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A height question

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Reading the other thread about shorter men got me thinking and I wanted to ask a question (but decided NOT to hijack the other users thread!)


So I am a fairly tall girl..a little under 5 foot 7. I love heels and tall boots (i guess you could say im in fashion) and have been told before by family members "why would someone as tall as you wear heels??" As if because im tall i must roam the earth in Keds forever!


Anyhow I have ventured into internet dating within the last few months and had several guys i talked to online or by phone comment on my height. One was 5 foot 6, the other 5 foot 8 and both (fairly seriously) commented "well i guess you cant wear heels with me" I dated a guy long term in the past who was 5 foot 5 and had no problem with my footwear.


So is this really what its come to? You have to not only coordinate your shoes to your purse but also your dates size?


Men, would it bother you if you were an inch taller then a girl you hit it off with and she showed up in heels and now youre 1 and 1/2 or 2 inches shorter?

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I'm 5'7 and I consider myself to be short and wear heels all the time... if my date happens to be on the shorter side, it wouldn't bother me and I would hope it wouldnt bother him either...


Yeah, I don't really think that 5'7 for a female is tall. Average maybe. Wear your heels, if the guy can't take it, tell him to take a hike.

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Oh hell no! I'm 6'0" and look, I addressed this in the other thread, but it's so funny how some people feel awkward around you when you are towering over them. In fact, I FEEL AWKWARD towering over people when they are already short, but only if THEY are avoiding me. I had one man (60 or so) look at me and smirk once when I wore tall shoes. I get the reaction that it's ridiculous to wear tall shoes, but... that's just because THEY have the hang-ups. If my date tells me not to wear heels, I get irritated and may accommodate their wishes initially, but in the end, I become quite the rebel, because heels are sexy and I'm not going to deprive myself of looking sleek because someone else is more comfy with my looking frumpy! WHATEVER is my attitude even though initially I'm accomodating. I wouldn't let it slide without comment and I look at it as THEIR PROBLEM, not mine. I have so much respect for people, especially short guys, when they go out of their way to show me my height is not an issue for them. They do this by turning their bodies directly to you, maintaining a high posture, and looking you straight in the eye. There are many subjective hints taht a dude has an issue with height, usually the darting of eyes, shirking away posture, or even avoidance. Anyway, we are all entitled to our preferences. I just prefer to be entitled to wear heels. Even though I don't dawn them often, I want to when I want to and that's that! My ex-husband was like three inches shorter than me at our wedding when I had 6" heels on. I was the star of my own wedding, just like I should have been, eh?

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Well see I never really considered myself really TALL either...but most of the females in my family are 5 foot 2 or 5 foot 3.


I guess for me the guy should notice first and foremost that i look nice and not care that im a couple inches taller. I mean im not discounting them because theyre 5 foot 6 so i thought it was kind of nasty for them to chastise me for my height.


My ex who was 5 foot 5 absolutely loved me in high heels...but once one of our mutural friends commented "you dont care how tall she is" and he said "nope shes ******* hot!"


But actually the average height for a female is the US at least is 5 foot 4.

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I'm 5' 2", so I'd love to have your problem


I think the main problem is that women are expected to dress to please others as opposed to themselves.


And if a man doesn't have the self-confidence to be seen out with a woman who is as tall or is taller than him, that's not your problem to fix.


(And on an odd aside, I wear flats lot, and people chastise me for not wearing heels more. You can't win!)


Caligirl - ICAWTC

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A couple inches not a problem - 6 inches and over and I would feel nervous - only because I'd be thinking that _they_ would be feeling strange about it.

I don't think someone should have to wear flats if they don't want to.

(I'm 5'8" which is kind of short for a guy according to some, however, I make up for it in other ways though)

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Well, here is my perspective, I'm 5'8" my STBX is 5'8". She wasn't a heel wearer at all. Most if not all the things that I would like to do, like drape my arm over her and snuggle her into my body, sleep with my arm draped over her cunalingus and a variety of sexual positions seemed problematic, uncomfortable if not impossible. I do find tall women incredibly attractive, but I can't get over my own hangups with how I fantasize what I can do with a woman. Size does matter to me, it is personal preference. But I have had short friends that were really into tall women. After spending almost a decade with my STBX, I am aware of the things that body size does and does not do for me. So yes I will discriminate based on body size. So I'm looking for a woman that is shorter than 5'6" and agent at 5'2" is quite attractive as well. If you are small and like to cuddle and snuggle then maybe you're "The One" but I would date a tall woman to explore personality features that I particularly enjoy. I figure that somewhere in life it will click and I will just "know" that she is the one. It has happened to several of my friends and I have faith that this magical process will happen to me as well. Note: I am not looking to date for at least 6 months or get into a serious relationship for 12 to 18 months.




I forgot to add in that I think hooker shoes aka heels are very enticing and sexy

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Ummmm...The guy I dated who was shorter then me banged like rabbits with no issues..and if we couldve been paid for cuddling we wouldve been millionaires..no problems there.


The guy i dated who was like 1 inch taller then me was probably the most compatible physically when it came to sex...it just seemed to flow.

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This begs a question.


What is the purpose of heels?


Well they create the illusion of a longer leg for one...when wearing formal attire such as skirts or dresses this is especially flattering.


Boots and heels tend to pull certain outfits together.


Whats the point of sportscenter..better question lol

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So BrokenHeart is what you are trying to say is that if the heights are equal that means problems. Don't get my wrong, I have issues. I'm anxious, premature ejaculation uncomfortable touching and being touched.


I'm working through those issues, but you don't really work on them outside of the context of a long term relationship which I am saying out of for quite some time.



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I think a lot of shorter guys have some hang-ups about their height, which is why they might be disappointed to be shorter than their date, especially if they are naturally taller. However, I don't think a guy with the right amount of self-confidence would care, unless you were completely towering over him.


I don't think 5'7 ish is that tall. I'm 5'5, I wear four inch heels when I go out, and I still don't tower over most guys.


Dako: Once I went on a date with a guy, and ended having to walk through some snow with 4-inch stiletto heels on. I made a comment about how not-so-bright an idea those shoes were, and my date said "It was worth it though". I guess for a lot of men and women, heels = sexy

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I tower over 80% of the popluation, it's all good.........because I will be the first one to say it - - it doesn't make a difference when you are both LAYING DOWN!!!!


Sorry, too forward?

That's what I always say to my friends, too...


When you're sitting there isn't much difference either (if you want a pg rated comment -- well unless you do those... sort of things... sitting...)

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