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  • Paula Thompson
    Paula Thompson

    Modern Day Weddings: 'Rules' You Can Throw Out The Window

    Choosing to wed your special someone on a beautiful day is an exciting step in life. However, there are certain traditions that come along with it or ‘rules' that have been ingrained into societal norms for so long that you may think they're necessary at a wedding. Fortunately, with our modern day culture, there's a lot of outdated wedding ‘rules' that couples can throw out the window and create a celebration that fits their style and personality.

    For starters, in traditional days, the bride's father was expected to pay for the full cost of the wedding, decide who should be invited, and even choose what species of flowers were present. Fortunately, today's couples understand that shared financial responsibility is important. More couples are becoming creative to ensure everyone makes a contribution and the parents of the couple can bask in the glory of the occasion without clearing out their bank accounts.

    In the past, there were also many rules and regulations of who should be invited and they where often quite strict. It was usually formulated around keeping out any divide that exists between family and friends. Nowadays, this trend is on its way out as couples realize that reuniting families and bringing together a community to celebrate the union of two people is a wonderful opportunity to strengthen bonds.

    It wasn't uncommon for older generations to be vocal about not allowing any form of alternative music at weddings. Going against the grain of traditional music wasn't seen as appropriate. But now, there's no harm in throwing a little modern music into the mix. Whether its jazz, dubstep or rap—the choice ultimately lies in the hands of the bride and groom and their friends.

    As far as the dress code is concerned, usually bridesmaids used to be asked to wear matching dresses and take part in big poses with carefully coordinated postures. But nowadays, more and more couples find having everyone dressed differently to fit their own style and personality more fun then choosing one style and sticking with it. Each of the members of the bridal party have the opportunity to make the moment their own and celebrate themselves and the occasion.

    Another outdated wedding ‘rule' that couples often feel compelled to follow is having an expensive tiered wedding cake. However, a wedding cake can be a simple cake with a few tiers, cupcakes, doughnuts or even pies. No matter what kind of sweet treat you choose, having something delicious to end the night with never fails.

    Like any other celebrated event, weddings can be personalized to reflect the characteristics of the two individuals getting married. Couples don't need to feel confined by traditions and stick to old-fashioned `rules`, but instead make use of modern day choices that better suit their personalities. Throw out the window any ‘rules' of outdated weddings and make your day creative, unique and most importantly, stress free.

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