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Everything posted by hisgirl1828

  1. im 18 and my boyfriend is 28...we've been together 1 year tomorrow.i thought the same thing when i first started talking to him...how can he be intrested in someone 10 yrs younger but guess what..he was. try it out, its not that rare
  2. im gonna have to disagree with everyone here...why dont you be more specific.what kind of lame excuses do you get??just because her normal schedule isnt that normal anymore doesnt mean anything.people change as do their schedules... would if you do spy on her and shes not doing anything and then she finds out you spyed??your doomed, that'll be the end of your relationship. why dont you try trusting her, just be careful
  3. im 18 now and he's 28. ten years.before him my ex was 21 and i was 17
  4. it could be a good thing that you dont latch on anymore. It could be a good thing that you can move one more quickly too. maybe now your just looking for mr right instead on mr anybody. Just keep doing what your doing. Date until you find that perfect guy. He's out there and dont let past relationships get in the way of yourself. You have to give these new dates the chances they deserve
  5. I know your not looking for a debate on telling her or not but thats pretty much what it comes down to. You have to live with this LIE for however long your with your girlfriend. I think keeping it from her is worse than actually doing it. If your the great guy you say you are(as a boyfriend)she'll eventually forgive you. It could be hard but if ya'll are meant to be she'll forgive you. As for what to do now?? I suggest you stop drinking that much. And why wasnt your girlfriend with you??make sure your with her at events like that to make sure something like that doesnt happen. Wether sex happened or not, its still considered not being faithfull to your girlfriend. She deserves the respect of truth. you really should tell her..
  6. Im gonna have to agree with ilse on this one. Call him but be prepared for the worst. I dated a guy for about 5 months and this is exactly how he ended it. He stopped calling and when i eventually called him he seemed too tired to talk. I never called him agian and niether did he. We were sexually active the whole time. He had found someone better. Dont get me wrong, this might not be your case. Maybe he just doesnt know how to react to your first time. Definetly Call him
  7. Have you told her how you felt??If you havent you should. If she doesnt change it would prolly be best for you to ignore her messages. You would be better off alone or with someone that truly appreciates you for who you are now, not who you were in past memories.
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