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  • kamurj

    Art Of Moving On: Coping With A Breakup After 6 Years Of Love

    Sometimes, when a relationship of six years is over, all that’s left are the echoes of joy and pain and many unanswered questions. When this happens, it’s important to focus not on what you’ve lost but on how to best use the experience as a gift to build a stronger future. The Art of Moving On is an essential skill to lean and master in order to have a healthy and fulfilling life after a long-term relationship. Here are some tips to help you find your way.

    Breakups can be incredibly difficult to go through and it may seem like the world is against you. It’s important to give yourself some time and space to process without judgement— to feel whatever it is that you feel. Ride the wave of emotion and allow yourself to be human, allowing yourself to both honor the pain and also celebrate any good memories from the past.

    After that initial period, it’s time to start looking ahead. Start by taking a step back and looking objectively at your current situation. Ask yourself how you want to show up in this season, who you want to become, and what values do you want to live out. What kind of growth do you want to cultivate?

    It can also be beneficial to practice a few grounding techniques like writing in a journal, doing yoga, meditating, or going for a walk in nature to get outside of your head. To create more balance and clarity as you move through the healing process, try to keep your body active. Exercise is a great way to clear your head and can also be a powerful mood booster. It’s also important to put your energy into the things that make you happy, whether that’s taking a dance lesson once a week or teaching yourself a new language.

    As you begin to move forward, it’s also important to practice healthy boundaries to avoid getting pulled back into a negative place. Stay away from triggers as much as possible: block numbers, delete social media accounts, and don’t engage in conversations with them. Process your feelings and work on being with yourself without the drama of your ex playing into the picture.

    Another way to move forward is to focus on reconnecting with yourself. Spend more time with those you love and trust and less time with those who bring the negative energy. Mood shifts can be caused by small choices so start to tune into the choices that support your well-being: drinking enough water, having consistent sleep routine, eating foods that fuel your body,and give you the nutrients that you need to keep you energized.

    Finally, look around and draw strength from past examples of resilience. Everyone has had difficult relationships before, the key is not to lose faith in life and the power of relationships. You’re still here and this loss does not define you or the rest of your life. Recognize that you are capable of growing and adapting as one of your most basic responsibilities.

    When it comes to moving on, emotional growth is key. Work through your hurts, learn to forgive and recognize that although he hurt you, it is not his fault that it pain lingers. It is the responsibility of your own soul to heal itself.

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