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  1. I mean I could but I just want to know whether when I go to school tomorrow, people are going to think of me as weird and a loser, and if riding on the Ferris wheel with my dad essentially ruined everything
  2. So basically there's this carnival in town and I was volunteering there with someone from school I kinda knew, and we talked, and then we went our separate ways at like 8 30 pm, so I went to look for some of my friends who were in the carnival. I couldn't find them, so I decided to go in the ferris wheel line with my dad, and then a few girls from school I kinda know came up to me in the line and we talked, and they asked me if I wanted to go on The Viper with them, but I didn't want to be a bother to them or to my dad so I said no. Then me and my dad went on the ferris wheel together, but then it hit me, that no other 8th grader in the carnival was with their parents, and I could feel people's eyes on me and I know they were probably thinking that I'm a lonely loser who had to go with her dad to the ferris wheel. I don't mean to sound like I'm ashamed of my dad, I love him, but I just feel really really sick and really sad because of the whole thing. I haven't told my dad about how I felt, but I told him I wanted to go home and now I'm crying a lot. Am I overreacting or being a brat? Please advise.
  3. Yeah, I probably should sign up for volunteering or something, and I agree maybe I’m being hard on myself. Thank you so much for your advice, it was really nice of you
  4. Thank you for your advice, but seeing a psychologist really isn’t an option right now and I can’t ask my parents about it because they’re stressed enough as it is.
  5. Hi I’m 13 and I’m feeling really awful lately, when 8th grade started I felt so good about myself but idk anymore. I think I look ok in the mirror and selfies and stuff, but then me and my friend were laughing over pictures of people and she showed me some pictures of me that she had and I laughed but inside I felt so ugly looking at those pictures. I feel like my entire sense of my appearance is ruined. I also have a crush on a guy, and he’s nice to me, but seeing my looks, I’m pretty sure nobody would ever like me romantically. Also, my crush’s friend already thinks I’m weird, so I think even if we got together my crush’s friend would tell my crush I’m weird and he wouldn’t like me. I think I’ll be alone forever and never find love, especially since 2 of my friends are already dating/have dated. I hate myself compared to other people. And I really need some help or advice or anything please I’d really appreciate it.
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