNA on both sides makes pretty good odds that I'll see 100 in good health(and they all smoke like chimneys ) I have a great-uncle who at 90 got into the internet. He's probably online now. Looking at porn no doubt...


Every time in your life is an interesting time and a time to learn a little more and to laugh a lot more. Put it another way any age is better than the alternative.

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Now that I think about it...I don't think I would chose to be any age I already went through...unless it was to experience again a few select moments...I don't really remember a time when I was truly happy...even when I was a kid...huh...hadn't really realized that up until now. I guess the happiest I have been were the first 7 months (give or take) with my ex...before he stopped loving me and all of that...


Well, the best is yet to come I guess...

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