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Everything posted by overit1607307174

  1. thank you! she working on getting me an appointment for some other stuff thats been going on, and i tihnk im gunna talk to the dr about getting the pill. i heard it can make ur period less heavy and shorter, and i dunno if this is true but i heard u can hold it off for a while or something. which would be AWESOME since im going to europe with my school for 26+ days and we're backpacking the whoel time and u have to pay to go to the bathroom.... rar anyhoo, can u really hold off ur period for a while if ur on the pill???
  2. so, even if my mom were to ask, he cant give her an answer??? i mean, im only 17..... so wouldnt she b able to ask and them tell her??? sorry to ask so many questions, but i have to go to the dr for other reasons once i tell my mom about them, and i dont want the dr telling her things. i mean what i need to go for can wait till im 18, ive already waited a little over a year anyways.
  3. thanks RayKay. that helped a lot. umm, say when i go to the drs, and they do find out ive been having sex.... r they obligated to tell my parents or do i get any privacy w/ that?? becuase i refuse to go if they're gunna tell my parents..... id rather do all of this on my own and have to sneak it around.... i guess
  4. oh boy, nother question. would the pill help with being super super emotional??? like would it calm my emotions some. i really cant handle all this being angry one second and crying the next, and i hate putting my bf through that =/ we fight a lot when i have my period (but we always make up after talking for like 10 min).
  5. I refuse to have sex w/o a condom anymore (we did once and got really scared). I'm pretty sure i can deal with her reaction, I just want to know how I could go about it w/o her freaking out so another question, say I was to get an appointment (with her permission) but not for the specific reason of getting the pill. but if i were to ask the dr about birth control, would he talk to my mom about it, like say i ASKED for it, or would it be possible for him to give it to me for other reasons, and him tell my mom that? (if this makes since)
  6. i really dont want to go behind my moms back to get it. id like to approach this in a mature way, so how would i go about talking to her about this. shes going to assume i need it because im having sex with my bf (and yes, I am, but i dont exactly want her to know that). we've been using condoms, and have been very cautious about this, but i still worry becuase there have been times in the past where we werent as careful as we could have been..... so id like to protect myself a little bit better just to be safe.
  7. 1. thats perfectly fine 2. Movies is always a good idea, if u go somewhere afterwards u can have time to talk and talk about the movie 3.is she going to see the movie with yall?? 4.Call her mom by her last name, and if she says to call her something else then ok, but b respectful 5.When it feels right. dont try and make it a major point to kiss her on the first day. watch her and see if she gives u any signs 6.well id say making out is just a little too fast for a first day, but thats just me. id say a kiss on the cheek or maybe a little kiss on the lips, unless she hints otherwise 7. yes! go somewhere after the movie as long as its not too late
  8. ok cool. i have another question...... im still only 17 so i dont exactly have a way of getting it other than going with my mom to the Dr. and i dont think its right to go behind her back to get it (i know a way i could but i dont think thats right). i know shed assume that i need it becuase im having sex (which is another erason but not my main reason) sooooo, any ideas how i could talk to her about it w/o her freaking out, or could I get it w/o her permission??? am i old enough to get it on my own??
  9. if i were get on the pill, would that effect how regular i am? like would my peroid ALWAYS be a certain number of days apart? My periods have been really weird lately... usually im always 28 days apart, but the past 3 times i was early and then late the next time and im late again. so would gettin on the pill help with that??
  10. has anyone here fallen in love in high school and married that person??
  11. we're not officially engaged as of right now. i mean we both know that we will be, and 1 of my friends knows (not the one thats mad at me). we plan on making an official engagment when i turn 18, and gettin married the summer i turn 19.
  12. my friend and i are having a pretty large fight right now..... she used to think u can love someone at a young age, but now shes changed my mind in an attempt to break my fiance (she doesnt know he is my fiance) and I up. she said its not possible to find ur one true love at 16..... well i was wondering. how many of u met ur husband/ wife in high school, and how long ya'll r/ have been together..... oh yeah. what can i do to get my friend off my back!?
  13. so yeah... day 2..... it hurts pretty bad still. like walking kills, and driving isnt much better.... but i dont have a choce. i have to do both and tomorrow i have to skate. in the past ive messed up my knee twice, spent 12 months in physical therapy (thats both injuries combined). they told me i have medialplika syndrom (sp?) its where the tissue in my knees isnt folded right. sometimes if i stand up to fast the tissue pulls over my knee cap and moves it around and it really hurts..... so yeah. i already have a bad knee. i was on crutches for 4 months...... so yeah what should I do? i have to coach tomorrow.... i have my own calss and if im not there... i may get fired....
  14. talked to my parents..... as of right now they wont take me cuz they think its an excuse to get out of skating..... and the swellings gone down... but it still hurts so much
  15. what do i tell my parents...... i tried talking to them about it but they have no clue how bad it hurts...... and becuase ive had so many injuries these past few years, they may be a bit reluctant to take me cuz they dont want me out of skating anymore........ man ive screwed up big time........ (im an ice skating coach, and i skate competatively....)
  16. im home alone...... the earliest i can get to the dr is tomorrow or Tuesday.......
  17. i went surfing today with some friends (ive been usring for 3 years so its not like it was my first time), and well, i fell off my board right on some shore break..... i landed with ALL my weight on my one knee...... nothing hit, just my knee. and to make matters worse, i may have landed on a rock.... i dunno... all i know is it hurts soooo bad and im sitting here crying cuz it hurts so bad and im not even moving...... i know i have to go to a dr, but what can i do to make it stop hurting now?? or at least ease the pain????
  18. so ive had a headache for about 6 days... my head really hurts and ive tried everything. tylenol, goody's powder. ibuprofen, pressure points..... nothings working and its starting ot get really really annoying and making me really grumpy..... so yeah any suggestions???
  19. UPDATE! im not pregnant (thank god!) i was really late, but everything seems to b ok.
  20. so my period is 4 days late....... ive had sex 2 times since my last period and we used a condom both times. the first of those 2 times was right after my last period, and the second was yesterday...... and bah. im probably just being paranoid (AGAIN!) but i dunno. im usally very regular, 21 days every time, and sometimes im a day early but NEVER late...... im not too sure what to do
  21. so heres a little update. i havent cut in 3 weeks, and he hasnt cut in about 2. since im only 17 we've decided to wait on couselling till i can go w/o my parents finding out. we alson dont have very much money as of right now... so we cant really afford it. but we've been talking a lot more and things seem to have gotten better. we're keeping each other in check.
  22. we've talked A LOT about it.... and i did/ do cut. Its been about 2 weeks and i made a promise to him that i wont do it. hes broken his promise to me twice now..... those r the only 2 times hes EVER broken any promise...... so yeah.....
  23. my fiance started cutting a few weeks ago, and weve promised each other that we wont do it..... we ask each other every day if we did it and lately the answer has always been no...... till today....... he did it last night.... and its pretty bad. hes gotten to the point i was at a few years ago and im really worried about him and i dont know what to do. i mean theres nothing i can do. hes seen me cry over the whole situation but i mean i cant b mad at him for something i do/ did myself...... what can i do?!
  24. ok.... back story: i was cutting pretty bad in 9ths grade. parents found out and i stopped. 10th grade- i didnt do it at all now in 11th grade....... i started cutting a few months ago but not too bad. my bf/ fiance is going through a hard time and he started doing it too. its not like something we do together or anything, but weve both been trying to stop..... i cut last night and he cut last week..... hes been doing it worse than I have, but mines gotten pretty bad and his is starting to stop. i dont wanna talk to him about it becuase i know it will only make things worse for him........... what can i do to stop myself. i keep telling myself to stop for him..... but ugh its just complicated and i cant stop myself.......
  25. hi there! sorry no one has replied (i would have had i been here earlier and i know the feeling of like no one really replying it sux) anyhoo, as for the 'job' issue. r there any volunteers near you?? i colunteered at the childrens museum and it was A LOT of fun. i know u said u dont want anything having to do with kids but it really is a lot of fun. u dont really have to do much (at least not at the one i worked at) i just walked around and told kids not to climb on things and i had a lot of fun with my co-workers. and well hey if that doesnt float ur boat or u dont havee a kids museums around there, then any museum is fun. maybe an art museum, u could look at pictures all day and maybe discover something no one else has ever noticed *shrug* lol i dunno im just rambling sorta as for changing, try running and maybe some hair dyes lol. those always seem to get me motivated for change and i see that ur a guy, but still changing ur hair color can b fun and it seems to change peoples personalities sorta. *shrug* as for ur friends, get all their #'s and emails and sns and just keep in touch and try and get a group together. things will work out =)))
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