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Everything posted by Cardinal

  1. Part of it has to depend on what you like to do. When it comes to sexual debauchery, I am game for most things. In that situation I would have gone out and had a good time. I would have also done everything in my power to make sure the lady I was with knew what I liked. That above all when it comes to sexual pleasure, there is nothing more satisfying for me than giving a lady cunnilingus (particularly by genuinely wanting to and asking nothing in return). I feel when it comes to pure sexual gratification, if I can give her some earth shattering orgasms with my hands and tongue....there hasn't been, isn't and won't be anything she would ever say bad about my abilities in bed. So go have a blast!
  2. You said it better than I could have. Also men can father children indiscriminately throughout their lifespan. And women it seems need to be a bit more selective. They are carrying the baby and they select their mate (whatever characteristics make for a good mate). Also lifespans used to be much shorter. Women reach their sexual peak in their 30's. Women also used to die often in childbirth and for many reasons people didn't reach their 30's much of the time. Men are at full steam ahead by age 15 or so usually.
  3. Men are sometimes erroneously thought of as sex machines due to biology imo. For reproductive purposes, I don't see why men wouldn't go for as many women as possible as often as possible. I think that is how that notion was formed. That is the danger with stereotyping and generalizations. They are a double edged sword. At times I find myself wishing generalization like this didn't exist. At other times they are quite apt. Stereotypes are like weapons. They are dangerous in the wrong hands and tend to promulgate incorrect information. But that men have a higher sex drive than women 'on average' I think is a correct statement. But oh how that little piece of information is misapplied.
  4. Carl, Your right, by no means is there a great corrolation between breast and penis size given that breasts are not an integral part of sex (breast sex is another digression I would never mind exploring further, hehe). Are you sure you have been with the right girls? I am fairly long but not too thick. I'd be really disappointed if my girl broke up with me because I wasn't thick enough to fill her up completely. I have a tough time believing a woman would do that mainly because penetrative sex is just one aspect of sex and isn't integral to her achieving an orgasm. What is wrong with incorporating sex toys or a good sleeve to make things longer? I mean, think about it. You have cunnilingus, breast stimulation, anal stimulation, finger, dildos, all other toys. So many different way to achieve the clitoral orgasm. Majoraslayer, I don't know if I speak for everyone, but I don't think penis size is hardly ever the biggest discussion of a sexual nature. From the responses, I hope it has become evident that many women don't care that much (so many say it is how you use it). Carl seems to have hit a small cross section of female society that seems to care enough to break up over it (I wouldn't want to be with a woman who felt like that anyhow. nothing against her. we just wouldn't be compatible). I would rather see a big long sticky at the top of this forum focusing on women's needs. What each woman on this forum wishes we men knew unequivocably. And how to make turn those needs into a thrilling relationship adventure. I don't see a point to focusing on something that most men don't need to improve on anyway.
  5. I don't think sexual incompatibilities are acceptable for either partner, be they male or female. I have seen frustration on both sides of the fence. That is one big reason why I see so many threads that involve low sex drive (if not on this forum, on others). Sex is a touchy subject. And compatible sex drives go a big step toward making for a compatible sex life. The root answer to your question however is likely that women are more emotional creatures and if you see reaction 1,2, or 3....those are emotional reactions. So is not being in the mood for sex. Fluctuating hormones that control her emotions. The female sexual response is quite different for men and women of course. I find it completely acceptable if my girl just isn't in the mood. So I see your point. But be careful to make one distinction. Her not being in the mood is one thing. Her having a lower sex drive and never wanting it as much as you do is another. That is my issue and what I see causes the biggest problem.
  6. I pretty much refuse to lie and play that game. Wonder why I can count the number of women I have slept with on one hand (and I don't even need all the fingers sadly).
  7. Agreed. Anything that even remotely hints of desparation or clinginess could be a turn-off (for either sex mind you). It is almost the opposite of confidence and self control. It is ironic. By making her happy and providing everything you can for her, sometimes you portray an image counter to what you intended. So long as you have enough confidence in yourself and focused direction wrt where you are headed in life, I don't think your intentions will come accross wrong. It seems so many aspects of relationships are finely interwined.
  8. You bet. Interest and enthusiasm. That she has the confidence to walk up to me and ask me out speaks volumes (tells me she probably has confidence about how she looks and about herself as a whole). If I were single, there are few women I would turn down for a date (long as I found her at least average looking).
  9. There is a big difference between being obsequious and making her happy by fulfilling her needs as a lady. The former puts you a level down. The latter opens up some incredible possibilities... A relationship where you worship the ground she walks on is too one-sided. The best relationships involve mutual satisfaction. You both need to feel a great need for one another. Perhaps you meant to phrase you comment differently but when you talk about worship or treat her like a queen, it comes accross all wrong. I know your intentions are likely the best, but that is not the way to go about it. Of course you want to treat your partner with respect, show you care tremendously for them and that you appreciate what you have...But you also need to have an equal mind toward respecting yourself and everything you stand for. Relationships can be both selfless and selfish. Both parts help to make a cohesive whole.
  10. I am glad to see you are having a good time these days. I think it would be tough to think up a pick-up line that wouldn't work for a female to use on a man. Honestly. The way you say you aren't hitting on him will let him know your intentions. He should be able to see through that by the inflection in your voice. There are some things you cannot hide.
  11. That is a excellent way to keep things in perspective. I'll make a note to remember this. It is hard to sum up knowing how to support the full spectrum of a partner's needs and create a well rounded relationship outside the bedroom. This is a good way to keep that in the forefront of my mind. There is an equivalent analogy to bodybuilding. Bodybuilding is 90% dieting and about 10% training. It is everything you do outside of the gym that matters most. The work is done in the kitchen. Sorry I digress....
  12. I agree. I doubt any man would break up with a girl due to her breast size. They get to see them right away when they meet and should know whether or not they find the person attractive overall. Not many. But I would stay with a woman in this circumstance. Assuming the relationship overall showed promise, I would never break up with a girl in this instance. I know her pleasure center can be reached without penetration. As long as she enjoyed performing oral sex, I would be fine with it. There is also the possibility of anal sex
  13. I think maybe you are a bit bitter. No offence but... I couldn't disagree with that more. It is like saying a woman with big breasts is more likely to be unfaithful because the larger breasts make her more confident and more appealing to the opposite sex (true they often do, but people are unfaithful and cheat because that is a choice they make) Except on a man, you cannot see what you are dealing with (and incidentally, if you want to make your package look bigger with clothes on that is easy enough to do). Confidence is the common denominator that will essentially give men more opportunity to sleep with women. It is what they find most attractive on average. That is true accross the board imo. The man may be completely faithful or never faithful to anyone. I could just as easily postulate an argument that men who lack confidence are more likely to cheat. See what I am getting at?
  14. When it comes to body image one thing that helps me is knowing I have control over many aspects of how I look. I look the way I do today because that is what I chose. My actions control how much muscle or fat I carry for example. And when you have good reasons to be the way you choose, there is little room for insecurities. If there are things about you that you would like to improve on, work toward that. Don't worry about those things you cannot change. Focus on what you can do to better yourself and those around you.
  15. Honestly, I think you are on the right track by improving your life through exercise and diet. You can and will make great progress if you are dedicated and have a solid plan. Quit worrying about how big your d*** is. I think you will gain much more confidence by gaining control over your body and physical health as a whole. Take a gander over to link removed That is one of the only sites I trust for accurate diet and bodybuilding information. The board is administered by Lyle McDonald who seems to have dedicated his life to helping people achieve their goals.
  16. If what he has is not functionally useful, I would personally be looking at surgery. I don't know if that is a viable option or not, but so long as I trusted the doctor to make sure I could still urinate fine after it, I don't really see what the big risk is? Jelqing takes a lot of effort and I am not so sure he would even be satisfied with the result now that I think about. Adding an inch to what he has without any added girth wouldn't be doing a lot of good. I wouldn't want to hurt his confidence either if you decide to end the relationship over it, but it is best not to lie about it. He will know whats up anyways. I think the best gift you could ever give him is to show him you care enough about him to be with him for who he is even if that is a brief space in time. I would whole heartedly try to help him find a resolution to this problem. Lay all the options on the table and see what he may want to go with. Penatrative sex is probably something he wants as much as you do. And that desire is even stronger given that he knows he may not be able to so easily. A good doctor can make what would only be a dream for him very much a reality.
  17. I think there are a few threads discussing this. From what I have read, what you do with it is more important than how big it is. But if considering it as the only factor with other things held constant, women do have a preference. Longer is better up to a point (depending on how deep the woman is), but thicker is better the majority of the time (because the vagina can accommodate most any thickness). You are in a fortunate situation believe it or not. Most people won't be able to do much to improve their length. You can by losing fat tissue and making more of it visible. We all have insecurities. Though I am not insecure, I would choose to have a thicker unit if I could simply because I believe it would provide more pleasure to my partner.
  18. You two may need to adjust the position. I am a lot longer than my girl also. I have to angle my body forward when doing doggy style. I focus less on thrusting and more on making sure my hips make solid contact with her rear. That intense body contact is one thing that makes that position desireable. It can also helps if he aims to brush against your gspot with the first few inches of his penis. That way you both get great stimulation. You on your gspot. Him on the super sensitive underside of his shaft. The main point for us is to be able to make forceful body contact without jamming it to far inside. Unfortunately I have never been able to go 'balls deep' (sorry for being graphic). The only way I can give her that feeling is if she is flat on her stomach with her legs together on the bed and I straddle her. I think that is my favorite position for coming. Her legs act as a very real extension of her vagina and it is very easy to control the depth of penetration and to hit the gspot. It is also pretty easy for her to get close to orgasm with her legs together since she can control her pelvic muscles that way (kind of like many women like to put their legs together when receiving oral because it leads to a much more controllable and possibly more intense orgasm) For the record I thought my girl was going to take my head off the first time I hit her cervix. But indeed it does get much better. I still try to avoid it as much as possible, but it has become more of a gentle grimace on her part when I hit it accidentally. She likes it a bit rough and that can add to her desire somewhat if I do it at the right time.
  19. A few things for me. 1) Intelligence 2) Affability 3) Openness and honesty If I ask a woman something, I very much appreciate an open and honest answer. I am not into playing games. A challenge is okay, but more often than not that involves her being less than transparent and often being outright dishonest. If she is interested I'd like to know. If she indicates she isn't interested I take that at face value and will find someone who is. The challenge is in making a wonderful relationship together or perhaps even just making each other happy. What drives me wild once in a relationship is when her actions are the actions that make for a strong relationship and are the actions that define her as a good person. Remember you wanted things other than the sexual in this thread so....that is my response.
  20. Yes. The typical advice is probably best. Do it alone first. If a small vibrator and/or dildo will fit in there, so will his penis. If I were your b/f, I would focus on getting you to relax as much as possible and would definitely give you the best oral sex sesssion I knew how with a lot of other foreplay also before starting. It is always easiest for me to enter bareback with no condom. Keep in mind you do need good birth control in place however and a condom may need to be part of that. Aside from making sure you use lubricant (astroglide is super slick and should work well), I would make sure the tip and first few inches of his penis are very well lubricated. This is also very important. I'd rather there be lubrication on me than on her. It slides in easier. When it comes to actually entering, I like to put just the tip in there and leave it. Barely pushing things in. I will establish a light rhythm like that which puts pressure on the vaginal entrance more than actually penetrating. When she is ready, she often can't stand it anymore and pulls me inside her. Just make sure he doesn't go super deep the first time. Don't want to hit the cervix. I'd try about 3 inches in and play with that for awhile and then see how much deeper he can go. Feeling him inside you will be a wonderful experience once you learn to relax and accept him. Looks like you have some fun work to do by yourself no? Enjoy.
  21. If he was in a situation where he needed to masturbate quietly for years prior to open sexual expression, he may have formed a habit of not being vocal. Nothing wrong with that, but I can see how it might be frustrating for you not to get feedback from him. Talk with him afterwards (not about being quiet but about what he likes most about your love life).
  22. I can get an actual erection watching my girl eat at a restaurant. All she has to do is indicate there is something seductive on her mind. In fact she doesn't technically have to do that even. I have become quite hard at work standing around thinking of her. As long as other people are there it keeps me pretty well in check.
  23. I would go farther than to say alcohol just loosens inhibitions. It very directly increased female libido ime, moreso than any other drug or supplement can. So part of what she feels are just very strong sexual desires that may be difficult for her to control. Combine that with fewer inhibition and you have a recipe for sex. So yes, make a move on her when she is sober! =D
  24. That might be true. Too much pressure. But honestly, you sound very ideal to me sexually. I had similar issues right at the beginning of my current relationship. I would have given anything if she would have helped me out by putting her hands or mouth down there without me having to guide her in that direction (which is a turn off more or less for me). It seems like it is an anxiety issue that he will have to deal with on his own, i.e. backing off might work. But he might also read backing off as disinterest/frustration on your part. So tread carefully there. Personally, I tend to go for supplemental solutions when possible. I always keep larginine, viagra and cialis onhand so that if I feel I need it and don't want to go limp at inopportune times, I use a small dose of one of the three. Doing so has solved/improved any confidence/performance anxiety problem I had and I can perform up to my natural abilities without the use of supplements. I made sure I had a boatload of testosterone in me and a tiny dose of viagra. I knew in my mind that with that, stress didn't have much of a chance to keep me from performing. I was right.
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