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TeeDee last won the day on November 29 2019

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  1. It sounds geographically undesireable even if it worked out unless you have some vague plan about moving home at some point in the future.
  2. You can talk to him & express what you would like. Growing up my mom stayed home & my dad worked. He would call her on a landline telephone mounted to the wall & his lunch time. Years later when he worked days & she worked nights she would call him at "dinner time." I'm not suggesting there is anything wrong with staying in touch but you have to be reasonable. IMO you will be better served pressing for more togetherness rather than more or more frequent texts. But you can ask for a little check in. What I don't think you should do is pitch a fit if he doesn't constantly reassure you.
  3. I also encourage you to speak up. Tell a trusted teacher or colleague. Document the bruises with photos. If it's that bad, call the cops & report him for criminal assault.
  4. That is neither complicated or a dilemma. You tell her that your parents will be attending because they too are fans. You invite her to come & respect her decision if she's not ready to "meet the parents". At that point, you offer another music appreciation option. If she declines that she is not interested in a romance with you.
  5. This was salvageable 6 months ago before it came to this. When she moved out something in her died. She's not going to come back from that. She's not giving you mixed signals. She may be remembering some good times but she doesn't want to do this with depressed / upset you anymore. She's exhausted. I hope you can afford the lease on your own. If you can't you best address that financial issue 1st. It has to be a priority
  6. Your BF's response to a small kindness was a gross overreaction. You need to spend some time thinking about whether you want to continue to dating somebody so immature who clearly doesn't trust you.
  7. You have been brainwashed into thinking that texts matter & that everyone deserves an instant response about everything. That is simply not true. Just because we have technology to enable us to be in touch 24/7/365 doesn't mean we have an obligation to remain tethered to the other person that much. Your SO is responding to you at his earliest convenience. People have lives & jobs. Unless it's time sensitive matter, you will just have to wait. There is a reason they say patience is a virtue. We all need to be more patient. If you are lonely get a hobby. Don't lay that on your SO. You can ask nicely if your SO can drop you a line on their lunch break but don't make it a demand or the reason you break up with them. Since you would like to see him more, take the initiative & arrange more dates in any given week.
  8. You have a self esteem issue & a self confidence. There is some pain in your life that drove you to self medicate. You over came the addiction but didn't replace it with self love. You need to work on feeling that you are valuable. It's not easy. I struggle with that myself some times. An exercise I read in a self help book says to wrote down all your good qualities: big & small. Free think. Are you a good friend? Do you have a signature dish you prepare? Do you let people merge into traffic ahead of you on the road? When you finish your list, as your nearest & dearest what they think your best qualities are. Add them to your list. Leave the list alone for a while. Then in about a week, pare it down to the top 10 best things about you. Re-write that short list & tape it to your bathroom mirror & save it on your phone. Read it everyday
  9. Nobody takes a year to develop feelings. This guy is stringing you along IMO To figure out whether to break up, make a pros & cons list. When you see things on paper the situation should become clearer for you
  10. Ask your GF if she loves you? If she says yes, then tell her that she needs to support your mental health but pestering you, making demands & not giving you time / space to recharge has the opposite effect. Since you & your GF do not live together but you spend a lot of time there, from now on, after your therapy sessions go home. Perhaps a goal in your life could be to move to an independent living situation even if that is with roommates. I think you would do well with a place of your own so you can retreat & self soothe. Do not let your GF bully you into further damaging your mental health
  11. What you need is improved self confidence & some self esteem. Depression & anxiety can rob you of that. With some help from a good therapist work on learning to love yourself. Take some time to improve your weight. Being obese in bad for your overall health. I am not suggesting you turn into a fitness model just add some movement into your life. Take a walk every day. Being outside & getting some sun is an uplifting experience. Exercise in general releases positive endorphins. While you may think I am not answering your Q, I am. When you build yourself up a bit you will be able to find love & this experience will not have ruined you for all time.
  12. This woman is a liar with pedophile tendencies. For all you know you have been talking to a 42 year old man. Cut off all contact.
  13. If you have a job where you are, can you search for a job in New Orleans before you move back? Having some financial security might help
  14. Finding a good therapist can take time. You have to find the one that works for you. Are there any career centers near you? In my state the department of unemployment runs programs to help people find jobs & the local community college often offers free skills programs. Best wishes.
  15. If you really like the housemate, move out, then date her. If you don't want to move out or you can't, then do not date her, kiss her or have sex with her. On her end, the fact that you are only 1 month out of an abusive relationship is great reason to stay away from you. You are rebounding. You may think you are not but you haven't stood on your own two feet, sorted out the mess you just left or figured out who you are as a single adult. Until you do that work on yourself you are not a good prospect for a partner.
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