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ah thats nice... he might want to start things again...but dont get ur hopes up for anything..i know about that too well by now. its hard..but think about yourself.

You sound like your doing well!


p.s. i deleted her off msn...big step!pheew


one thing at a time eh


I certainly will not get my hopes up. At least I'll try not to. If we do start things again it won't be for quite a while. We both have a lot to fix with ourselves. That fixing will be good whether or not we do get back together.


Good for you for deleting her. You're doing great Sam. Keep up the good work.

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talking about deleting, what about facebook/myspace?

is it necessary to delete her?


I'm so glad my ex doesn't have either one. That would have driven me insane.


I would advise deleting them. If in the future you feel ready to contact them, then you could always add them again.

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Day 19!!!


Boy it does not seem like that long of a time. When I look at it, nineteen days isnt alot. I keep moving forward, but he is always on my mind. Its not that I want him back, just realizing how stupid he is when it came to a few things. But you start to gain perspective when the person is no longer around and start to gain control back of yourself.


I just look forward to the day where none of this matters any more. I keep saying any day now I will wake up and this relationship will be filed away with the rest of my formers.


Day 19!!! Onward and upward!!

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I'm so glad my ex doesn't have either one. That would have driven me insane.


I would advise deleting them. If in the future you feel ready to contact them, then you could always add them again.

hey you know what, it felt lighter after i delete her

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Hmm i dont think i can do that..still feeling apprehensive about the Msn lol


It is a pain to see pictures and such of her on the home page at FB ..ive made some adjustments though so that i dont see her name straight away.


I try to avoid going on it too much..

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Yeah also ive had a lot of support from this girl thats been through a lot, and used to be my ex's best friend...


Anybody know of a way to block the image of what happened yday out of my head?

another guy having his arm around her on a couch..


hope it doesnt haunt me.

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lol thank you


ive been thinking about snowboarding alll day i want to go to NZ in the summer on a snowboroarding camp. it looks like great fun.


My friend gave me some inspiration today. Shes going to Canada, on her own aswell.. Id like to do the same..but not sure if i have the balls lol


On subject - i find myself apologising for her actions in my head shes been childish, hurtful and selfish on the phone... hanging up on me and literally just being plain mean when i was begging not to argue...

i know Acceptance is the key..but im not sure.. i dont want to hate her..

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Day 20


Today was a good day. I had feelings of hope that I am going to be alright and get through this break up that has made a huge impact on my life. It is Friday and have no plans and I am sitting down thinking about her. Fridays were our days. Weekend is here and it was all about us. Not anymore. It's weird how your life can change in an instant, blink of an eye. They are gone, no calls to say what are we doing tonight, I'll pick you up soon, wear your favorite shirt that I love on you, or I can't wait to see you it has been a long week. Boy do I miss that! I could be going out to hook up to forget but it would be the worst way to deal with this. I'm getting there it's just a matter of time.


The thing I think about and I shouldn't is her reaction why I didn't reply to her facebook message. Before I chased and replied in an instant. Now, nada (nothing)! Oh well, only time will tell. I'm going to China next week on business for a week so that should keep my mind occupied. I am not going to tell her but I'm sure she knows by now if she is looking in my facebook profile. It should be an interesting trip. I hope to come back better! Well, I hope everyone is dong well.


I know I can't call her or email, but I want to say it here... Baby, I have missed you so much and my love for you has reached higher heights! I hope we can laugh together and hold one another like before. Hope to see you soon. Love you!

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Day 1 again haha


I sent a simple reply after she initiated a text, which has been the first text she initiated in over a month. Weekend again...she will be on my mind even more so and thinking about what she's out doing. I have noticed since I started working out right away in the morning she isn't the first thing on my mind(well not all the time). It's normally something like "oh crap I have to get out of bed this early and exercise".


We'll see how things go and if my continual backing off is having any progress w/ her. Stick with it and have a fun weekend guys

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i need answer,please

can you call a 1 year crush, a rebound?


during the last year of our relationship, she fall for this guy,

that i think, she meet quite often, she never said anything to me,

then after her love for me is gone, she dumped me,

but she doesn't start a relationship with him right away

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alright... really going to try and let things happen as they happen instead of trying to predict/control the future. Tomorrow starts day 8... lets hope this next week is easier than the first!


It will be easier - if you let it I do know what it's like, and I'm not eveb in NC - I'm LC only replying when he initiates - and I know it's not easy. No person likes uncertainty, but handling it takes maturity. If you do it, you learn a valuable lesson and become more resiliant, now and in the future.


Do what I do - if you feel a sudden need to blurt something out to her, write it in an email and save it in your draft folder. Do not send it, under any circumstances! It really helps. You get it out of your system without doing any damage whatsoever.


I have lots planned for this weekend - nothing involving anyone but my son, me and my hobby. Prior to taking up something new, I would sit in front of the TV and brood, turning things over and over in my head. Now I have a distraction - I can be creative, let my imagination run free, and keep myself engrossed in the task at hand for hours.

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there are no guarantees that you will find the perfect girl - but there is a guarantee that you won't be alone forever. It's just the way the universe spins - it always draws people together. Especially if we stay social and exposed to the public.


That's an awesome thought! It just cheered me up a wee bit. Thanks!

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