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Aerozeppelin: what you are feeling right now is quite normal, when we get hurt, it seems the world is caving in around us.... I know I feel that way... it sucks the big one.... just know you will be ok.... I've been screwing up since I got dumped 4 months ago, and still am, (Just not as much) lol just remember though, you will really be ok?





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thanks, I hope so


I know there are people out there going through much worse in life (i.e. not having enough food to eat) and I don't want to be a brat complaining about miniscule matters. I don't know where I can get a thicker skin but I need one soon to get through everything in this time of transition.

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I am so very sorry, i couldnt help myself, after i found out (i dont know how true my source is, but they have no reason to lie) my ex has been dirty chatting and other things to girls, i felt so angry and hurt, especially because i did have suspicions, i couldnt help but send him an email telling him : My last words, you are one lousy cheating scummer* . i found out what you have been doing on msn. enjoy your girls you lying sack of sheep*.

* ihad to change it so i wouldnt be in trouble with enotalone thingy since we arent allowed to swear.

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Start me with day 1! I just ended it with the guy I had been off and on again with for 2 years! He cheated about a year ago, and things have been rocky since. I found out tonight he kissed another girl on new years, and that was enough for me! So here to new beginnings...this is going to be the hardest thing i have ever done, but im up for the challenge!:sad:

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Aero: It's funny how it works, we don't get a thinner skin, but I do believe we get tougher, my dad used to say what doesn't kill ya makes you stronger, I do believe that now too.... yikes.... how true ..


I think what you maybe need to do is come here, rant, get it out, and work on you.... like I've been doing, never said it would be easy, and sh*t it isn't, but its the only way to go, its gets better bit by bit..... there isn't any quick solution, you just have to take care of yourself....

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Okay, count me in. We broke up, uhm... 15 minutes okay. It was a two year relationship. Honestly, I feel a little relieved. Its been a struggle. Im ready to let go of the fantasy that he was the one for me. I expect he'll be trying to contact me. This might be tricky, but I need to do it. Ive gone back to him 1 to many times. Here we go!!!!!!!..............

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all he said about the break up, was ok I cant chase after you, i love u and i will miss u...just seemd so cold hearted! Part of me wishes he would text or call and make things right, but i know he wont, thats just him. NC to him is a breeze, but its going to be a struggle for me! I will make it though with your guys help!

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thats where im at sandyv.....but i guess my sucks because it just happened about 30 min ago! I hope things get better for u! Be strong, im here if you need me! I think the hardest things for me is he acted like he didn't care, like oh well...made it my fault, like i was just to controlling, that he was a big boy and could do whatever he wanted, just as I could! Well i dont have to deal with it anymore! Some one else can!

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Melis: They act like they don't care and they are cold... bc they feel guilty, they don't know what else to do.... I also *even though I broke up with ex 4 mths ago* have kept some contact.... so I need support as well.... I still love the idiot.... my mistake.... but basically it all comes down to the same thing... we loved them a little more than they loved us maybe...

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thats what i told him, and all he said was I guess. He says I know we could be together for a long time...ummm no, i said how can you say that while your kissing other girls. He said i never ask what your doing, you can do whatever you want...that makes me feel real great! I said well i cant lay here with you not knowing if you have done anything with someone else, he says well id never throw it in your face. I said great so I have to ask if Id ever want to know...No thanks! I said clearly you want to be single, so be it, see if the grass is greener on the other side! He just says ok....god why did I waste so much of my life on him!

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Mel: Don't beat yourself up over this stuff..... they always try to justify the mean things they do and say.... oh boy, yep thats the truth, mine did the same.... he said "If you love me, you wouldn't question things" so what the hell did that mean anyways, so I understand where your coming from..


Someday he's gonna regret it, I bet, you can't hurt someone like that, unless your a physco...?

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yeah i know, this is going to be tough, but hopefully I can stay strong like u! He has a way with words, you leave the conversation thinking its your fault. But it really isn't....I think he will regret this, but maybe he wont, maybe he will find someone who is really great, but hopefully i will to!

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Good thinkin girl: No I did alot of stupid things after we broke up, I dropped by to see him.... sometimes he was receptive, sometimes he was mean, and I quit doing it.... and then I kept running into him in the local bar, where he was kinda coming on to me...... and believe me Mel... with time, it gets easier to say "HIT IT"


Seriously, it does though

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Lets hope! Tonight Im hoping to just go to bed, and deal with things tomorrow....I will keep no contact! Because if I contact him im only saying its ok to cheat on me! I dont want that....he can be with whomever he wants now, I know one thing, like will be so less stressful!

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Thank you sandyv, you are very nice and i hope you too feel better. It's amazing how we all deserve better, it's so hard to see it ourselves even though we know it. i suppose once we love somone we want them to love us back the same way and to want to commit and show they care and it stinks that they can't.

good luck melis, you deserve better than to have someone kissing other girls behind your back.

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End of Day 2 of the Challenge


I had a rough day. Woke up in a funk. Got worse on and off during the day at work. Met a friend for dinner and that went great. I told him what had happened and never broke down. I am so proud of myself!


I am slowly beginning to understand that while she might be a great girl, she just might not be right for me (and I for her). I might even be able to be friends with her some day in the future.


Good night, ENA friends!

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End of Day Two, and a third, semi-sweet email from my ex tonight. Ultimately, he wants to know where my set of keys are, and what to do with a 1/2 can of paint.


I feel like I should respond this time, but I also feel like it's a trap. I don't want him thinking I still have the keys...but why wouldn't he check the hook?

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Day 12 of NC, day 5 of challenge.


I almost broke down and contacted the ex, so instead I called my mom. My mom is wonderful and I am SO so lucky to have parents who have been so understanding through this whole mess. I ended up pretty much just crying to her for 45 solid minutes, which is probably kind of pathetic, but it made me feel a ton better to just be able to get it out.


I really, really missed my ex a ton today, and I keep sitting here wondering if she misses me too. I know it shouldn't matter, because I need to get over her either way, but I still can't help but wonder if she's thinking about me, even if it's just a little. As odd as it may seem, sometimes I wish she and I didn't have so much in common, or that there had been bitter fights, or I had at least SOME excuse to convince myself I'm better off without her. She was admittedly cold and said a few downright cruel things toward the end, but she did nothing unforgivable, and 95% of the memories are wonderful. That does NOT make this easy.

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Ok I posted this on another thread but im so angry and upset


NC was broken today (by him) I foolishly answered the phone. Started off ok, he said his bit, i listened. When i was saying my bit, he blew up got really angry, hung up


now i am getting nasty emails, hurtful and I really dont see how it went from him saying 'i love you, want you back' to 'i hate your f****** guts'


I just did nothing to deserve that but explain how i felt, in a calm way. He has a tendency to not handle criticism well so i was always careful when upset to explain why, for fear of him blowing up and getting defensive.


Fat lot of good it did me tonight. Still blew up even with me nicely trying to put how bad i felt this week.



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