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I did something really stupid & I may face jail time!


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I don't know what came over me but I've been very bitter and depressed since I found out my ex was a sleaze and cheated on me. I have not been able to cope at all. So I've been playing stupid games with him because I wanted to get even soo bad! I've been calling him nonstop excessively just to p*ss him off. I went on his myspace page and deleted his account. Now I have to stop and ask myself what was I thinking?


Anyway my ex called to tell me that he was calling the police to file a lawsuit against me for harassment. He says that he's already showed the police my calls and he told them about the myspace page being deleted. I'm scared and now it hits me that I've been acting very reckless and stupid without thinking.I don't know what came over me.


I had found out that my boyfriend has been sleeping with prostitutes and he is a sleazebag. He was the only there for me and I considered him my best friend. I nearly had a nervous breakdown when I found out about him cheating and I acted irrationally and now I may have to face jailtime for him being a jerk.


I'm really scared and I don't know what to do.... I've never been so messed up in my life. I've reached a terrible low.. I've stooped to my ex's level.

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I wouldn't worry to much about going to jail over that. It sucks that he cheated on you and I know how you are feeling as do many others on this board. It will get beter trust me. Right now just focus on yourself and dont talk to him anymore. Go strict NC with him from now on as he obviously doesnt give a crap about you, so why should you waste another minute of your life trying to communicate with someone who treated you that way. You will be able to get through this, you will soon be surprised at just how strong you actually are.

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We had a very bad argument before! He was literally telling me to stop and I provoked him! I was telling him that it doesn't feel good does it when you're been manipulated and played! He then told me that he was going to come over to my house. I then proceeded to say and do what? Are you going to hurt me and I laughed? He furiously hung the phone in my face. An hour later he called to tell me that he had filed a police report on me for harassment.


I live in Atlanta Georgia and what consequences might I face? I'm so embarrassed and ashamed in myself that I would let this low life, make the worse come out of me. I've never stooped so low before but I am so bitter and hurt that it made me lose it completely.


He just texted me saying that I brought this on myself and that I have no one to blame but myself. He then went onto say that he never gave a d*mn about me and that he doesn't care what the police does to me texted him back telling him to stop..


God, I'm soo nervous and worried right now... it's killing me inside. 2007 is not starting off good for me at all!

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I wouldnt be too stressed over facing jail time. If anything really happens you'll have papers filed and you'll go in front of a judge and be warned but if it happens anymore or you continue contact with him things may get dirty so I say just leave him alone dont call, dont answer calls from him nothing. As far as what he told you over the phone,"He then told me that he was going to come over to my house. I then proceeded to say and do what? Are you going to hurt me and I laughed? He furiously hung the phone in my face. An hour later he called to tell me that he had filed a police report on me for harassment" its considered a threat and if he goes against you bring that up as well. The only thing you can do right now is no communication whatsoever.

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Hey there,


Since cheating IMO is a cowardly act, I would call this all a bluff. What a hypocryte, sleeping with prostitutes which it TOTALLY illegal and he supposedly calls the cops about some phone calls and deleting a mySpace Account.


What I would suggest is try your best to calm down and do NOT contact him ever again. Total NC. Leave him alone. If he texts you with petty stuff about this alleged lawsuit, ignore them. I would save them in case as well.


I truly believe he is yanking your chain, trying to get a rise out of you and humliate you all over again.


I am so sorry.



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I've looked back at some of your other threads, and after this incident is cleared up, I suggest you get some counseling. It's time you take responsibility for your life and your choices, hon. I think you seem to be stuck at some point on the path to doing this.


Now, your ex could file to have a restraining order put against you. This does take some effort, he has to go to the courthouse or something to write it up, then a judge has to determine if there is merit...so your ex may conclude it's too much of a hassle.


If he's called the police, they might contact you and warn you that you're going too far, and if it continues, your ex can bring charges against you.


At this point, I think nothing will end up happening, IF you leave your ex alone, no matter what he did.


But again, I do think you should consider counseling. It seems you're a bit out of control in several areas, and you do have the power to change that, if you put your mind to it.

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I would also be very surprised if you were even prosecuted and the chance of jail time is very remote. Chances are that the police will just tell you to stop contacting hi. If it goes to court a judge may issue a restraining order but that does not give you a criminal record unless you are found guilty of breaking it.

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Hey there,


Since cheating IMO is a cowardly act, I would call this all a bluff. What a hypocryte, sleeping with prostitutes which it TOTALLY illegal and he supposedly calls the cops about some phone calls and deleting a mySpace Account.



So I really have nothing to worry about?? I really wish I still had those e-mails from prosititutes he used to see. I could so use that against him in court so bad. But they would never take my word for it!


After calming down, it seems a little silly for anything to happen over excessive calling right? I mean I really haven't done anything really extreme so I don't know. Why is it now that I am ready to leave him alone after the fact of what happened.


Now I'm just sooo alone and confused... My life is truly a mess. I mean nothing looks good for me right now.....

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OKay I just went back and read over some of your old posts and one really caught my attention.


This isn't just another one of your attention grabbing stories, is it? If it isn't I apologize but I really hate to wasting my time giving advice to someone who is making their stories up when people really need help and advice.

After reading all your other posts I agree with whoever it was that said you seriously need to get into counseling you have deeper issues than anyone is able to see and to keep on with these things is going to get you into serious trouble.

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Unfortunately I'm not lying! I'm really serious about what happened. All of my life bad things have happened to me. 2006 was a terrible year.


I really hate myself, I always seem to get involved with the wrong people and I'm always doing stupid stuff. Some of the situations I've gotten myself into could have been prevented I suppose. My life always takes some downward spiral and it seems like I can never find happiness.People are always using me and taking me for granted I'm very alone and confused and I try to be a good person but it seems no one likes me.. I'm very depressed and confused right now...


As for this guy I don't know, he can do whatever he wants. I never seem to ever get a moment's worth of peace anyway. I guess I was just a walking disaster to begin with.

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Well, you can take that standpoint...that everything just "happens" to you...or you can do what countless others have done, myself included, and say enough! You can gain control over your life, your choices, and your actions. If this feels too difficult to learn how to do on your own, again, I strongly suggest counseling.


I suspect that if your life really is as chaotic as you say it is, your actions have probably affected several others down the road. For them, and yourself, do a big favor for everyone. Get that counseling, hon! It will really help and make you feel a lot better about things, with time, as you learn more appropriate ways to handle your emotions, insecurities, etc.

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This guy has a track record of acting like a jerk and hurting you. Why would this situation be any different? The only thing you MAY get if he is telling the truth is a warning. I have intervewed hundreds and hundreds of inmates and I cannot recall any of them being in jail for deleting a mySpace Account and excessive phone calling. I think you will be fine. Just STAY the heck away from him.

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Ive always been a firm believer in things are only as bad as you make them. Sorry bad things have happened to you over the past year but bad things happen in life, some can be prevented and avoided and some can't the only thing you can do is not dwell on them and move on with your life. Some day some how things will get better but you have to believe it first. I'm with Scout, I really suggest you get counseling.

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First of all, he's probably lying his * * * off. The cops would generally call you and tell you first to leave him alone. Plus, him telling you that he's coming over to your place makes him look really bad. Next time he texts/calls/anything you, tell him to F off. Don't talk to him at all. Or if you want, send him a text that says "I'm not going to have any more communication with you whatsoever." and leave it at that. If he tries to respond, DONT. That way you have clearly told him that you're not going to speak to him ever again and if he tries to get ahold of you, he's the one who'll end up in trouble if he's stupid enough to tell the police about it.

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I guess counseling will help me get a sense of self again I suppose. I'm trying not to stress too much over this jerk. Karma is a b*tch and I'm sure he has it coming to him. Especially since he's working on his music career and is making an album. What a jerk, he's very talented and he may make it but his personality and ways stink! He will get his I hope..


What I hate is this energy I want to make him pay so bad. It's not healthy for me and I shouldn't dwell on him. It's about me now.. I just hope in time, things will get better.

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And you hit the nail on the head, hon. It's the "energy" that causes you to act on impulses you normally, with a cool head, wouldn't.


I've mentioned this before in another thread with someone who had severe anger issues. I told her that what she was feeling at those moments were really a physical energy building up in her, albeit a very negative one.


So, the trick is to TRANSFORM that energy. Don't repress it. Don't express it. TRANSFORM IT.


This sounds almost too simple to be true, but like most things in life, there are simple solutions people could take if they wouldn't choose the more complicated and chaotic routes.


So when you get that negative energy building up, here's what you do: something intensely physical. Re-arrange your furniture. Vaccuum your entire house. Run around the block, or up and down a steep hill. Rake an elderly neighbor's lawn.


Just don't sit down in one place with your energy stewing. It will lead to doing something silly and something that completely mucks up everything worse.


Transform your energy into something tangibly physical, something positive, and I guarantee, you'll calm down enough so that when you look at the situation again, you'll see it through a less emotionally-charged view.


This exercise doesn't change the root of your emotions. But it changes how you act on your emotions. And that's really what it's all about to gaining self-control: learning how to not act on your emotions.

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I wouldnt worry about going to jail over that. Just say hey, I called him because we were trying to get back together... he deleted his myspace.... now hes blaming me.


Or, just take your medicine, and see where it goes... but I doubt you will get in much trouble over some phone calls.

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