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Everything posted by The_Enforcer

  1. LOL.. I like the suggestion! But it is a family computer, so I think ther would be objections! I guess I simply have to disclipline myself? I am so disorganized in general. I would like to become a more organized and efficient individual. I often right ''to do'' lists with good intentions, but these never get done. Where can I find the discipline, not only for this topic, but for life in general? I have been disciplined in the past... I gave up smoking which was extremely hard and took aver a year, but it's been 2 years now- so I can do it.
  2. I thought the rolling stones broke up years ago?!
  3. LOL... I agree. The initial poster has no game. Young women don't want some walk over... if your a wuss you wont get laid.
  4. I agree with the above.. looks are the intial attraction for me. How is a personality going to attract me in the first place- it's not visual. You look at someone and are attracted, you can't look at someone and think, wow they have a great personality- lets go over and speak to them. You think wow, look at her. I'll go and speak to her. Then you get to know their personality. Looks are the basis of initial attraction.
  5. The thing is.. the computer is in the hallway. I'll study for 5 mintues, get distracted or go to get something and then i'll think oh... i'll just check this and checking it turns into an hour, which turns into a week and so forth. I would like to ban myself from using the internet before 9pm, in an ideal world. It's just a matter of discipline, as you say. How can I help enforce this?
  6. I really need help and advice for a very weird addiction. I am addicted to the internet and posting on various sites... this is jepoardizing my future as it has meant that I have been neglecting my studying, which should most definitely be a priority. It may be hard for some of you to understand, but I hop you can help... I just can't seem to pull myself away from the computer, and knuckle down and study. Any advice, I really need to get this sorted. I guess I have an addictive personality disorder or something.
  7. But my way of dealing with this is punishment. I feel she should be punished. She has got away with it. Today, I egged her car whilst at college
  8. Thanks once again for your valued contribution to my post bila. Your responses have helped me a great deal, expecially as you have been in the same situation. I was hoping other people (possibly some women) would be able to add something too, but if not, then ok. I was meaning other peoples views or thoughts on the situation rather than the number of times this post has been viewed ! What would make a peron behave in such a way? (Lucy?) I presume she will always be untrustworthy?
  9. So not many views or responses it on this post then?
  10. Your situation is remarkably similar, but there is one slight difference. This girl didn't break up with anyone, she was playing us both. I knew as soon as I found out that was it. You lie to me, your out the door. No matter how much I like you. I told this to the guy, said I no longer had anything to do with her and that he had a decision to make. He made the ill-calculated decision to stay with her. This is what I feel has annoyed me for the main part. How can he let her get away with this???????! She doesn't deserve ANYONE. I am 90% sure given the choice she would have chosen me over him. But I respect myself too much to trust her any longer. The girl I once liked was merely one big lie. thereforeeee she has had only the option of getting back with him. And to my disbelief, they are back together!!!!!! He even said, in ther 3 yr relationship, this is not the first time this has happened!!! I want nothing to do with such lying, deceiving, untrustworthy individuals and I can't see why hesee's any different. She is obviosuly going to do it again and again and again. Once a cheater, always a cheater. I went straight round to her house. They were both there. I said exactly what was on my mind. I said '' You are the biggest loser I have ever met in my life and your boyfriend is the biggest wussy I have ever met in my life... you make a great couple''. Then I walked away..
  11. Here's an outline to my little story; I met a girl, we clicked straight away. Things seemed to good to be true- they were. Basically, I got on reallllllllllllllllly well with this girl, Lucy. We had been seeing each other for over 2 months. Things were pretty serious, she was constantly calling me, texting me, sending me erotic photos, following me home (bit strange i know ).. Anyway... her personality was great. We just clicked and could talk about anything and everything. I know she was really into me. There were a few strange things that I saw and asked about, but she had good explanations... And I accepted them at face value. I BELIEVED HER, I TRUSTED HER. She was always telling me how she had been treated badly in the past, being cheated on etc.... and how she would NEVER do that. So it came out of the blue, a txt message from hr phone, that I could tell was not her (I just knew). Then I started receiving witheld phonecalls. It turned out to be her BOYFRIEND. At 3.00am last night i gt a message saying ''hi this is lucies boyfriend, i'm not sure if she told you she had a boyfriend, but she does. She's lost him now, please take car of her''. He phoned the next morning and we talked about the situation. I told him that I wanted nothing to do with her after the lies she had told me. Her personality that i liked so much was fake... and i guess that upset me, that hurt. I asked hime where this left him... he said she had done it before so that was it. I was ok with that. But then I found out they were back together. They had been together for 3 yrs prior to this event. This really annoyed me, that they were back together, but i was unsure why at first. It got me thinking... and I realized I was annoyed because SHE didn't deserve to be with anyone. I not only felt sorry for this guy, but at her for treating him like that........ I mean, what sort of a punishemnt is that???? I tried explaining to the guy she wasn't worth it, I told him he had a choice to make. I was no longer a part of this. I'm disappointed he made the wrong decision. I don't know why i've written this, I just had to. I still feel angry and have mixed feelings, but atleast I am beggining to understand why. I feel I have rushed this story, so I hope it makes sense and I look forward to reading your responses to this situation I have found myself in. I must say, this incident has had an impat on my ability to trust people.
  12. I have recently been diagnosed of suffering from extreme stress, but I have no idea of it's causes. It has had such an adverse effect on me that It has caused my to experience hair loss (alapeche spg?). Is this just an effect of the ever increasing pressure of society today.. the pressure on me to do well is extreme at best. I have no idea what causes me to be so stressed but I have my ideas. I have recently started college and there is pressure orientated towards that. Another thing is, I am £3000 in debt, which is ever increasing as they charge me interest and I have no way to pay it off. I know I can't really afford to be at college, but I have dropped out twice before and need to see it through. How can I relieve this stress?
  13. Thanks mate... have decided to grow it a bit and see what happens. I have realised i shouldn't be so vain in caring what anyone else thinks. If I want to see what my hai looks like long i shouldn't have to worry about what others think of me, even if it does look crap! Besides, as said, it's easier to cut hair off than grow it. And i need to do this formyself if that makes sense. I want to have and see my hair long at least once in my life! Thanks for the support and advice in my soul searching!
  14. lol... thanks Dark blue... do you think dreads would suit me? as i would be prepared to put up with a 'mop' (lol) if the end result was pleasing.. ...still got the mop at the mo, contemplating cutting it this Mon (depending on results from this thread). Thanks for the advice and keep it coming.
  15. Thinking of cutting it off now, it's getting too hard to manage.. my ultimate aim was to grow it long enough to get dreads, but i always bottle it at this stage as it ends up looking so bad.
  16. Thanks guys... bit of an update on this seemingly trivial situation. My hair is quite long now and this is where it gets really messy (it goes curly) here is another pic of me taken yesterday... you can't really see how long it is because it is quite curly. I appreciate the last posters comments on confidence, where he suggested not worrying about hairstlyes... but I believe confidence comes from within and if you look and feel good you will act confidently. I don't feel confident with my hair at the mo tbh and i'm really considering cutting it off... but, conversely, once i have done thi I will probably wish I had kept growing it through this hard phase as It may have been worth it in the end... this may seem trivial to some in comparison with others posts and my problems it have posted about in the past, but this is reall ybothering me. I don't want to have to resort to the old boring hairstyle I have had for so many years, even though I am used to it and it may suit me. Please help!!
  17. Thanks for the suggestions, I'm in England and we don't have a place called supercuts. We do have a very expensive place called Toni & Guy but I can't afford that. The reason I don't like my hair like that is because it's been like that (usually a bit shorter) since I was 14! I really would like a change, but have no ideas what to do or what would even suit me. I was going to grow it quite long, but maybe it won't suit me? I'll take a look at the link- thanks.
  18. ..Admittedly this may sound like a weird request to some of you, but I'm sure there are some style guru's out there who will be able to advice me. I usually have my hair really, really short but I have been growing it for a while as I want a change. I really don't know what style would suit me and can't afford to go to an expensive stylist as i'm a student. This is why I am asking for you advice, what hair style do you think would suit me? Here's a pic of my hair at the moment, it's just getting to the really unmanageable stage where I usually end up cutting it all off again! Your advice is most welcomed. My apologies for the picture quality. image removed
  19. I'd like to tell my tale from the other end of the spectrum... When I was 16 I brought my first car and drove it around illegally (stupid, yes- I know). When I was 17 I got my license after taking about 10 1 hour lessons, but I was sutch a confident driver that I nearly failed... the tester wants to see you pull out with caution etc, but I was over confident. Anyway, the over confidence doesn't stop there, I had got my license and was driving around like a lunatic. I had several nasty crashes and wrote off several cars in high speed accidents. Eventually, I got banned from driving and had to retkae my test under the new drivers act. After serving some time out of driving, I re-took my test and passed with only one minor. Now i'm back on the road with 10 points on my license, it took me all of the above to become a good driver. The point i am trying to portray is that it is better for you to become a good driver the way you are doing so, than the way I did. Good luck
  20. I really have no idea mate. I'd like to join the parachute regiment, if i can. Alternatively, something like a stockbroker or entreupreneuer (spg)
  21. Yes mate, That's right, it's where you choose a trade like quantity surveying/plumbing etc and then learn whilst on the job. You go to college aswell and get the equivelant of a degree whilst getting paid. but then your pretty much stuck in that as a career- and I don't know what I want to do with my life yet ! THe only other problem I see with this, is that I wouldn't really be mixing with people of my own age. THe first option is a university access course for people 19 or over, who want to go to Uni, but lack the necessary qualifications to do so. It's mainly adults who do this course, i'm 19 so still quite young... and i'd like to mix with people more my own age. It also doesn't offer subjects I am really interested in.... A-levels are like studying a subject more in depth, the access course doesn't really have the subjects I am interesested in, but A-levels do. Plus I would get to mix with people more of my own age and maybe find some friends (don't have many). The A-level course is obviously the longer route, but i think i'd enjoy it more than the quicker access course. I would really apreciate and advice you can give me, as I'm finding it hard to make a decision. Another thing worth bearing in mind is that this is the last year I can do a modern apprenticeship and also the last year higher education is free... Thanks for your time. Is this where you learn by experience so to speak? This sounds like a good option to me in that case. What's the difference between the first and second choice? Wouldn't the first choice be more appealing than the second choice?
  22. Hello and thanks for taking the time to read this post. I have recently lost my job (Which I was not happy in anyway) and this has got me thinking.. I need to start securing my future. I am finding t very hard to get a good job as I left school with only GCSE's. I went on to study A-levels but was too ill to carry on and had to leave. I think I have several options open to me; University access course, enabling me to progress to university in 1 year. A-levels, enabling me to progress to university in 2 years. Modern apprenticeship (preferably in quantity surveying) enabling me to obtain a degree equivelant on part time basis. I did want to join the Parachute regiment but cannot do so for a further two years due to medical reasons. What do you think, any advice?
  23. They get paid a salary, they don't work on commision. Plud she is just an employee so there is no obligation for her to sell anything! But you could be right. Maybe i'll just leave it.
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