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30 days of NC for me as well. Everyday I think about her less and less. In many ways, I like the idea of freedom. I've been talking with alot of people, and I feel like I FINALLY got to the bottom of everything and why we BU. Everyday still has its difficulties, but I will get by ok.


Like Mustang, I wonder if she is thinking of me at all, and wonder if she is with someone else yet (based on past experiences, she probably is).


If we don't ever get together again, i'd rather never see her/speak with her again. It would just be easier that way.

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My ex blocked me on MSN and won't answer calls or texts anymore...even though last time we spoke before a few days of NC it had been a good convo...go figure


He clearly hates me.


So, I'm on my third day (pretty much enforced) NC.



IDK if he hates you. But he just wants some distance apparently. After BU, I've blocked girls that I've loved dearly, but just needed distance.

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IDK if he hates you. But he just wants some distance apparently. After BU, I've blocked girls that I've loved dearly, but just needed distance.


Yeah....I don't know. It's not really something within his character. Plus the last contact I had was to tell him that I wasn't pregnant (there had been a scare, however he never believed me!!) but rather had been diagnosed with something, he never responded, instead turned off his phone, blocked me and ignored my messages. So it really hurt that he blocked all contact with me after THAT. He clearly thinks I've lied about everything! Which is sick.

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I’m on day 31 or 33 or something like that. I feel okay, but I haven’t seen by ex for a long time. On the 12th of May I will not have seen my ex for four months because of her backpacking trip and her "not willing" to see me and have a clean break up. I think it’s rather strange, because we have spoken to one another like four times, three times related to the break up sinse 12th February. I do miss her and thinking about her everyday but still I’m mad because her unwillingness to have clean break up. I think I will contact her next week or something like that but I do not know, yet if I have the guts because she will be really f-ing cruel and short. According to Facebook, it seems more that she miss her friend that still are in Asia then me. That is f-ing terrible. Isn’t it. But I think that she will contact me like in a period of one month or something, when her friend is back in town!


But I do feel okay, I do feel that I have changed and I do think I can move on with my life when she give me my freaking cloths and stuff back!

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I have been no contact for two weeks already, but would like to start on this today.


April 30, 2008- Day 1 of Challenge.


I've been feeling so left behind and forgotten. It hurts to know that I'm progressing so much, doing exactly what he needed to see, but he isn't and won't be around to witness the changes.

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Wish mine would too......don't think there's much hope of that ever happening. Well my former GUY not girl. It sucks checking my phone and never seeing anything from him.I miss him so much


For the first few days, every time the phone rang or a text came in, I hoped it was from her, even though I wasn't going to take the call or respond. Just to know I was on her mind. Now, it would shock me. I think she's respecting my wish for NC to the best of her ability, and I'm sure she has things going on in her life, so it really doesn't bother me.


As I was typing this, a call came in from the fraud prevention unit for one of her credit cards. I took the call, thinking I'd get a live person so I could give them her cell number so they could contact her directly. It was an automated line, and it was going to ask me to verify some charges. I hung up before I heard what any of them are. Its really none of my business, and if they call again, I'll see if they have a contact number I can use to pass along her new information. If not, I hope she gave them alternate contact information, because I won't break NC just to let her know they called.

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And what a minger he is


Well you wouldn't tell me he's good looking would you?


Although, in a way it's been a bit worse seeing her with someone who just looks like a step down from me. It makes my self confidence low. I often think to myself "Jeeeez, I must be a really horrible/boring person if she'd rather be with him".

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For the first few days, every time the phone rang or a text came in, I hoped it was from her, even though I wasn't going to take the call or respond. Just to know I was on her mind. Now, it would shock me.


Eyes, it would shock me too, cos he isn't speaking to me and is mad at me lol!

Oh how times have changed


Only thing is, I don't have an urge to contact him anymore (well of course I'd like to hear from him, but I won't ....so what's the point in me further badgering him.......if I continued he'd probably change phone numbers, if he hasn't already!). I know there is no point because I've already done the damage, ya know? And I can't repair that, so I just have to get over my loss of dignity and his loss of respect for me and leave him to enjoy his life.

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Ok well its day 1 i suppose. Having a very bad today today, after LC for a week he sent quite a few texts yesterday and in his last one asked how my day was going, I answered and I have heard nothing since. I cant understand whats going on really.


Cant contact him thought unless he contacts me and if he hasnt contacted in a few days then I'm going to send a text asking for my things i think

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day 9 36 days to go


still feeling good even though she is always on my mind.


I went out to dinner with a female friend and the first thing she said was that she noticed I had been working out and that I looked "solid" that is so motivating for me.


I swear I need to go back to the gym...and I love it...lol. lost my motivation...I am going tomorrow!!!

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I swear I need to go back to the gym...and I love it...lol. lost my motivation...I am going tomorrow!!!


I lost mine for a while. I went last night and felt great, as I should have known I would. The endorphins and everything are wonderful for me. Plus, I had only put back 6 lbs of tax season/divorce stress! Hey, given that I lost over 75 lbs over the last 8 months, I can knock these 6 back off in a week or two.

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I lost mine for a while. I went last night and felt great, as I should have known I would. The endorphins and everything are wonderful for me. Plus, I had only put back 6 lbs of tax season/divorce stress! Hey, given that I lost over 75 lbs over the last 8 months, I can knock these 6 back off in a week or two.



Right...me...I lost 5 and I am looking kinda small(stress)...I am not liking this at all!!!

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Day 6,Not a word

Not sure what to do next


Get to day 7.


Here's something I heard when I was early in recovery. A woman said that someone told her in a meeting. "All you have to do is not gamble today." And she thought "Heck, I can do anything for 24 hours." And she just reminded herself of that every morning. Hearing that story was great for my recovery. I think it applies here, too. All you have to do is not call her today. If you tell yourself that every morning, it might be easier for you.


Just a thought.

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Get to day 7.


Here's something I heard when I was early in recovery. A woman said that someone told her in a meeting. "All you have to do is not gamble today." And she thought "Heck, I can do anything for 24 hours." And she just reminded herself of that every morning. Hearing that story was great for my recovery. I think it applies here, too. All you have to do is not call her today. If you tell yourself that every morning, it might be easier for you.


Just a thought.


I'm just trying to be friends and have her talk to me.

She responded to my text thursday so she didn't not want to avoid me.


I sent an email for her to call me


I'm wondering if I should send a text asking if she still wanted to be friends and if I could call her?

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Day 4. Well, not quite the end of the day for me, but I might as well write my post anyhow. I'm not going to be calling him or have the urge later on.


He was at my work today, he comes by about once a week with his mobile business. He talked to me twice... once to ask about my officemate, and then when I was walking to my car at the end of the day... his trailer was parked near my car, he came out and talked to me. We talked about a book I'd loaned him. Then we talked about a lot of other related subjects. But that was it... about a 10 minute conversation.


I'm very confused. Did I break NC? It was just like we've always been... no weirdness, nothing. I don't know if he's missing me, or just wanting to smooth things over, or what.

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I'm just trying to be friends and have her talk to me.

She responded to my text thursday so she didn't not want to avoid me.


I sent an email for her to call me


I'm wondering if I should send a text asking if she still wanted to be friends and if I could call her?


Man I like you and I want you to succeed so I am going to be harsh


stop being a pu**y. Dude, texting, emailing her to call you...? all of that * * * * is weak.


If you really want to be friends with her, or talk to her, then pick up the phone and call, say hi, tell her you were wondering what she was up to, or that you think it's rather dopey that you two aren't friends and ask her if she agrees.


now I don't really think you should call because if she was interested she would have responded to your email but if you do, it's not a big deal so don't make it into one.


best of luck, I mean that

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