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  1. Hi live_to_love I know exactly what you are going through! Same thing happened to me about 4 months ago and to this day I'm still confused! When we first broke up things were difficult for a couple of weeks but then when we did see eachother, most times it was as though we were together. We'd still have the occasional cuddle and a peck here and there but now when I think about it, it depended what sort of mood he was in. He lead me to believe at times we were still together, being affectionate infront of friends and all and even staying the night at his house. I was never sure what was going on but until recently I believe that he only wants a part time lover and doesn't care for me the same way that I care for him. A week ago I had it out with him and told him that I want something serious.... not something that suits him when his bored or missing the companionship. So now I've decided to put it behind me and move on!! I know I deserve to be treated better and have put up with this long enough. My advise to you is to take a step back and really look at the situation. Maybe even talk to him and ask what he is feeling! Hope this has helped.... good luck and let me know how things are going. Kayc
  2. hello Lisaria We're here for you!!! Hope your feeling a little better! I actually jumped on here tonight because I'm missing my ex heaps!!! The worst thing is his on Yahoo as I type this!!! His said a brief hello but that's it... too busy to say anything else!!! I don't know why I look to see if his on... yes I do, cause I miss him so much!!! Never mind, I have you guys and I keep telling myself to be strong and it's just a moment thing that I'm going through!!! I wish these moments didn't exist!!!! Thinking of you!! Kayc73
  3. Hi Finzsoftie... I think the best way to get over someone is to keep yourself busy!!! Even though at times we just want to crawl into a hole and die, I think its important to PUSH OURSELVES to get out and do things with friends, family or on our own... anything to occupy our minds!! Most times I never felt like doing anything but at the end of the day I was glad that I had!!!
  4. Hi Sugarplum I hope you are feeling better! I feel for you as I know exactly what you are going through! After making contact most time we wish that we had never done it!!! But hey... we all have weak moments and learn from them. Up until now you have done GREAT!!! To get your own apartment is a huge step and now it's your little comfort zone to do whatever you wish.... even if its shedding a few tears to help you move on!!! You haven't gone back to step one... its another hurdle that you have jumped and now you can continue to move forward!!! You can do it... this feeling won't last for ever!!! Kayc73
  5. Yeah... Fantasia, I gat back with me ex after I thought that there was no chance! We had been talking to each other occasionally after we broke up then one night out on the town he say me with another male friend of mine and the next day called me and spilt the beans that he wanted to give it another go!!! But wait... theres more!!! After three months of trying, even though we got along like a house on fire, he broke up with me for a 2nd time. His reason was that he couldn't give me what I wanted!!! So just a word of advise, if he does happen to come back to you, make sure its for all the right reasons and not just because his lonely!! Not good news... but hope it helps!
  6. Hi Pip.... I know how you feel! I'm going through the samething. I guess we still have to give ourselves time! And when we do meet other guys just think of them as a friend and not as someone to fill the ex's shoes! I say to myself all the time that everyone is different and to give them a go! Thinking about it now, I wasn't attracted to my ex to start with, didn't even think he was good looking and to kiss him...YUCK! I was thinking of someone else at the time and complaining to him about being single again. But as time went by and I saw him more often and got to know him better, I thought heres a lovely guy right infront of me who cares and who listens to me! Soooo... i gave it a go! But here I am again back to square one! Hang in there and just keep doing what your doing, atleast your getting out and about! Someday soon you'll be crying with happiness cause you've met someone that you click with in more ways than one!! Hope your feeling better and this has helped put a back on your dial!
  7. Lisaria you handled yourself well!! I agree with Allicat JUST STOP THINKING ABOUT HIM!! I know its not easy, as they say " Easier said than done!" but when I start to think about me ex I remind myself that his not worth the time of day and that there are better things to be thinking about! I think we all wish at times, that we could have a button to press and that would erase all thoughts and memories of our ex's but in time he'll be the last one you think about!!! Hang in there... that was a hard thing to deal with and your hearts still ticking... you lived to share the moment and they'll only get easier!! Thinking of you
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