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Everything posted by Capricorn3

  1. I know. We're living in a world of extremes now. Extreme heat, extreme cold etc. And it seems to get worse every year.
  2. Miserable horrible weather. Very cold. Very windy. Raining on and off for days. I'm suffering from brain freeze right now, lol.
  3. I have just come to the conclusion that I don't suffer fools gladly. Not sure if that's a good or bad thing.
  4. A 3 year age gap is not shocking, but sometimes the ages do matter. Sometimes at age 16 we are in a very different phase of life to a 19 year old and that's where problems can arise. Sure, there are "mature" 16 year old and immature 19 year old etc, but (to me) 16 is mostly still in a very different phase to someone older. You say you don't even know if he's interested in you at this point anyway. Don't jump the gun. Should he show interest, make sure you let him know you are 16.
  5. ^ I second this. Cut your losses, you'll be better off.
  6. Hi MB, would you like to close your other journal?
  7. Going to be MIA for a little while. Massive flooding all over the State, cars disappearing under water, roads washed away, houses floating down rivers, all roads to town closed off due to most of town flooded, my sister has been cut off for three days without power. We're now cut off too, with power going on and off. Behind us, two trees at the back of the house have come down and creeks have become lakes. Torrential rain for over a week and still expected to continue for another week with extreme strong winds. The ocean is beyond terrifying right now. Very scary stuff. Never seen anything like this. Geez, if we're not surrounded by fire, we're surrounded by water. ~fingers crossed we don't lose power for the next week~ bye.
  8. You come across as quite insecure, low self-esteem and smothering him. And he's a cheater and just far too different from you. Maybe it's the age difference. Getting back together will not change either of you. You're a bad match. Incompatible. It will never work.
  9. I think my hubby and I are the only people on the planet who had no idea it was Valentine's Day (a couple of days ago), lol. Went to a store today and we see all the flowers, gifty things all over the place. Me: .... "what's with all the flowers and decorations and stuff?" ......... Him: ..... "I have no idea". Then both, at the exact same time, the lightbulb goes on: ......... "Ohhhhhhhhh, must have Valentines Day or something. Meh". 😄
  10. I agree with the above. If he has at least showered once a day (or at night), as most people do, then I don't understand, and then yes, I would say you are being unreasonable. (Brushing teeth really should be a must, especially if he doesn't want to risk losing all of his teeth due to poor dental hygiene). If he hasn't showered for several days/nights, then hell yes, that IS an issue and really just yuck. Do you guys only have sex in the morning? It's all a little confusing. OP, can you clarify please?
  11. Not brushing teeth (and foul breath), not showering, and smelling BO ... just gross, gross, gross. IF he expects oral and doesn't wash/shower, even more gross. Lack of personal hygiene (for me), is a deal breaker, but that's just me. Perhaps joining him in the shower will solve the problem.
  12. This 18 year old actually is not yet a "man". He's still a teenager. Some 18 year olds are still in high school. For me this makes for creep factor but maybe I'm just behind the times.
  13. Congrats Lost! You have a lot to look forward to and after a few weeks you'll soon establish a good routine. It all somehow works itself out - no planning required, lol. Please don't disappear from here - ENA needs people like you! Have a great birthday!
  14. You nailed it. Your "vision" is just a fantasy. Like you say, wishful thinking. It ain't gonna happen. This guy is never going to change his ways. He's shown you how he operates. It's not too impressive so I struggle to understand why you would even want a friendship with him. Raise your standards. You don't need cheating liars in your life. They bring you down.
  15. I feel like death warmed up today. 🥴 🥴
  16. I can't even imagine -20C nevermind -40C !! Coldest I have ever experienced was -8C (in Canada) and that was enough for me, lol.
  17. ~Shock/Horror~ 😲 Yikes. Here it looks like a postcard again. Sunny skies, navy blue and turquoise ocean. All perfection.
  18. A certain member really cracked me up today with her witty sense of humour, I keep going back to the posts and can't help giggling, lol. 😄
  19. Oh I am so with you on that one, lol. Every time I see these things I feel like doing what my avatar does, lol.
  20. Right now I have no idea what season we are in - the past two weeks have covered every kind of weather you can think of and right now it feels like I'm living in a sauna? Swinging from heat, storms, torrential rain, floods, strong winds ripping up trees, back to heat. It's horrendous. Only thing missing so far is snow. Gawd.
  21. Can you guys send some snow my way please? The weather on this end has gone mad, really mad - much like the rest of the world right now, lol.
  22. Wow, all that rain I was enjoying ...... has turned into "wild weather conditions, with heavy rains, wild winds and flooding up and down the entire east coast. Hazardous surf conditions, coastal communities on high alert with "beaches being eaten away", with coastal erosion." My local beach has disappeared and changed completely. 10-15ft waves. Quite terrifying. Never seen anything like this before. 😧😱
  23. I hope Santa brings me a wheelbarrow load of chocolate for Christmas. I think I've been a good girl, at least good enough to deserve a chocolate. I mean, I am not asking for, nor want diamonds and fancy jewellery. Just a ginormous wheelbarrow load of chocolate! Wonder if my wish will come true....hmmmmm. 🤔 🎅
  24. Rain, rain, and more rain for days on end and more expected. Loving it!
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