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  1. I have always believed in following your instincts and it seems like my only option left is to do a little spying in order to satisfy my fear. Her responses to my questions are so beyond belief and what makes her think that i would believe her for a second beats the heck out of me...for instance She called me at work on tues night and asked me to record american idol for her so she could watch it the next time she came to my house. The next day during a phone conversation she asks me with an exact description as if she had seen it with her own eyes, "did you see the dude on idol last night with the long hair and long beard? oh my god i loved his voice!" my reponse was...how did you see american idol? and she replied with "huh?" I said how did you see american idol if you were at work last night? Now i know for a fact that she was at work until 10pm so there is no way that she saw it then but it was clear to me that she went to someones house afterwards or the next day and watched it. after she paused for a second she replied with "ok i lied, i didnt really see it, my friend called me and told me about the dude and played the audio over the phone for me" YYYYYEEEEEEAAAA RIGHT.....but i have no way to prove that she was lying....it just sounds rediculous!
  2. For the past week or so I have had reasons to believe that my gf has not been honest with me. There has been inconsistencies in her normal routines and her excusses have been very questionable because none of them really made any sense. She has not been willing to spend much time on the phone and usually insists to get off after a few moments. She claims that she is acting this way because of the untrusting manner that i have been displaying towards her which is understandable. I have approached her in many different ways to get a truthful response and every time i have gotten the same defensive reaction saying that i'm crazy and she would never cheat on me. I'm still not satisfied...I want to know that i'm not crazy but i can't stop thinking about her lame excuses....what options do i have left? Basically my question is...If you felt that your gf was cheating on you and tried everything to get her to confess but still didn't feel satisfied with her response what would you do next?
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