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  1. im not sure what else could be causing it... is she usually regular? has she ever have had a delayed period before?? I dont think you should rule out pregnancy, but from the information you have given it just seems very unlikely. it is clear that you are feeling very distressed (which is very reasonable) by the possibility of your gf being pregnant. so i do think the best thing to do is to take a test - read the info on the packet, it should mention at what point the test will be effective. And Im quite sure its from the time you have missed a period.
  2. i can understand how you must be feeling anxious and scared about this. unfortunatley the only way to find out for sure, is to take a test, or see the dr for a blood test. from the information you have given, it seems unlikely that she could be pregnant - although technically possible, i think the chances of conceiving from 'just touching' are unlikely. encourage her to take a test - or if you think the home pregnany tests show up 'false' if done too early, visit a doctor. If youre gf does not feel comfortable visiting a dr, she (or yourself) could get in contact with a family planning centre (they should be listed in yellow pages). They should have some good advice on what stage you can take a pregnancy test. I thought that the tests can be taken from anytime after you have missed a period.
  3. yes, you should not feel bad about contacting social services/police. This is a very serious act of abuse on your neice. I would also be interested to know how old your nephew is, and the age gap between your neice and nephew. Like some have mentioned, it is quite possible that some form of abuse is happening/happened in your own nephews life. A lot of children who have been abused 'act out' abuse, and present with sexualised behaviours and behavioural problems. It seems that his parents are in denial about what has happened, and not willing to accept his behaviour (for the sake of his potential success in sports), and also it probably hard for them to accept what has happened. Denying his behaviour, could pose a risk for other children. They may not take the approriate actions/cautions necessary to protect him from doing anything again - which is your concern. Considering this, I think somebody needs to take some action towards protecting other children - and possible help for nephew. Bottom line, your neice has been sexually abused, and I think efforts need to be made so that it does not happen again to her (or another child). this is a very serious concern, and i think something should be said. Perhaps, you could discuss your family's reactions (which you have mentionsed on your post) with social services/govt. deptartments, too see what they could suggest. And like someone has already said -making an anonymous report might be a good idea!
  4. It sounds though it is hard for you to break away from him, even though he is seeing someone else. That is a normal response, especially if you still have feelings for him. I suppose you are hoping you might get back together, and things will go back to the way they were. And because you feel lonely, and down it probably makes it even more difficult to reject his offers to meet for lunch. In my judgment, I think he does not deserve to be with you or have your time. He is not respecting you - and by the sounds of things he is not respecting the other women he is with. He probably realises that you are feeling lonely, and knows that he can spend time with you when we wants, and then say no, when he wants. You really do deserve someone better than him. You need to get strong in yourself, and recognise that you can be happy without him. I know this is easier said than done, but you *can* develop your self confidence. Try to spend time with people that make you feel good about yourself, and not hurt you or make you feel worthless. As for the love part - I am sure you will find someone that you love again (and someone that loves and respects you!) Sometimes it does feel like the 'good' ones are hard to find, but dont let it be the reason for you to waste your time with a 'bad' one. There are some decent guys out there...trust me.
  5. I have been heartbroken in the past, and felt that I might never find anyone again (or somebody as good). Looking back on it, I thank God I never ended up with them. I have now been with someone for 3 1/2 years, and we are getting married soon. He is the best, and he has surpassed all my dreams. So yes - I believe you will be OK and you will find someone very special again. Hang in there, and I wish you all the best.
  6. I am amazed that social services will not intervene, until police do. I have worked for child protection before (not in the US) and once a complaint (by the public) is made to the department, an investigation will proceed. I too, think that community support might be a possible option for her. But as you said your sister's children are your primary concern at the moment. In my experience, the best way to 'expose' poor parenting, is to have children visible in the community. If they are not of school age, and are in the privacy of their own home, it makes it more difficult to detect neglect/abuse. If her children are young, it would be wise to have them in some child care/play school a couples times a week. This gives the community an opportunity to notice inadequate parenting. Childcare worker's have a mandate to report such concerns to social services (does this apply to US policies???) Im not sure if this is a viable option for your sister's circumstances.
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