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had a date planned this is the response i get:(


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Im not going to be able to go tonight….first of all im about to leave work right now bc im beyond sick, but its also been a rough past couple with family probs….dont be mad, ill explain later. And the ex just f#$#%ing did it again…..piece of m#%#r f@#$%g s#$t. (excuse me…im just heated….big time!)




so i just responded with "ok i hope you feel better"


it was to be a first date.........

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Personally I would not take this as being positive. If you notice no effort was made to reschedule. The only things mentioned were how bad of a week they are having. Move on from this one.


well it we were supposed to go tuesaday she couldnt for whatever reason...SHE ASKED how about weds or thurs i said thursday and it was all set reservations and everything.....

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I would be wary about this person. Like Day_Walker said, no effort was made to reschedule. Sounds like you are just the rebound guy - sucks, but it just sounds like the interest level is not that high. If you were Brad Pitt, do you think she'd be upset about anything her ex bf had to say? No, she'd be very eager to go out with you and probably wouldn't have flaked.

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I would be wary since she didn't mention re-secheduling the date. And personally, I would think a simple, "I'm sick" would have sufficed. I'd also be wary about the extended "excuse". I guess if you're really into this chick, give her a day or two and see if she wants to re-schedule.

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2-3 months could be too soon to date again if she was with the person for years.


However, I would give her the benefit of the doubt. By all means, don't wait for her or pine after her. If she brings up going out again then great, if not then no problem there either.


Go on with your life and being single as if nothing happened, because technically nothing did.

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This is why I asked how long they were together. Because, as someone has pointed out, that you might be the rebound guy.


Give her space and let her be for now. She has way too much baggage to be in the right frame of mind to start a new relationship anyway. After a while, if you're still interested or if she doesn't bring it up first, ask her out again.

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i know but i kinda want to lay into her baout the ex.....like whats it got to do with me


It really wouldn't be worth it to do so. It doesn't really accomplish anything.


However I would have second thoughts about getting involved with someone that whines to you about their ex.

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Hey there,


I am with the others here, this does not look promising. One, she did not offer to reschedule your plans. I know she is sick and all and it hard to know exactly when she will feel better but she could have said sometime next week. Also, she is not over her ex, she has feelings for him, perhaps not romantic feelings but still feelings. Anyone person whom talks like that about an ex is not over him/her and very likely has baggage. She is not starting with a clean slate.


My friend, you have been through hell and back again with your ex and last I read, you are STILL cleaning this mess up. Perhaps take a step back and reflect on the common demonator here and that is you. Look at your patterns, why are getting involved with women like this. Don't ignore the signs, because believe me, they are there. I would take it easy and treat yourself right.

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However I would have second thoughts about getting involved with someone that whines to you about their ex.


Not rescheduling...I don't think much of..she's obviously having a crappy time and didn't have much time to write the email...

I would be much more werry about complaining/cursing about the ex, it's kind of a warning sign to me.....possibly unfinished business. but either way really unnessary to bring up in an email to you while cancelling plan & swearing about him

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. Anyone person whom talks like that about an ex is not over him/her and very likely has baggage. She is not starting with a clean slate.


My friend, you have been through hell and back again with your ex and last I read, you are STILL cleaning this mess up. Perhaps take a step back and reflect on the common demonator here and that is you. Look at your patterns, why are getting involved with women like this. Don't ignore the signs, because believe me, they are there. I would take it easy and treat yourself right.



nicely said!

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It really wouldn't be worth it to do so. It doesn't really accomplish anything.


However I would have second thoughts about getting involved with someone that whines to you about their ex.


I agree. It sounds like even if you weren't a rebound guy (which, I'm sorry to say, does sound like it could be the case), there will at the very least be MAJOR drama involving her ex. Is that a situation you want to put yourself in?

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Hey there,


I am so sorry things did not work out. Hey, there are plenty of women out there that would LOVE for you to take them out. Hang in there and take care of you.




the crappy part is i sent her a box of godiva choclates to her work which took some talent..she went crazy telling all her girlfriends on her myspace what a gentlemen i was and she thought none ever existed......oh well maybe i m ugly lol


i really liked her from what little i did know her

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so through the grapevine....i find out this girl went out that night......i also find out she is having major ex drama.....but that it didnt matter because someone else is making her smile.....so she says


i doubt that is "me that is making her smile" but at the same time maybe shes trying to not start anything if the ex drama is way up on the level of crazyness?


being rejected sucks

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