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Everything posted by Goofy7878

  1. Just curious, what's the longest bout of no contact any ones heard of where the dumper makes contact? Once again just curious. thanx much.
  2. Once again, Am i the only one who sees it, people on this site actually, take time to help, congradulate, and compliment other people for no good reason, the people here are wonderful, and need to understand how wonderful and move on to bigger and more wonderful things, than sulking about a person, who obviously was not aware their is actually proof of how incredible they are, right here on enotalone. thank you to everyone, this site is evidence that all is not lost.
  3. "nothing will pull you out of a hole, like working hard at work worth doing" Theo Roosevelt, Find something to invest yourself in Overland Park, it's similar to not putting all of your eggs in one basket, don't put all over your love in one person, spread in around to everyone that needs it, think of yourself last, you will see change, in everything.
  4. i lived in Kc on 10th and broadway for 2 years, the royals are not good, that was enough to make me want to move back to st.louis..........the plaza is wonderful around the holidays, so you guys got that going for you................along with all the motherfing fountains.
  5. In no way am i downgrading the anquish, man......it's friggen terrible. And i don't truly know any of you, but what i do know is your on this website, you have feelings, we are the people who care, we are the ones who posses love, and we want to give it away.................which would leave me to believe the people who are on this site posess a power which if directed could do tremendous things.
  6. Hello to all of you wonderful people, going through, in what my opinion is the most ballbreaking emotional torment a person can encounter, nothing else on earth which i have endured even begins to suck the joy out of everything you do in the same manner as losing the person you think about everynight before you go to bed, and every morning when you wake up...........................but it does not have to be like this. Please understand, several months ago i was a slobbering mess, the woman of my dreams had left me, and all i had left was a big friggen pile of questions, the first of which, was "what did i do wrong"?. But things change, in my opinion, life is not long, it is short. And, by the time most people understand this, it's to late. Don't waste your time trying to control uncontrolable situations. I mean there are so many things in life we can't do anything about, so quit worrying about those, and start focusing on things you can do something about. Look deep, deep inside, to that person, the person you've always known you could be, the person that when you were younger you imagined yourself being, and unleash yourself. The last thing the world needs is more people wandering completely self absorbed, put others first, speak and act from a position of unconditional love. Pick a issue, that you feel strongly about and attack, wether it be battererd women, or homless children, or gun control or whatever. Make your life matter!!!!!!! Don't waste it pining. Use this situation as a spring board to become a humanitarian, use all of this energy, and apply it to something greater than yourself, start a non-profit foundation, volunteer at a soup kitchen, or homless shelter. Be generous with your life and love.......and think of a bigger picture than just yourself...................people need help, and now you have time to help them, take advantage. Life is short, make it count................. Someone else doesn't want your love, screw em' there are plenty of people out there who do.......make a difference, and i promise someday you will look back, and wonder how you were ever so upset over something like a relationship, which was never meant to be. Your life does not have to be like this, it can be like whatever you want. Be genorous with your love..................many, many people need it. thank you
  7. Today after four months of being broken up...................well, let's just say, one of mutual friends did some pokin' around on my behalf, but not at my request..................she asked my exwomanfriend, if she could see us getting back together..............her reply was "i don't think i ever really was in love with him, so no." The response to this seems obvious enough........just move on. However this is right now, insanely difficult, and i just don't see how i'm going to get over this.................being rejected by someone, you gave your best to be with.............i'm just a mess, and am asking for similar stories, advice, and support which may help me through tonight...............and for the first time tomorrow truly believe that it is over. thank you all so much.
  8. 4 months, haven't talked in 2 months, it has gotten much better, with a good deal of help from everyone here, but i am a bit worried about this. And i don't want to act, i just want to make an impact, and i am quite curious if little contact, and or attention to her during the deal, would be the way to go.
  9. thats' what i'm talkin' about..........thats' some friggen good advice.............apprecitate it.
  10. thanx much, not trying to make her notice me, and just enjoying the people who are there is my current plan, however, the fact that i am already thinking about this can't be good....................so i would like to go in with a strategy, of less is more............not quite sure how.
  11. Hello to all of you wonderful people. Just asking for a little advice once again............................ An invitation to a birthday party on November 4th has arrived..............................my ex woman friend will most assuredly be attending................i am partially over her........but still think about her......um....well......all the time..........just curious about a bit of strategy no matter how misleading, to make her notice how I am behaving and also limit how much attention i pay to her.......she is beautiful, and i imagine it will be hard not to look a bit.........but i can't let her catch me. Anywho, we haven't seen each other since the terrible day, and i would like her to think about me after this evening.........and tips, pointers, or overall strategy would be appreciated greatly. .......i aslo can't bring a chick, we agreed that i would not, and she would not bring a date to mutual friend gatherings. yall is the best.
  12. To all of those who have advised me..........thank you............and sorry. after 6 weeks of solid nc, i wrote an email, insanely benign, actually pretty friggen funny i thought. Anywho...........I went to my favorite bar to have a bevy, which happens to be the bar we used to frequent, i went there the other day, and ran into a bunch of her friends, subconsciously, i think i wanted to again. Well, i ran into her sister,(my luck is awsome..........or terrible) who asked me if i was dating anyone. Good sign.................yeah?..............no.................she said good. Well somehow we got into a in depth discussion about our relationship, it may have slipped out that i was in no way over her, and that i was actually still quite in love with her. I'm quite sure this information will get back to her. Just asking for some knowledge here...........i promise i'll listen. A. Will this have the same outcome once she hears about it, of sending flowers and begging her back? B. Should i just take a crack at getting her back, now that the fit has already hit the shan? C. How much, would you, if it were you read into her sister saying good, to me goin' on a couple of dates with another chick? D. How big of a weak wuss, did i come off as, by being willing to discuss my feelings, and then divulging the sacred info? thanx again......................and again.............1000 heads are better than one.
  13. Give them yours, and go with old faithful, give me a call sometime.
  14. melrich is a friggen' stud, i know you do this out of the kindness of your heart, but i'd pay green money for advice like that....................................actually.......................i have.
  15. Not to be a chump brothers, but karma, is a nutty thing. A. what if it was you with a chick, maybe your in love with her, then some other guy moves in and starts firing. You may say let the best man win, or you may say, that's a big problem with the world today, no one gives a sh*t about anyone else. B. Can you trust a chick who leaves her boyfriend for you, i would think the odds of her repeating the behavior are probably better, seeing how you know for a fact, she's done it at least once. C. If this is a untrustworthy young lady, your doin' the guy a favor. but don't think that if this is a descent relationship, and the guy cares for the girl and does what a man should do, that this won't catch up to you. Life has a way of reciprocating everthing.
  16. Thanx to all, I just don't know....................................i don't know if she'll contact me....................and the more the think i'm getting over her......................the more i think she is probably getting over me..................no matter what her hookererd up drunk friends say. and i know it's horrible to say, but i don't want her to get over me. thanx again yall
  17. both arguments make a sickening amount of sense. ...................................................damnit.
  18. h-ladies, you are a stud. But how can one know if she is casting out a line or reconciliation, or getting drunk and pining? i miss her man, i just have to remember to the conclusions i come to in my current friggen, nasty, depressed state aren't the best ones. thanx for the help, but i think i'm weak enough to cling to any hope. so absolutely do not throw a friendly email out there? just want to be sure.
  19. Gossip is indeed just gossip, but they have no reason to be untruthful. i just miss her..............and her friends giving substance to my hope that she misses me too, is enough to make me rethink things. what if she's just scared to call, or write.
  20. Confusing friggen night. I went out to a bar where me and my ex gal used to go. I ran into all of her friends. They told me she is in love with me, and is still worried she made a big mistake, by breaking up with me. They made a descent argument that i should write her and tell her, i've gone on a few dates with another chick. They proceeded to say she needs to know she might lose me for good. But the wonderful people on this forum have made an equally, if not better argument, that nc is for the dumpee(me), and writing her would obviously be breaking it. we have been broken up for 3 months, nc for 6 weeks. The last time we spoke she told me she thinks she made a mistake, missed me and wanted to get together to talk, but she hasnt call/wrote again since then six weeks ago. Just have some questions i could use some advice on. Should i write her to say hi, and tell her what i'm doing? If i do tell her, is it possible she could say "screw him" because i've gone on a couple of dates, and be done with me for good? Should i keep nc, till she contacts me? Thank you all so much. i was getting much better till i saw them, ..............damnit.
  21. You turned a bad day good for me.............thank you so much.
  22. Sweetie, First of all, you describe yourself as fairly common, from what i just read it appears you are quite uncommon. Do you know how wonderful it will be one day, when you meet the man of your dreams, and you can tell him "i've been waiting for you, i knew you were out there, and since the day I realized we would meet someday, i wanted you and no one else." Being a guy who's been in more than my fair share of relationships, it would be the most wonderful sound i've ever heard. Most men, if they want to meet a young lady, have to sift through hookered up drunk bimbos at bars, or clubs. You, are the opposite. If you are concerned that nobody has been interested in you(which i find hard to believe) then work on your shyness, don't change the way you dress, or your habits or the way you live, nobodys worth that. Try this, in the process of your day tomorrow, everytime you see a guy you think is attractive, walk by him, give a big beautiful smile, make eye contact and say hi, then keep walking, it's not a guarantee that the will follow, but i think you will find, they say hi back, and are almost shaken(nervous) that you would say hi to them....................trust me sweetie, most people are as unsure about relationships, and meeting people as you are. Just smile, and know for sure, that the person you are right now, is perfect and someone will be lucky enough to see it..................if their lucky. love, Goofy
  23. I don't quite understand the question, and yes i believe the grass may be much greener, almost blinding, on the other side.
  24. Sunny, UHHH............to make a long story short, we were together for about 2 years, everything was wonderful, i treated her well, probably too well. I time together started to dwindle, she is working on her masters, and i have my business, then one morning she came over with doughnuts (ilovedoughnuts) and said the original and obviously heart felt, "i love you so much", "but i am not in love with you". It was friggen brutal. I told her i in no way wanted to see her or talk to her or be friends. It's odd after someone pulls your heart out of your chest, and pees on it, they want to be friends. Anyway a friend of ours organized a charity floattrip, i told the friend i probably would not attend if she was their, she found out and called. I told her the same no friends, no talkie, no see-e. ............................anyway, she found a reason of some type to call to the day every two weeks till a month ago. That night we had a long coversation which ended in, i miss u, i want to get together and talk, i said "o-kee-do-kee". That was the last i spoke to her. She made plans with me to talk, and then never followed through with any of it. Anyway, the point is (i found out later) she was calling when she was drinking, and a little emotional. But now it's been a month and the fear of her not calling again is weighing quite heavy, I lay in bed at night and think about snuggling, or kissing, or pillow fighting with her one more time, and it's almost enough to convince me i should fight for her cause she is worth it.........however every single person, who has been through this on this site says do the opposite..............i am still so confused. thank you, what about you, have you been through it, or are you currently in it.
  25. As long as you keep that mindset it appears, that you can get back with her whenever YOUR ready.
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