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  • Olivia Sanders
    Olivia Sanders

    How do I know if my partner is really committed to our relationship?

    When it comes to loving relationships, committing wholeheartedly and unconditionally is a must. It requires a great deal of sacrifice on both sides, but it is also one of the foundations of a healthy and fulfilling connection between partners. But how do you know if your partner is really dedicated to the relationship? Or are you in a situation where they might not be as committed to it?

    The truth is that it can be difficult to tell whether your partner is truly devoted to the relationship without asking them directly. Every person has different reasons for being with their significant other and every relationship is unique. That said, here are some telltale signs that can give you a glimpse into their subtle emotions and reveal whether your partner is really committed to the connection between you both.

    There’s an openness between you - Openness in the relationship is important because it shows mutual trust. This means that your partner feels comfortable talking about anything with you, from issues that have already been settled, such as plans for Sunday dinner, to more complicated topics like their worries and innermost thoughts. When there is a high level of trust, your partner will be willing to share and express more genuine communication than if it was just surface level chit-chat.

    The way they interact with you says it all - Actions always speak louder than words and this could be the most accurate indicator that your partner is truly devoted to the relationship. Not just how they act with you, but how they show love and affection throughout their day. Do they reach out through little notes or thoughtful gestures? Do they try to make you laugh whenever they can? Do they remember the things that are important to you? These are small but powerful ways people subconsciously demonstrate their commitment.

    They’re mindful of your feelings - When someone is devoted to making a relationship work, they’re usually mindful of how the other person is feeling and they’re more likely to be aware of the words and deeds that might unintentionally cause tension. In the same vein, you may notice that your partner is more pro-active and willing to apoligize when something goes wrong. They’ll take responsibility for their own actions and take steps to reduce any negative energy that might have occurred in past discussions.

    They don't give ultimatums - Making unrealistic demands in a relationship rarely works out well. If your partner is truly devoted to your relationship, you won’t be getting ultimatums. Furthermore, even if disagreements arise, you’ll see healthy solutions being proposed and proposals that involve compromise rather than rigid positions.

    Your conversations take priority - You know that your partner is truly devoted to the relationship if they'll make sure to connect with you when you’re apart. Perhaps they text you in the morning just to let you know they’re thinking of you or video call when they’ve had a long day and want to talk. This sort of priority they place on your needs and communication is a reliable sign of true commitment.

    At its core, a relationship involves both partners working together to build something beautiful. To truly tell if your partner is devoted to the relationship, look for aspects like open communication, compassionate affection, and consistent trust. If these attributes fit the characteristics of your partner, your relationship is likely going strong.

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