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Everything posted by Ross_K

  1. The fact is though I always thought even attractive women would find me attractive, but it didn't make any difference. Like I said before though whether it was just purely logical thinking and I didn't actually 'feel' that deep down and 'felt' that women wouldn't be interested I don't know.
  2. Yeah that's a good idea, when you're having a conversation with him just drop in 'hey, would you like to go out for coffe sometime?'
  3. Hey I give you the time of day. You sound really down. I hope so hun.
  4. If I do attract women then maybe I mainly attract the shy type then. That could explain things I suppose.
  5. Next time check his pupils and see if they dilate, it's what is supposed to happen when someone looks at someone they find attractive.
  6. Maybe we just don't have that magic ingredient, that 'x factor' that everyone else has which attracts people.
  7. Nice guy syndrome eh? Yeah but it's hard if you're shy, plus being shy makes it hard to have an instinct for the right sort of situation to do it in.
  8. Plus I wouldn't really know what to say after that anyway, lol. Well I know ages ago I used to think that I'd be capable of attracting attractive girls, maybe I didn't really 'feel' it though and it was just more like logical thinking. Know what I mean?
  9. I can't have a negative self image, I do actually really like how I look in the mirror. When I see myself in the mirror, I think I should be able to get an attractive girl. Yet throughout the whole of my life no girl has ever acted interested in me, but there's been plenty who've acted as though they thought I was ugly or whatever.
  10. A bit of both really, maybe more negative than positive sometimes though.
  11. Hey thanks, I just had a look at your piccy and you ain't too bad yourself. I've moved to a new area and don't really have anything in common with the people round here so I haven't really got friends at the moment. I used to have loads though, and obviously met a lot of girls through them, but it didn't make any difference.
  12. I must have the wrong kind of aura then. Thanks for the compliments anyway.
  13. I'm not too sure if I have bad self esteem, I like me. As for my picture, yes it's nice but photo's can be deceptive, there's plenty of bad ones of me as well. You're unsucsessful with the opposite sex though right? What about all the sex topics, and people talking about their SO's, doesn't it ever get you down?
  14. Do you find it hard coming onto this site? I do, there are times when I do find it to be quite painful coming on here, but for some reason, it's hard to keep away completely.
  15. I was in an online relationshipship once, I was in love with her and she had strong feelings for me. It was what was on the inside, her personality that I fel in love with, just like how it happens in real life. The person doesn't need to be physically in your presense. Anyway, while it was wonderful at the same time there was a lot of pain as well, because of the fact that we lived so far away from each other, I'm in England and she was in the US. And I agree about the fact that the person could actually come accross a lot different when you meet them in person. When I spoke to her on the phone, although she spoke the same as she does online she came accross different, it felt like I was speaking to a new person or like I was getting to know her all over again, somehow she came accross as the sort of person that wouldn't be interested in me but maybe that was just me being paranoid. Anyway I suppose it depends on whether people think it's worth the risk or not. If you can easily find relationships offline then it's probably not worth the risk, otherwise, maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea. If someone lives near you then you should definatley both meet as soon as you can, if they live thousands of miles away though, well, there ain't much you can do about it, maybe it'd be a good idea to start talking on the phone early on. Bloody expensive though
  16. Well, it seems strange how he said 'okay we'll see how it goes' when you told him you wasn't interested in a relationship right now, and how he's kept on calling and I'Ming you. I think you've just got to be straight with him and tell him you only see him as a friend. If he still keeps pestering you, then you've just got to tell him to stop.
  17. It doesn't seem like it sounded that bad.
  18. Is Robert someone you only know online? I think it's pretty bad of him to just be ignoring you like that, I think you should just kick him to the curb, girl. Maybe he has an understandable reason for ignoring you, and if that's the case, he'll probably end up contacting you again. The ball's in his court now.
  19. Hmmm, having salavia all over your face doesn't seem normal to me, lol. I never get that.
  20. Lol, that's a funny story dude, I can totally picture it. As for me, the most embarrassing thing I've ever done when trying to pick someone up/chat someone up was that I couldn't think of much to say when I was talking to her, I just ended up asking a load of questions.
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