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  1. Thats far from true. Some people do complete 180's once they hit a college campus... I know people who did really well in highschool and slack off in college b/c of partying and what not. I know slackers who turned into complete bookworms. I didnt do that well in highschool especially the first 2 years. Im doing really well now that Im in college. It really depends on your personality type some people just really hate highschool(I know I did) college offes alot more freedom than highschool....picking classes that you actually care about...choosing what time you want to go to school...blah, blah,blah. Dont base your entire life on how well you do in highschool and a 3.0 isnt bad dont beat yourself up just try & do your best. Yes, highschool is important but you can always bounce back and become successful!!!
  2. My campus has a career center and they post jobs that are in the area & also jobs that are available on campus. Your best bet is finding a job on campus b/c they are usually the most flexible they work around your schedule. Usually everyone loves campus jobs b/c you will become more social & make tons of friends. best of luck.
  3. I would find myself scared and confused and guess what? My instincts would kick in and I'd GO. When I feel uncomfortable in situations especially w/ men. I leave. If I stay then obviously I obviously changed my mind about it or I was physically forced to stay... So Moore, did this happen to you? or a friend? Im just curious b/c you started the topic and you said the guy wasnt a rapist.
  4. Exactly. She should have been more forceful. Its weird that they have this position "oh she was a poor naive girl..she was raped..." Is she really that naive? she met the guy just to see his penis... But I guess thats irrelevant. she should have kept saying no. She really should go to a doctor about this. So when your young and immature your supposed to meet random guys online to see their penis and then be alone with them in a room? My point is either way she is risking her life. She doesnt know what this guy has, he could have aids who knows? From the description in the original post, I dont get the impression that she feared for her life. She was "terrified" of getting pregnant. Why would she be scared? Because a horny guy kept asking for sex thats uncomfortable no doubt, she should have left. It didnt seem that he was forceful. He didnt grab her, or threaten her, or hit her......So why do you think she would terrified? Again Im not saying she wasnt raped im just saying. why jump to conclusions there's obviously some things they could add to this story.
  5. It seems like right then, she would have said no again or pushed him away and left. Im not saying it was or was not rape but I dont see why some people jump to that conclusion. Yeah she said no at the beginning but then later she didnt. It seems she was more concerned with pregnancy and disease than her virginity but then again Im just jumping to conclusions too.
  6. First off, dont put words in his mouth, dont act out the scenario of telling him. I know I said "he'd probably do this blah, blah, blah" but really what you're doing is making up excuses. You seem really afraid to tell him how you feel. If he thinks you are attacking his family make it clear that you are not. If he tells you that you are being silly, be firm and tell him that you are serious about how you feel. I always do that I'll say to myself well "he or she will do this or that..." and usually I am totally off and people are pleased that I finally told them how I feel. Seriously, if you cant talk to him you probably should just leave and go back home because no relationship will work w/o basic communication. If he doesnt respect how you feel about things say good bye.
  7. What "most" girls think really doesnt matter. Its about your girl and what she wants. Why dont you just tell her what you want to do? she'll either be into or she wont. You said shes pretty open......
  8. In the spring he will receive his cert. right? so then wouldnt you both be able to move out? I think the major problem here is COMMUNICATION! If you feel you cant talk to your boyfriend about soemthing that is bothering you, I wonder why is he your boyfriend? You really have to talk to him about this so maybe you both will be able to come to some type of agreement of when you both will move into your own place or if you should move back home. I think if you told him how you feel or let him read your post here, he'd probably would try harder to move out sooner for your sanity. You sacrificed alot when you moved, hopefully he will realise that and be understanding. I know how you feel I am very independent, I hate living with my parents but I have to. I couldnt imagine living with someone else's parents. Best of luck.
  9. You should really talk to a counselor b/c answering questions like that is what they do for a living they could answer that question better than anyone here.
  10. Thats happened to me. Sometimes I just cant control my face. My guess is she was just shocked that you spoke to her, especially b/c that was the first time & if she likes you it just put her on the spot even more. I wouldnt analyze shy ppl. really, its not worth it b/c shy ppl are extremely hard to figure out. Ppl say to me all the time oh you made this face, you did this. And what they thought I meant by those things were waaay off. Who knows? Maybe she wasnt even aware she was looking @ you that way. But if you MUST know then ASK her!!!!
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