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day 1


i feel alive right now

i think it's because i finally know her true color

i've just finished talking to my brother's girlfriend, she's 2 years older than me

and i think she's worth her salt, and she said some things that made me open my mind

and, i feel great after i vent out to her


anyway, goodluck everyone, i hope there's still hope for all of you

i know my door just opened very wide,

now, i've found one girl that's not the one

this will teach me to appreciate the right one when she comes

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Ah thats amazing advice lexion..ive never pictured it that way... any more advice shes told you, youd like to pass on?lol

i vented to another girl that went through a lot aswell..she helped me too


honeyspur- i know im probally just finding ways to try and move on..im concentrating on myself and really remembering the little things (i.e. getting excited to go snowboarding lol) i looked at the thread also, thanks

"...your life will bring more enriched and uplifting experiences. You must learn to be happy by yourself ....force you to revaluate what you value in a healthy relationship. Seek those values and don't settle."


good words.

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well, she told me to not think of my ex as the one who loved me

but instead, remember all of the pain my ex put me through when we are together, and how she decided to end things with me


and she said that i should look all of this from my ex's eye

try to think the way my ex is thinking

how she kept silent about liking another guy for a year

how she misused my trust for her

she's obviusly keeping me as her safety net


she also said that, if i got through this, there will be nothing in life that can bring me down, i'll definitely be a far stronger person, like her,

she(my brother's gf) had a pretty rough relationship with her ex, for 8 years

compared to that my 5.5 years is... well, not as bad


my brother, who kinda know a little or much about my relationship with my ex, and been having more relationship than me(shocking as he's younger).

said that he feel relieved that i broke up with her,

although i feel happy being with her, but actually she's sucking the live out of me(to put it in his words)


to be honest, i don't think our realtionship is that bad,

i do learn a lot from her, and i thank my ex sincerely for that

but hey, thinking bad about her is easier right now for me

at least it's better than remembering the good times we had together


i know it's kinda cruel and mean,

but i should think only for myself right now, right?




received you mail, thanks, going to try that soon

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hey, really? women love men who can cook?

wow, i am really excited about this


you know, now i am imagining when we are opening up, there'l be lots of girls coming to my meatball errr, place

it's gonna be great, i wish all of you can come, but i live very far away

it's 23.12 here

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hey, really? women love men who can cook?

wow, i am really excited about this


you know, now i am imagining when we are opening up, there'l be lots of girls coming to my meatball errr, place



LMAO!!!!! I hope all the girls come to your meatball lexion

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why do i feel as though i should email her..and tell her im sorry for everything etc..

shes been harsh and selfish to me post-breakup but i find myself justifying and apologising for her actions...


i dont like this barrier between us.. full of resenment and hate?


its a bad idea isnt it?

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Day 20! Feeling good today. I have realized the key to letting go for me is to not think about it and that is so hard. I have to keep myself constantly busy, because when I am not busy, that is when the thoughts of him set in.


Anything from watching a movie, spending time with friends or just reading a book. Being around people helps


Day 20....onward.

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Day 20! Feeling good today. I have realized the key to letting go for me is to not think about it and that is so hard. I have to keep myself constantly busy, because when I am not busy, that is when the thoughts of him set in.


Anything from watching a movie, spending time with friends or just reading a book. Being around people helps


Exactly! Being busy in the key. Sure, the thought of him still passes through my mind (and what a long, lonely journey it has but it's just that - a passing thought. If I stop and hold onto that thought, I allow it to grow and become all consuming. So I don't. I acknowledge it and let it go on it's merry way.


It's NOT easy - it takes practice! You're right though - doing ANYTHING but sitting thinking is the best way to get through it.

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Day 23.


I can't believe the days and how fast they are going now! i feel great about that whole situation! My attention continues to be turned to this new girl.


She cannot get over this guy that's been flakey to her forever. I told her I Have feelings for her and continue to do so.


She sends me signals that she is attracted to me possibly.


Last night she came over to watch a movie, we drank beer and watched american gangster. She cuddled close to me. I'm not being too aggressive with her becuase A- I dont know how she feels about me and B- I don't want to scare her if she has no feelings.


She put her head on my shoulder and fell asleep.. as well when she cuddles close to me her bare legs were basically on me, so I rested my hand there and kinda played with her socks and her leg (UGH PATHETIC I KNOW) BUT everyone on here knows just as well as I that it's an art form , to try and get in there for the first time. She didn't move for about 45 minutes... so she wasn't uncomfertable with it.. I hope..........

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ahh im finding this harder than the previous times..


i think its because last time we spoke we argued...and id usually always sort it out by talking to her...


glad i have this place to vent though.


is it easier to do NC when its agreed and respected? or after arguing?

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Day 21 (3weeks)


I never imagined this. I never knew it would come to this point! I always initiated NC and she has broken it every time. She broke it again this past Monday but I didn't give in. For once I ignored it. I wanted to reply so bad! WHy does she tell me to leave her alone, I just want to forget about you completely, don't call me...and then she emails, text me? These are setbacks for me because I get hopes and start over analyzing her messages. I feel better now that I ignored her for once. She probably doesn't careless because she probably thinks I hate her. She knows how I am and I would run after her...not any more sweetie you made me suffer enough, but I still love ya! It's a rainy day in beantown and these kind of days we would be wrapped up watching a movie. Felt so good! Anyway, I don't sound too excited about going to China because everytime I'd go away she would be holding me kissing me that she would miss me like crazy and all. She would cry about me leaving. I'm going though and when I look back to wave goodbye I'll be waving to gate security, not her I sound crazy!!! I just wish we were together again!


Well, I hope everyone is doing well and keep your head up as hard as it might seem.


Hi Honeyspur, thanks for your encouragement. I appreciate it! I'll keep in touch while I'm in China. Take care.

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So today marks a complete week with absolutely no contact from her or from me... i'm not sure how i feel about this. I guess i've still been wishing that she'd call me...


there's such a heavy burden on your chest while going through this its almost suffocating. need to get my mind off of her as i keep wondering what she's doing all the time.


Well, week 2 here i come - good luck to everyone else out there!

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day 2


i woke up and can't stop thinking about my ex and her new bf

i hope it won't be like this every day


well, i am still sleepy, i think i need another hour of sleeping(heheh)

it's sunday and the church starts at 8.30, so, *yawn*


i am going to a new church btw,

it's my close friend's and i hope this new environtment can help me forget about her

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End of Day 2


Had a generally boring day, non-productive and sad at most times...


but ive decided to try and take some action by copying and pasting some of the great advice ive found on here.. so whenever i feel really down i can read it all on one page!


Hope this is a step in the right direction...

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It's offically day 8 since I've contacted him, day 7 since he's contacted me.


My mum saw him in the pub tonight. He was alone and was complaining about his "friend", who he has fallen out with. My mum said he kept going on like an old lady. That made me laugh Apparently he was all alone, complaining about how this friend treats him, and then left not long after. Seems like his plans aren't working sooo well.


I don't wish him unhappiness But I'd be a liar if I said I don't smile a little bit, when I here things aren't so well on his end. I do get this little feeling he may be contacting me soon, after seeing my mum tonight. Probably to complain to me too...but maybe that's just hope, so I'm not banking on it...

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day 2


well i think reality is sinking in, very slowly

i feel realieved now,

i think i'm beginning to accept that she's not the one

and i found a very good quotes


"if you can love the wrong person this much, imagine how much you are going to love the right person"


thinking of this gives me hope

that someday, someone far better for me will come


and she's out there somewhere, waiting for me to heal

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