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Everything posted by Starkitty

  1. Wow thats exactly my problem!! Even the 4 years! I feel the same I distrust guys because I've been really hurt in the past and most guys seem the same. I'm feeling really miserable about it now because I want a boyfriend so much! Just go for it with the next nicest guy you like! Otherwise your gonna be afraid forever! All guys are @ssholes, you just gotta pick the best @sshole you can find!
  2. The only advice I can think of is follow your heart! and it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks because aslong as your happy and your partner is happy thats all that matters. I don't know what it's like to be in your situation, but I believe that these strong feelings are for a reason and you should follow that. Don't worry too much and just take things as them come and follow whatever you feel is right in your heart.
  3. I prefur personality. I found myself attracted to guys that arn't my usual 'type' anymore. By type I mean hair, eyes etc..
  4. Thank you! I'm hoping a pattern emerges so I know what to look out for.
  5. Go for it! If you don't then you might miss your chance! and if she says no then it wasn't ment to be anyway and you'll find someone that you really like that likes you back. Don't wait around either because my friend did that and now she's in tears because the guy she likes just asked someone else out. The more time you wait the more time you have to talk yourself out of it. Casualy invite her somewhere if you get talking. Find out what she likes and take it from there. Good luck!
  6. Thank you so much for writting that! I hope more people will share thier stories.
  7. Thanks I hope somebody answers cos I really want to know.
  8. How did you feel when you first met your spouse? Did you have any dreams/signs or feelings that you would be together? or eventualy marry? Were there times when you didn't think you'd be together? Did you get together straight away? I just wondered if there was a way to reconise your soulmate and if people had the same kinds of signs/feelings to reconise the one they would marry. Thanks - Starkitty
  9. It sounds like he likes you.
  10. Thanks I thought thats what it could be.
  11. Why do guys hold or feel your head when you blow them? Just curious..
  12. Starkitty


    She's showing you some sort of interest, maybe she likes you Start a convo with her, you be able to work it out from there
  13. If theres someone you really like and you're sure they like you too ASK THEM OUT! Don't think about it or analise things too much. The more you think about it the more you talk yourself out of it. I'm really shy and I've missed out on 2 guys I really like because of it. They were kinda shy too. I'm really regreting not asking this last guy out because I can't stop thinking about him now and I have a very small chance of seeing him again. My advice would be to just do it! So what if they reject you? It's better that what ifs? for months! You have only to gain.. a partner if they say yes and more confidence to try next time (on someone else) if they say no. You have nothing to lose if it wasn't yours to start with.
  14. I think Trent Lane is the hottest cartoon character..
  15. I didn't see him, but I talked to his friend. His friend is going to talk to my crush about me. Theres stuff that I'm confused is a good thing or a bad thing, but I better not type it here incase his friend comes here. He went to see my crush straight after class and his friend waited behind to ask me stuff. My crush should know how I feel by now and I'll find out how he feels next time I see him which will be next week.
  16. Thank you so much! lol I'm gonna try hard to remember all this for 2morrow. So I should.. smile, hold eye contact, make bedroom eyes at him, feed his ego, wink later in to the convo if he shows interest, maybe touch him, but he sits oppersite me so I might not do that and be natural. I'll give it my best shot and let you know what happens Thanks!
  17. Thank you all so much! Thats exactly the kind of info I was looking for! I'll try out ur ideas Beec and Silversun. Beec ur right about alot of things thanks! Raging bull ur right about not forcing things thanks - Starkitty
  18. I'm going to see my crush tomorrow 7/26 and I've decided to make a move and ask him out. Before I lead up to the big question I need to flirt alittle and make him feel comftable around me and also show that im interested so the question doesn't take him be surprise. I really need ideas! I've searched every website I can find and they all same the same kinda stuff, but I hardly know the guy and the idea is to show him I like him enough so we can get to know each other better so things like touching him might scare him. I've decided to wink whenever we hold eye contact long enough. I'm really shy so I need a way to flirt without looking unnatural or nervous. I'm in a small group so it can't be anything over the top. I'd appreciate any ideas esp from guys.. if a shy girl was flirting with you and you liked her too what would you like her to do before asking you out? and what can a girl do to say I like you too? I really need help before 2morrow. Thanks so much!!! This might be the last time I see him so I really gotta do something 2morrow. Thanks - Starkitty
  19. I'm just gonna go for it and ask him out! Via the pub
  20. Thanks I'm nowhere near his phone when he looks it or hides it There no way I could see from where I'm sat. lol if I touched him on the back he might get worried because I hardly speak to him so this might scare him. The problem is no one really talks (in the whole class) so it's like cutting the atmosphere with a knife. I'd be the only one in the room talking which means everyone will hear what I say. At break time he hangs around with friends so I'm anxious about approching them. I've been trying to think of ways to drop hints. I was gonna wink at him when he looks at me and wolf whistles when he leaves (cos he's done that to me twice) When I'm near him it's like my whole body freezes.. When he's not there I can talk to people. I think I only have one week left to ask him out.. So I really need to think of something by then. Thanks alot for ur advice and ideas!!! You've really helped alot!
  21. I don't know how to drop hints without looking desperate. He's always surrounded by people and I'm too shy to do anything I have no idea what to say to him because I'm too shy to say anything infront of his friends. What does it mean if someone looks at you everytime they text someone? Even if your the oppersite side of the room? and kinda hide the phone when they receive a message? No one really talked last time I saw him so it was harder to randomly start talking to him and I have no idea how to ask about him or his family. Any ideas on how to drop hints without looking a fool? Thanks - Starkitty
  22. Thanks for all the advice! I've decided to give up on him because I've liked him since March and he's never really made the effort to talk to me or do anything! and I'm always the one that starts a convo or trys to talk to his friends. Maybe he's shy, but if he really liked me he'd make the effort. I'm very shy and I've tried. Even though he's shown alot of signs that he likes me I don't think anythings gonna happen because he won't do anything and it shouldn't be left for me to make the move all the time. So I'm gonna quit while I'm ahead.. Thanks for ur advice! - A confused Starkitty
  23. Thanks for all ur advice I'm gonna ask him in front of his friends since I'm never gonna get him alone. please let me know what you think of this? If we start talking again I'm going to ask if he has a gf.. if he says yes then I'll say she's a lucky girl and nothing more. If he says no I'll say would you be interested in getting to know me better? I'm just gonna go for it and ask him in front of his friends. If I can grow some balls by then.
  24. She might think it's really sexy to be dark and vampish and wants to share with you to see if it turns you on. If you feel like you can trust her then go for it! but don't drink each others blood because she could have hiv/aids or anything! Especially if she drinks alot of other peoples blood.
  25. Thanks for the advice the only problem is he doesn't like coffee and I dunno if he would go for something like that
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