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Everything posted by Ross_K

  1. It's hard to know what they are when none of them are interested in me and I've never been with one. To me they come accross like a different species or something.
  2. I think you need to edit your post.
  3. What are they exactly?
  4. How would I read it? She's not interested, also the IM chats also show she's not really that enthusiastic with talking to you. Kick her to the kirb dude.
  5. So what are these traits that I have of a dominant male? I've always been percieved and I look like a beta male (well, in my face. I do have an okay build now) I'd be up for an adventure, trust me, but I need to work on my social anxiety first and get my life a bit more together.
  6. This is online though, it's a totally different world from offline. I bet you any money they wouldn't be doing that if we were offline. Most or all of the ones who're flirting will just be messing about anyway, they're not going to be genuinley interested. Anyway, most of the time they're just saying you're nice looking, which doesn't really have to mean flirting. Also, I've realised that other girl that heavily flirted with me last week was just doing it to make me feel better. Yes, I'm interested in meeting women, but I suppose I'm just here to vent, it makes me feel better, and I suppose I'm just hoping someone can prove me wrong and make me realise it's possible. I dunno.
  7. No, not really. I just haven't got it in me to approach random strange women. I've also heard a lot of people saying in here that it could be becuase I think no women are interested, the thing is though I actually used to think the opposite, infact there were girls where I'd think 'she must be interested in me' but then I'd find out they wasn't, not only that I'd usually find out that they just think I'm a * * * * or think I'm ugly, which is just totally soul crushing. So being positive didn't get any women showing interest in me either.
  8. I never told myself that a long time ago though but it still didn't make any difference. I actually believed a lot of girls would be attracted to me. I know I'm worthy of love, I really like me. But I'm just being real. There's no point in lying and saying women can't get enough of me.
  9. I haven't. I've got a feeling that I'm probably not producing enough or maybe none at all of Androsterone, it's a chemical in a males pheremones which is for attracting women. Androsterone (aka -rone, Arone): Signals masculinity. It also creates an impression of reliability and protection (i.e. "this is the alpha male who can look after me") It would explain why it seems as though I lack that intangible something because of not one woman ever showing interest in me. I mean what other explaination could there be for my prediciment? Unless my hormones or chemical balance is all messed up and I'm producing the same sex repellent that females produce.
  10. I never used to think like this and actually thought it was possible for women to be attracted to me but that didn't make any difference either. I don't think I suck or anything, I do like me, it's just that women don't.
  11. Seriously Markers, if it was possible for women to be interested in me then I would have definatley noticed someone being interested in me by now, I'm 30. If a woman shows interest even subtley with someone else I can notice it.
  12. I'm not sure if boys get like that about girls to that extent, but I know girls don't get like that about me.
  13. Some of them on the net say they do, but from my offline experience no girls seem to. Girls want someone who can protect them, someone who is a 'man'. They're not really going to want someone that they see as a sweet little puppy.
  14. Seems like they basically see you as a nice guy. I've had that sort of stuff said to me before.
  15. I'd just obviously know she's joking.
  16. Hopefully you've still got a chance mate, you're 19. I'm finished.
  17. Thanks kellbell, I'm just worried that if I do get more confidence, smile more and make more eye contact that it still wont make any difference. I mean shy guys still get women, there's got to be something else which stops women from wanting me, I've always thought maybe there is something wrong with me on a biological level. Like hormones or pheremones or something.
  18. If I'm interacting with them usually shy, otherwise I think my body language does come accross as confident, depending on the situation.
  19. Yeah but for all you know I could already be really happy and show loads of confidence.
  20. I don't think I'm really old, infact I'm very young for my age, but if not one woman has shown an interest in me by the time I'm 30, what are the chances that they ever will do? I'm not being a defeatist, I'm just being real. A long time ago I always used to think that a lot of women would be attracted to me, but that never got me anywhere either.
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