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What does it mean when a girl says that I'm cheesy?


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Cheesy isn't a good thing.

Its an indication that you're not being sincere or are being rather unauthentic.


Why did she call you "cheesy?" What did you say/do that made her make that comment. Knowing the context she used it in would be helpful.


She said it after I said something romantic about her.

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English is not my first language, but that's something I would say joking to someone who was very romantic to me in one of the typical ways like "flowers", a "you complete me" kind of love declaration or other typically romantic things.


But I know that cheesy if not said in a playful or jokingly way, it can be something bad.


By your context I think it was just a joke. Just her being playful and teasing you a bit.

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It all depends on her...these situations are very hard to tell unless you see the history of the convos..




for example I would say to my ex when I went away...



you so much beautiful and she would be like you are so cornyyyyy lol ..then would put a heart and kiss emoji


she was joking around with me...



I think she was just joking with you in a good way.

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its a negative response. when u complimented her you said it in a really corny, cringy way as if youre in some romantic movie.


basically op, tone it down, youre gushing over her too much and shes not the type that likes men who do that. i would guess she likes the more aloof type.

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Then why bother? Why not let her drift and find someone who is close enough that it will be easy?


If she prefers that she is free to do that, but till now she never mention about that and she still likes to have contact with me. She still initiate the conversation and keeps showing interest.


Is it just me or if she wasn’t interested she would have stopped contacting me a lot sooner than almost 35+ days? I would do that though, it’s better than keeping someone dangling...

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You are both "keeping someone dangling" because you haven't the means to meet and you'll not be able to meet often which you need to be able to do to nurture a relationship.


What are the chances of you moving to her or her moving to you?


What are you afraid of that you pursue someone that you're incapable of actually being with?

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It means that if she brings it up again you need to say something like, "Now what exactly do you mean by that? Do tell." with a smirk on your face as if you don't really care but you're confronting her about it at the same time.

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