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Everything posted by IdiotSavant

  1. I've read this in multiple places. You know when your going pee, you can flex a certain muscle to stop peeing? Well, flex that muscle while sitting around the house, driving, in class ect. No one can notice you doing it. Its supposed to strength and make you last longer. Also, when you fill like your about to cum, reach down and pull your testies gently downward. Last, "do it yourself" with a condom on. I've heard all of those work...
  2. Whats up man. Maybe she just doesnt like you in that way? She enjoys your company because its probably a free meal, movie ticket ect. Dont come on to hard, woman hate that. Trust me, I know. link removed Check out that site, has a lot of good stuff in there. Play it cool, dont spill your fillings to this girl. Read over that website...it'll help you out in the long run, trust me mahn.
  3. Here's how I look at it. I stopped going to school for the longest time because I couldnt stand going. I hate school with a passion. When I look back now, I should almost be completely done with school. I hate myself for not just toughing it out and I hate myself more for being the same way you are (not ment to be mean). School is school, its not ment to be fun. I'm going back now for me and for my girlfriend. Take time off, when your ready you'll want to finish it. I'm ready to get this part of my life out of the way and move on to the next chapter. Just breath, take time off, enjoy life a little bit and then go back. You'll know when your ready
  4. I'm 21 years old and have no idea what I want in my life. I just started going to school again. I havent even finished my freshmen year of college yet and I've been out of school for 2 yrs nows. It just worries me that I'm not going to do anything. I -know- that I want to do something, maybe teach middle or high school? I dont know. I imagine there are plenty of people in this world floating in the same boat I am. What did you do to help decide what you want to do in life? I'd like just a bit of feedback and maybe some suggestions.
  5. I'm glad everything is going well for you. Thats how I wish my LDR was going / went. Best of luck
  6. Whats up man. 30 minutes is not that big of a deal. That is a cake walk drive. My girlfriend lived 20ish minutes away from me and we lasted a really long time. Just a few questions for you tho... How do you know that your madly in love with her? Maybe you just think you do and that you want to feel that way about it. Also, dont forget that people accross the internet are sometimes totally different when met face to face. But like I said, 30 minutes is nothing. It can be worked if you two both want it to. Before you start thinking your madly in love with someone, try and meet her in person to see if that connection is there in person too. Just my 2 cents... Best of luck to ya cause I do know the feeling of being madly in love.
  7. You know, I've talked to my good friends about this and then I figured I'd throw it out into the internet to get more perspectives about this. And from what I'm hearing/reading is that -everyone- has said the exact samething. I just feel like I'm going to regret this even though I know its what I have to do. Thanks for the input people. I honestly hope one day she is going to wake up and realize that "hooking up" with all these random people will never amount to what our relationship once was. Just one other question, are my views of cheating wrong...such as kissing another? I feel as if when your in a relationship with someone you dont do anything physical with another person. Sometimes I think if I didnt have that point of view, things could be different??
  8. My girlfriend and I have been together for 13 months now. She had just recently moved to Tally (FSU) to go to college and now we are 150 miles apart. We've talked about me moving out to tally by the beginning of 06. But all of a sudden things started gettin hard. I'd call her and she'd always be to busy to talk to me, would never call me back, wouldnt answer her phone ect. It was making me angry to go from number one in her life to whatever I was. So, we had a talk last week. She told me that this relationship got to serious all of a sudden by me moving to tally. And that she wanted to do the college thing and that being with me she wasnt able to experience everything. She told me straight up that she WILL hook up with people while drinking. Our definition of hooking up is making out and to me that is cheating. She also said that she wants me to be there with her but by doing so that's to serious. Now, I know we are young. I'm 21 and she's 19. Oh, and when we first started this relationship I told her that even a kiss is cheating by my standards and I dont like cheaters or liars. I only said that because she's cheated on every boyfriend she's had (kissing). I thought maybe I was the exception. So...anyways, we decided on taking a break to think things through. We both agreed not to do anything with anyone until after our meeting this weekend. I called her the other night and I told her that I'm not going to be able to date her because she made it loud and clear that she wanted to hook up with other guys, she didnt want me moving to be with her. I was just putting it up in the air til she comes this weekend to discuss everything. After a bit of talking she admitted to cheating on me already (even though it was during our break). Like I said, I dont like liars and I dont like cheaters and she did both to me. The only way I could stay with her is if I moved to tally. But she's scared of that situation. I care for her so much and she cares for me so much. But if she's already cheated on me once, she'll probably do it again since she does have a history of cheating. I really want to be with her and she wants to be with me. I feel like if I end this relationship I'm making a huge mistake, neither one of us want to end this. I know what I have to do but I dont want to. She then said that she wants us to be friends still, which I can do, and that when she comes home she wants to to do our "thing" and then when she goes home to tally she's allowed to do whatever she wants. I know there are a bunch of people out there who have been in this situation. Someone please give me a little bit of advice.
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