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Day 14


Hey I know the urge to want to call. I have missed him alot this weekend and of course want to call. I just know, right now, it will not do me any good or him. It has to be them that call you. People need space right after a break up and if I called, I would be going against saying I let him go. It would confirm what he believes and I am not one to give him the satisfaction.

Plus, I dont want to start at Day 1 again, I want to keep going.


Day 14!!!

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Im going to tell her i need to go NC soon... i want to keep the door open for her to contact me if she feels like we can work things out... i just hate doing this... i wish she could see sense :S


Ive tried being friends, but my feelings are way too strong for her... and im not sure how she feels right now... wether she feels the same or wether shes just not being true to herself.

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i am so in, hope this will help me get over her

i am planning to text her today to tell her i've moved on, or giving that kind of impression, and that she can contact me if she need me.

then i'll start this NC thing, i'll post again after that text message.

wish me luck

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^ LOL.


Good luck, Lexion, Crows, and everyone else!!!


Day 1 (again) is almost over now. He's gonna wonder where the hell I got to this time. Because we're apparently "friends" (yeah right) and I acted like I'm fine with that and that I was moving on. But now I'm gonna go NC out of the blue, so he's gonna be like "hhmmm, where did she go?" Which of course isn't the real reason I'm doing it, but it sure helps to think he's gonna wonder where his so-called friend got to. He already think I've gone on a date. Good. He took a look at his life, said he needed change, and I was part of the garbage I supose!


This time I better keep NC up...grr!

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i've decided to not send her that text




we broke up feb 18th, that day was the first day we met after 5 weeks, she's been out of town.

every day after breaking up i feel more and more in love with her

it felt like breathing but there's nothing there

day 1st of my break up, i found out there's someone else

then sudenlly there's a lot more reason to break up with me than her first reason

i felt shocked when she said that she already moved on, and there's someone else in her heart

she blame me for that, she said that i haven't paid much attention to her in the past year, so she fell for other guy

i blame myself for that

i begged for one last chance

but she said that, she know she should give me one last chance

but her heart don't want to give me that, and she can't lie to her heart


i really love her, i still can't accept that she choose a 1 year crush over our 5 year relationship, and still hoping that deep inside she still have feelings for me

after 1 week, i start looking for help from my friends

and all of them told me that i shouldn't blame myself, that she's the one who betray me by falling for someone else

but the more they tell story about their relationship

the more i think that she's the one, that i've ruined the best thing that ever happened to me


after 2 weeks i realized i really need a lot off help

so i started browsing about how to get your ex back, and found a lot of site that sells books

then i found this board

so, today is my first day


btw you're not limited to 1 post per day right?

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hehe, i thought so


i've been trying to spoil myself lately

getting more into my hobbies, model kit, and 3d modelling

taking a break from work

buying stuff that i want, shopping, hanging out with friends

at first, those things gave me some kind of satisfaction,

but now i realized i did all of those hobbies to show it off to her

now all of it felt empty, pointless

i guess they're right about "only fools fall in love"

i really live and breathe for her

even now, the thought of dating someone else, felt like i'm betraying myself

now i take joy from tearing our photos, and her love letters


"if i can have one lifetime wish,one wish that would come true, i wish for yesterday, and you"

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Started NC yesterday... On day 2 today...


Day 2

This morning I was feeling really crappy ... all I could do was think about her - I know its fresh and thats expected but it still is really really hard on you. My parents came by today and they've been unbelievable - they even bought me a new TV since my old roommates took our last one with them when they moved out last weekend. I've been at my parents place all day and am starting to feel a little better about the situation as I've had many people helping me out. Hope everyone out there is staying strong

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day 15


Well, I'm still hanging in there, but it is difficult to get her off my mind! I went to church this morning and it was up lifting..really helped! At times I get a strong feeling she will be back and other times I feel like there is now way...impossible! It's just my mind playing tricks on me I think. I wish she could tell me how much she misses me! I'm so down at times I wish I could call her. I know I won't because she kicked me out of her life and it isn't fair to me to be chasing anymore. I have learned a lot these past 2 months. If I had known I would've gone NC ASAP 2 months ago! Maybe things might've been different? Who knows? Oh well, just feel like getting this out. I can't get over the fact that after 4yrs we are no longer together. I am going to China on business for 2 weeks next week and i want to tell her I am going. She probably just say, have a a safe flight..ugh. well, hope everyone is doing better than I am.


Since I can't say it to her I'll say it here...I miss you immensly and can't stop thinking about you. I dream of the day that we are in eachothers arms again...if it is God's will. Take care babe.

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after going to churchm i ended up praying and praying for her to take me back

then i contact her and begged after 1 day not contacting her


btw this is before i join this challenge

just sharing i guess


break up is really hard

i always thought that i won't have to get through all of this

i thought that we are forever

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I am doing great people! I have had enough of the abusive relationship and how bad I was being treated...it's easy enough to stay NC...


I had to break contact last week with her to figure out how to get my things and money back...I sent her an email...given our history...trying to get my things back might get ugly...so i'm considering forgetting about the $400 she owes me...I don't think its worth going backwards and bringing more pain again to myself...after this long of NC...


I still miss the goodtimes with her...and it sucks because I still have to eventually see her (we run in the same circles) but I will remain strong and have self respect...I used to always be the one running back...i've had enough

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messenger! What a great day you had! I know it's hard to feel that with the feelings you are having - but you did an excellent job today accepting help from your family and staying with support.


Those who seek help and support from family members ALWAYS reach peace of mind sooner. It is often called "healthy transferance" in mental health terms. You take your co-dependancy (unhealthy fixation on ex) and transfer it to an already healthy and stable relationship (family or friends you already know and trust - people who do not exude unhealthy/abusive behaviors).


Some of us don't have that support due to bad relationship with family/friends or we are far away from them (due to school/work/living far away).


If you have a good relationship with friends/family but are far away - give them a ring or text/email. If you've already done this and they have told you "Call back as much as you want" or something to that effect, do so. Don't feel you can't call them because you might "bore" them or "annoy" them or they don't "understand". It's untrue and unfair to them and another way of staying stuck in the obsessive thinking that's causing you so much pain.


LilBear is our flag carrier - wow girl! Day 43 what an example you're setting!

It can be done everyone - pay close attention to this girls posts - her feelings and mindset are on the right track!

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Day 18


Today is Day 18. I have been doing a lot better than before NC. I still think about her a lot, but I do not get upset as much as I used to. I sleep a lot better, sometimes I lie in bed thinking and sometimes I end up crying myself to sleep, but definitely not as frequently as before NC. It's hard, since I feel like I should at least talk to her. I still love her and would like to get back together. But I know NC is the best thing for me right now.

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after going to churchm i ended up praying and praying for her to take me back

then i contact her and begged after 1 day not contacting her


btw this is before i join this challenge

just sharing i guess


break up is really hard

i always thought that i won't have to get through all of this

i thought that we are forever


Believe me, I feel for you.

My ex and I were together three years and we were first loves and I thought we'd be together forever as well. You'll feel better in time. *Hugs*

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I guess it will be Day 1 in 10 mins...


i hope this is the right step for myself and possibly for the relationship...


i also hope i did not hurt her too much in asking for it


I have so much to do in the next month with regards to university... but ive never gone through these stresful times without her support and hugs.. Going to be hard isnt it..

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DAy 2 today...


...but I went reading my ex's friends myspace comments(yes i know idiotic). One was from a month ago that said "life is good, good job, new man, can't get better!" Was doing fine before I read that crap lol.


That was a month though...and I know she's doing bad right now. Saying this just isn't her year, no time for herself, lots to think about, lots going on etc. Think she was playing her 'great life' up quite a bit though but still it's reading it. Jeez though, so stupid reading that crap.


Then I get that feeling inside to text her about it. But what does that do...PUSH her AWAY(I want to get her back still and come to me). So I won't Two months ago I would have texted and asked though.

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