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Everything posted by theredrocket

  1. Saturday will be part 2 day 1. First goal is to just make it a week.
  2. Kayla, very mature and thoughtful (to him and yourself) way to handle it. I agree that your NC streak continues!
  3. you are absolutely well within reason to not respond and you seem to have thought through this.
  4. Day 21 So I've made it three weeks. I am feeling more and more compelled to call her, I think I will tomorrow. I feel nervous
  5. Day 18 27 days to go I made it through the work week! The toughest one so far but the weekends are even harder and I am dreading this one. But I'm almost to 3 weeks! and that is motivating.
  6. day 17, 28 days to go well 28 days if I go all the way to 45. As of right now I am unsure. Right now contacting her seems like a monumental task which is silly. It's not, and it would only be a big deal if I believe that it is.
  7. day 16, 29 days to go I'm leaning towards calling her next week. Right now I am working on getting myself mentally prepared to not be phased by whatever happens with that. If I feel confident that I am there then I will, if not I will wait.
  8. day 15, 30 more to go well I'm resigned to making it at least 3 weeks before I decide anything. The pros of contacting her are that I've have fixed the issues in my life which I was not dealing with which where causing a lot of stress and frustration in our relationship. I feel like such a jack ass for not dealing with them sooner and they really only took two weeks of focus and effort to get done and it makes me sad to think that it took losing a relationship I valued to get me to do that. Contacting her, would allow me to show and tell her about this progress the cons are it might be too late, or it might not make a difference and I would be hurt.
  9. I talked to a female friend who this "she's seems comfortable with how things are, because if she's weren't she would have contacted you, she knows where you stand" seems like good advice ok I'll do this. two more weeks which will be 28 days and the I'll evaluate how I feel then
  10. day 14; 31 days to go Well I made it two weeks but I am strongly considering breaking no contact. I am going to give myself a week to think about it. I just want to get it over with and I'm not sure if another 3 weeks would make any sort of difference. I don't know, guess I'll see how I feel in a week
  11. Day 13; 32 more to go Almost 2 weeks I missed my ex a lot last night or I miss having a girlfriend. I'm not sure. But I don't have any real desire to break NC. I need to start meeting people but where?
  12. day 12 33 more to go the weekends are always harder and I miss her today. I got a lot of compliments last night about how much muscle I've added in the last 6 weeks which was nice. I think about what it would be like if I contacted her in a month and how if she is dating someone that will make me sad. We'll see how things are then but I'm having doubts now
  13. day 11 34 to go! I feel great today. I feel very confident and happy with myself. I feel attractive and capable of getting what I want!
  14. day 10; 35 days to go I am noticing that my confidence is starting to increase other than that nothing much. Feel good
  15. Man I like you and I want you to succeed so I am going to be harsh stop being a pu**y. Dude, texting, emailing her to call you...? all of that * * * * is weak. If you really want to be friends with her, or talk to her, then pick up the phone and call, say hi, tell her you were wondering what she was up to, or that you think it's rather dopey that you two aren't friends and ask her if she agrees. now I don't really think you should call because if she was interested she would have responded to your email but if you do, it's not a big deal so don't make it into one. best of luck, I mean that
  16. day 9 36 days to go still feeling good even though she is always on my mind. I went out to dinner with a female friend and the first thing she said was that she noticed I had been working out and that I looked "solid" that is so motivating for me.
  17. day 7 38 days to go really big day today. there were two huge issues in my life which I had neglected to deal with and which were causing a lot of stress and fighting in the relationship. I fixed both of them today with great results! I feel happy about this but also sad that I was such a dolt and potentially let things within my power to fix wreck a relationship that meant a lot to me. on the other hand I am thinking about extending the NC much further than 45 days. I had dinner with her roommate last night and she basically said I shouldn't until I have no more romantic feelings towards her, I got the feeling she was warning me that I should be prepared. I think I would rather not know. anyways I made it a week!
  18. day 6, 39 to go I've almost made it a week! The weekend has been much harder because I am not in my routine also the unknown is starting to get to me, what is she up to? does she think about me? does she miss me? etc
  19. day 5, 40 to go I still wake up and the first thing I check is to see if she emailed me during the night. we are now past the longest we have ever gone without contact since meeting
  20. ok so she checks her email every few days + it's the weekend. I wouldn't make any assumptions until monday at the earliest
  21. It may take a few days but odds are she will answer. However if you know that she checks her email regularly and responds timely and she does take a few days. I would probably not follow up.
  22. Buttercup, you are your own boss. What day do you want to start at?
  23. Day 4, 41 days to go Went out last night. Going out seems to make miss my ex more. I think it's seeing couples and seeing other girls and remembering how happy I was with her. For the first time I'm feeling fear. Fear that she has or will find some one else, fear that I will never be with her again, fear that she will move on. I've been visualizing when I contact her again. I see myself being ultra confident and happy with the person I am. I have dealt with the issues which were weighing heavily on me. The end of the day will be the longest we have gone without contact since meeting
  24. 42 days to go Went to the gym but had a terrible work out as I had 0 energy. Afterwards I went to a sportsbar to watch the laker game. The bartender was cute and I asked what her name was. It's nothing big I know but it's progress for me. I think my biggest weakness right now is a lack of self confidence. working out has helped but I need to get to the point where I have confidence enough to go talk to strangers, who are female and pretty I've been doing a lot of thinking on what I should do to work on myself during this time. There are two issues in my life which I am currently taking care of and I have done a great job working out but there needs to be more. I need to find happiness in myself.
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