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Everything posted by Cherylyn

  1. In the future, take your friends up on it and join them. Don't miss future opportunities to be with a few girls you know from school. Don't be self conscious even though it's easy to do. Most people don't care what others are doing especially at an amusement park. They're too busy having fun and going on rides. No, you're not an overreacting brat. If you have good communication with your dad have a discussion with him preferably in person. Hopefully, he'll give you moral support. Chin up! πŸ™‚
  2. That was a typo. I meant if you cannot agree on household finances, then don't be in a relationship with her. Both of you are incompatible and co-habitating with her is a failure.
  3. If you're afraid to approach him due to his temper, you'll continue enabling his bad behavior. Since you don't have children, you will have more options to leave more conveniently in comparison to having children already.
  4. Nonetheless, explain more thoroughly to him so you can have a lucid verbal discussion with him.
  5. Let it go. If he's chill, then you be chill. If you regret it, don't do it again and keep moving forward.
  6. Ask him why you can't get an answer from him.
  7. Stop these feelings because he could cheat on you, too. That should be your wake up call.
  8. If there is no future, there is no reason to be in a relationship with her. Time to go your separate ways.
  9. Instead of answering "because," explain why as you've done in your post. Be clear when you speak to your husband. "Because" is too vague. It would be a relief to be kid-less, get a break from noise, have peace and quiet in your house.
  10. Address the lying. He is deceitful and betraying your trust in him. Have a discussion. If he continues not telling you the truth, then try going the professional route with marriage counseling.
  11. Best to remain mum. Should your friends pry, simply tell the truth meaning that you will respect her privacy and leave it at that. There is nothing more to say. They will take the hint that it's not up for discussion, period. If they want to find out through other means, let them but you stay out of it. It's not your domain. Do the right thing and consider anything to do with your friend's private life to remain just that: private. Anything to do with your friend is considered off limits. Let it stay there. You will be fine. πŸ™‚ Don't fret. Remain steadfast, unwavering and honorable. Have integrity and proceed with your own life.
  12. I believe anyone can do whatever they want, where they want, dress however way they wish and be the way they are in public. However, if a woman (referring to women in this topic) doesn't want extra, unwanted attention, then it stands to reason to dress more modestly and not be in a situation where there's unwanted ogling, leering, fending off and sometimes can resort to violence to fight off. I'm not saying to dress like a spinster or a nun either. πŸ™„ Certain clothing is super tight, has plunging necklines and shorts so short that it's as short as panty type underwear. There's a lot of either skin hugging or revealing too much skin so naturally there will be ogling and leering. Unfortunately, some people will perceive that person is cheap or a tart. I know it is unfair despite a person being of solid character but it's just the way it is and the impression that it gives off. It's a free country though and women should have the right to do whatever they want. Just don't be surprised nor shocked whatever the outcome in society. Also, being at the wrong place at the wrong time and if dressed immodestly could lead to crimes of all sorts especially for women in particular. Not that it happens all the time but the risk increases exponentially. Images, impressions or vibes are important because it can be perceived as positive or negative in harmful, nefarious, heinous ways. Then there is the atmosphere where alcohol, drugs, loud music, clubs, bars, night life, dark parking lots, dark parking structures, dark nights and questionable characters are crawling out of the woodwork especially after sundown. Just something to consider. Risk isn't worth it. Better safe than sorry. 🫒
  13. Leave a sign that says: "Please flush the toilet. Thank you." I agree, talk to your parents. πŸ™„
  14. There are times when another person's problems become a drag. As much as it's commendable to give constant moral support to a person whether in a relationship or someone else, let's say a friend or relative, after a while, they become a burden especially if you have troubles of your own or have an extremely busy life to tend to. It takes a toll on your mental and physical state. It would be idyllic to be indispensable to someone's emotional needs but it is unrealistic, taxing and an imposition. He was galighting you when he told you that you need to be the center of attention and the fact that he's just along for the ride? It's time to deposit him so you can continue driving without him. Gaslighting is twisting the narrative to make you look like there is something wrong with you. Gaslighting is deflecting and manipulating the conversation because gaslighters control the conversation in their favor as their sole purpose is to confuse you and make you question your sanity. Run for the hills. πŸƒβ€β™€οΈ
  15. If you can agree regarding monetary household matters, then don't be in a relationship with her. Both of you are incompatible. Co-habitating does not work for both of you.
  16. Instead of guessing and trying to read his mind, have a conversation with him. Make sure your communication is very clear with him preferably verbally in person which is the best. Electronic correspondence gets lost in translation. 🫒
  17. I actually agree. I do question her mentality to wear a provocative dress and go to Las Vegas even though it's with her girlfriends. The atmosphere is flooded with guys ogling and leering at women. They don't call it 'Sin City' for nothing. πŸ˜’ If you're in a committed 2 year relationship and it's supposedly going strong with perhaps potential for a future, usually a woman doesn't go traipsing off to Las Vegas wearing club type dress and acting single with a bunch of girlfriends. Something about this type of behavior doesn't ring true and sounds off. Trust has nothing to do with it. It's poor judgement and decision making to go to LV in the first place. If anything, she should be with you, enjoying an outing with you and acting as if she's part of a committed couple ~ not a swinging singles scene where there are bars, clubs, lots of drinking, drugs, dancing, gambling, risk of crime of all sorts and living the fast life. It doesn't matter that she's with her girlfriends either. The atmosphere itself is party city. Think about it. πŸ™„
  18. It is flattering to be hit upon. However, a lot of women aren't dumb. A smart woman knows who the high quality man in her life is and he's YOU. This is what you need to cherish and focus on because having a woman's heart and soul is priceless. Be secure knowing you got her and no one else does. Sure, they can look and try to garner her attention to no avail. You are the one who won her and those other men lost. Think about it. πŸ˜‰
  19. Whenever I was down in the dumps, what helped me was to get healthy. I ate food which was better for me, exercised daily, enjoyed my quiet time alone, did what I enjoyed such as hobbies and surrounded myself with very upstanding, honorable, moral people whether friends or family. If you're faith based, consider joining your local church. Positive role models and healthy influences steered me into the right direction. Also, I exited social media. I went permanently no contact, blocked and deleted certain people EVERYWHERE. They became out of sight, out of mind. It felt very empowering. My self esteem soared and I regained my dignity, self worth and self confidence.
  20. Yes, she chose YOU. πŸ™ πŸ’— πŸ₯° You're the one in her heart. πŸ’— Other men do not have her soul. It's all for you!
  21. Ask for Devin's number and meet for lunch or coffee. Also, explain to him that you're not interested in Eric.
  22. Also, depends on how much his mother occupies his time. Does he spend an unreasonable amount of time, energy and thoughts on his mother? If it's excessive, I wouldn't like it either. Hopefully, both mother and son have healthy boundaries out of consideration for each other and you. It sounds like in a way, his mother controls the mother-son relationship and you're treated as if you should know your place. πŸ˜’ It's not a good feeling to be sidelined. ☹️ I realize a mother-son bond is very close as I'm a mother of sons so I straddle both sides of the fence. However, a mother needs to yield more and more especially if her son has a girlfriend or wife. The mother of a son needs to learn to take a backseat, not be intrusive nor have expectations to be more exclusive than she should be. In-law situations can be tricky at times. Or, a boyfriend's mother situation. In-laws or in your case, your boyfriend's mother has no qualms calling frequently, texting, asking for favors and they don't always consider the girlfriend or wife's feelings, their busy households, time, energy, inconvenience or imposition. If this is the case, then it is indeed inconsiderate, disrespectful and rude. Often times, being close to family can feel crowded and resentment brews because schedules become busier and there's less time, energy and brain space for the marriage or boyfriend-girlfriend relationship. There is a sacrifice of your boyfriend's and your time which can test your patience and perhaps his, too. Sure, you want to be your boyfriend's whole world just as a wife would. However, you have to share him. As long as he is considerate and reasonable with his mother and you, accept this as how it is. If his mother is a time hog, they chat on the phone frequently and / or she requests his labor, energy and favors, then realize he prioritizes his mother over you. You don't matter as much. πŸ˜’ He could very well be a "Mama's Boy" and will never cut the apron strings nor umbilical cord. You will determine this from observing his habits. You can't change him. Either accept him as is or call it quits on the relationship.
  23. I'm not a man but I'm not considered an unattractive lady. Feel secure knowing she is your girlfriend and she'll come back to you. You can turn this around on you. If women were gawking, ogling or hitting on you, how would you behave and how would your girlfriend feel? 🫒 Both of you are taken and spoken for. πŸ™‚ You can't control what strangers do especially when both of you are not with each other in public settings. Know she rejects other men and accepts and loves you. πŸ’— As you say, appreciate her all the more and be grateful. πŸ™
  24. Know your role. Your boyfriend has a rapport with his mother and a relationship with you. Both are separate. I'm sorry you don't have a stable mother-daughter relationship with your mother. Not everyone is fortunate. Be comfortable in your own skin and be your own self. Be more independent minded and you will become secure and self confident. Start building high self esteem. Don't fixate yourself on your boyfriend's mother. Yes, begin by loving yourself. Take good care of your mental and physical health for starters.
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