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HealingHandsWarmHeart last won the day on June 24 2009

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  1. Heres a few i think you would like: wolfmother citizen cope matisyahu jazzy stuff..i think you would like Down to the Bone and spyro gyro i also didn't see Red Hot chili Peppers on your list and i think you would like them as well.
  2. i'm reading two: Lovely Bones When everything changes change everything
  3. there are a lot of things that are distorted- his face looks very distorted - i.e eyes too close together.. and his hand is very distorted- i would imagine if he wanted to be "transformed" he would at least want it to be recognizable that its him/her.
  4. First, I'm so sorry for your losses. Your poem is beautiful. but i have one question ...and I'm assuming its a typo... the 2nd to last line "the not strangers or saints" did you mean "they're" not strangers or saints"?
  5. thats a cute poem... i've gotten that one emailed to me several times - i loved it then and i still love it! thanks for posting it and bringing it back around! link removed
  6. think back 12 weeks ago...seems a long time ago doesn't it? that was BEFORE christmas.... - think how much your belly has grown in 12 weeks, how the weather has changed.... holidays have come and gone... things have happened and we've forgotten them already. also i dont think that when your baby is born ..its going to be running around... climbing and touching things...haha so you don't have to worry about the house being baby friendly just yet. you have PLENTYof time =)
  7. Anitar... i could have written your exact post about 10 years ago. it started with a bad temper.. punching a wall... then throwing a phone... as time went on ... i became the wall. Your boyfriend does not have the skills he needs to learn to communicate what he is feeling through words...so his automatic reaction is to get angry. In my opinion, if your boyfriend wants to get help GREAT. However, in the meantime, i think you need to have him move his stuff out ...and go back to his moms and learn to make those changes on his own. If you know anything about the cycle of abuse ... there is the build up, the explosion, and then the "honeymoon" phase... where they are full of regret and go out of their way to make things "better" .... and then the cycle starts all over again. along with the physical abuse.... abusers usually know how to manipulate as well.... and that wreaks havoc on your emotions and your self esteem. do you want to go through your life not being able to express how you feel for fear that he is going to explode? Is a three month relationship worth YEARS off your life trying to rebuild what he broke down? Let him get his help... his problem is not your problem- at this point your #1 priority should be yourself.
  8. i have read that the statistics of emotional disorders are increasing because insurance requires therapist to label the patient in order to continue treatment. So, I dont fully trust those statistics.
  9. i think the way you handled yourself in that situation was very good. I think it doesn't matter if he lied or he told the truth..for one, you don't want a boyfriend.. you just want to go out and meet people...and that you did! Secondly, it didn't work out ..so need to worry about it. I say keep on at it..have fun..enjoy yourself and you'll be just fine.
  10. you hold your head high because YOU did nothing wrong... you worked just as hard at that business as he did ...and why should he take that away from you? Along with all the pain he is causing you because of his reckless actions when it came to your heart. You will get through this... you hold your head high and do not let his immature and selfish actions take anything else away from you. He was wrong in this situation not you. My heart goes out to you.
  11. i met a man online and became friendly with him..he did not send me pics.. he said to "keep the mystery" ..i was a lot younger at the time and i thought this was "romantic" ..sigh..but anyway.. yeah he was hiding a wife, and 3 daughers.... and about 15 years.
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