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  1. ive tried speaking to him and asking why? and his excuse for talking to her is because he needed someone to talk to (ive had to have cancer cut out of my cervic and my pregnancy has been a nightmare ive been sick and in hospital going into prem labour and them having to stop it) but anyways thats his excuse is he just needed someone to talk to because its been hard on him
  2. ok ive been reading all this and he seriuosly reminds me of my ex, he was like this then started hitting me so plz for your own saftey leave!!!!!!! he has anger problems you said that urself.
  3. i dont understand him. he got this girl to call me to say there just friends
  4. it all depends on a lot of things. like last year i wanted a watch and he wanted a sword(his a collector) but this yr he needs a new phone but i just want a night out with out kids so it all depends on what they want and need
  5. everything rabican said is what i was thinking. i understand his just lost his father but they can talk on the phone.
  6. this wasnt some small thing he did it for a year (stupid me) but the lies he told were really wrong like we had a flat mate who's baby was in hospital from being born early and they both would tell me the baby had a brain bleed or something else bad then bolt out the door. or on the night of our engagment party he lied and said he was stuck at work and missed half the night. ive spoken to the woman and she says once they just made it look like they were together to get rid of some bloke but he's told me he has cheated on all except one of his ex's so i dont know if i should believe nothing happened
  7. why cant u go with her? tell her u could all go out for drinks if she doesnt want u to come and pulls the u dont trust me then u probably shouldnt cos if theres nothing to hide u should be there.
  8. I miss you more than words can express and i think about you constantly, i just want you to know it without it seeming shallow minded, because it's sooooo much deeper than that. sound familiar u did it urself.
  9. im going with the crowd go for flowers or a little hamper thing maybe not wine if they dont drink.
  10. ok well there is this woman(his friend and ex) who was trying to come in between my hubby and myself, well i of course wasnt happy and said i want him to cut all ties to her. well i found out he was sneaking around behind my back to see her . he finally admited he was seeing her after i finally got proof (well he still tried to get out of it) but swears they were just friends nothing more. ok what i dont get is why would a guy risk losing his wife and unborn son to be "friends" with some girl? it doesnt make sense to me
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