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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    10 Beautiful Wedding Readings for Your Special Day

    Wedding Day”a wedding involves numerous decisions, from choosing the perfect venue to selecting the ideal menu. However, one of the most heartfelt and significant choices you'll make is the wedding reading. This is an opportunity to share meaningful words that capture the essence of your relationship and the commitment you are about to make. I have witnessed the transformative power of a well-chosen reading. In this article, I'll guide you through ten beautiful wedding readings that will add a touch of magic to your special day.

    1. "Love" by Roy Croft

    Love is a powerful force that can transcend time and bring immense joy to our lives. In his famous poem, Roy Croft beautifully expresses the true nature of love. The lines "I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you" perfectly encapsulate the transformative power of love in a relationship. This reading is a wonderful choice for couples seeking a timeless expression of their love.

    2. "The Art of Marriage" by Wilferd Peterson

    Marriage is an art that requires dedication, compromise, and unwavering support. Wilferd Peterson's poem, "The Art of Marriage," eloquently describes the qualities needed to nurture a lasting union. With lines such as "It is never being too old to hold hands" and "It is not only marrying the right partner but also being the right partner," this reading emphasizes the importance of love, respect, and continuous growth within a marriage.

    3. "Union" by Robert Fulghum

    In his renowned book "All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten," Robert Fulghum shares his wisdom on life, love, and relationships. The reading titled "Union" offers a simple yet profound reflection on the shared journey of two individuals coming together as one. It reminds us that love is found in the little things and that a successful marriage is built on the foundation of mutual care, kindness, and respect.

    4. "A Vow" by Wendy Cope

    If you're looking for a light-hearted and humorous wedding reading, Wendy Cope's poem "A Vow" is a perfect choice. Cope playfully captures the ups and downs of marriage, acknowledging the challenges while embracing the joyous moments. With lines like "I vow to love you even when you're sick and look disgusting," this reading injects a dose of laughter and relatability into your ceremony, reminding everyone that love can weather any storm.

    5. "The Prophet" by Kahlil Gibran

    Kahlil Gibran's timeless masterpiece, "The Prophet," is filled with profound insights on love, marriage, and life. This poetic collection offers a wealth of beautiful passages that can be incorporated into your wedding ceremony. From the section on love, you can choose excerpts like "Let there be spaces in your togetherness" or "Stand together, yet not too near together," which emphasize the importance of individuality and growth within a relationship.

    6. "I Carry Your Heart with Me" by E.E. Cummings

    E.E. Cummings' poem "I Carry Your Heart with Me" is a poetic declaration of deep and eternal love. The rhythmic verses and heartfelt expressions make it a popular choice for wedding readings. This reading beautifully articulates the idea of two souls intertwined and carries a sense of devotion that resonates with couples who want to express their unwavering connection and commitment.

    7. "A Lovely Love Story" by Edward Monkton

    For couples with a whimsical and playful spirit, "A Lovely Love Story" by Edward Monkton is an enchanting option. This charming tale tells the story of two dinosaurs who fall in love, emphasizing the beauty and magic of finding your perfect match. With its delightful illustrations and endearing narrative, this reading adds a touch of childlike wonder and innocence to your wedding ceremony.

    8. "Apache Wedding Blessing"

    The "Apache Wedding Blessing" is a Native American prayer that has become a popular choice for wedding ceremonies. This reading invokes blessings from nature and the universe, asking for harmony, strength, and a lifelong union of love. Its powerful words and spiritual undertones create a sense of reverence and sacredness, making it a poignant addition to your special day.

    9. "On Your Wedding Day" by Anon

    If you're searching for a short and sweet wedding reading, the poem "On Your Wedding Day" is a beautiful option. This heartfelt verse encapsulates the essence of a wedding day, celebrating the joy, love, and new beginnings that come with the union of two souls. Its simplicity and sincerity make it a timeless choice that will resonate with both you and your guests.

    10. Personalized Vows

    While traditional readings are often a wonderful addition to a wedding ceremony, don't underestimate the power of personalizing your vows. Writing your own vows allows you to express your love and commitment in a way that is unique to your relationship. Speak from the heart, recount special moments, and make promises that are deeply personal. Personalized vows can create an emotional and intimate atmosphere, leaving a lasting impression on your guests.


    I've seen firsthand how the choice of wedding readings can transform a ceremony into a truly magical experience. Whether you opt for a classic poem, a meaningful passage from a book, or personalized vows, the right words have the power to touch hearts, evoke emotions, and celebrate the love between you and your partner. Choose a reading that resonates with you both, and let its beauty and significance set the tone for a lifetime of love and happiness together.

    I have had the privilege of witnessing countless couples exchange vows and readings that have moved everyone in attendance. One particular experience stands out in my memory. I worked with a couple who were both avid readers and wanted their love for literature to be reflected in their wedding ceremony. We carefully curated a selection of readings from their favorite books and poems, creating a tapestry of words that beautifully expressed their love story. As they read their chosen passages, the room was filled with a palpable sense of love, warmth, and appreciation for the power of literature to connect souls. It was a truly remarkable and unforgettable moment that highlighted the importance of wedding readings in creating a deeply personal and meaningful ceremony.

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